Tales of Thread-ia

How you feel about the popularity contest?
Did Mikleo's whole existence killed the franchise?

Fuck nintendo and fuck the fujo.

Magilou is a miracle of the Universe.

Goes to show just how out of touch Sup Forums is when it comes to Tales.

Mikleo's existence is the best thing about the franchise. Sorey is wonderful, too.

why is she so flat

I started playing Berseria and I'm having issues with strange slowdowns. The game runs fine most of the time, even at 2560x1440, 60fps and all other settings maxed, but at the most random times the game slows to a crawl. It can happen at any time. Even during cutscenes when nothing is really happening. What gives? I've seen a lot of people complaining about slowdowns, but not many solutions posted.

I don't really care about fujos winning fujo poll - did we get a new game announced or not?

No, there was a game released last year.

>Zestiria was bad meme

Tales hasn't done anything new with the franchise in ages.
When are they revamping the bad combat?

Zestiria was complete garbage with close to no redeeming features

Best waifu (male) deserves it

Plenty of dickings tonight to celebrate

flats are cuties

zestiria was bad. Only mainline release i refused to finish

Best vidya couple, by far.

Great arguments there fella's

It was pretty bad.
Not bad due to fujobait or anything. It's not even noticeable.
It's mostly bad because it feels wholly unfinished.

Had they gone the Xillia road, split the game in two with Rose being the MC that solves the issue through Rolance and Sorey through Hyland, and merging the storylines in a middlepoint with some extra world-building pitched in, THEN the game would have felt more sensible.

As you receive it, it's just... odd.
>Alisha temporary party member
>But not Sergei
>Also she gets to do stuff
>Anyways let's do... sidequests for the remainder of the game!
>No, no, not "sidequests."; """"""Earthern historia""""""
>... But yeah, sidequests

>surprised when gay characters are most popular in Japan

I thought it was a known fact that theres more fujo fans of the series than waifufags.
Especially now that Sorey and Mikleo exist.

Waifufags are delusional, what else is new?


Best and most comfy

>Nips weren't surprised about Meebo's win and said that it would have weird if he didn't win
>Sup Forums is shocked by it.

The graphics look putrid in this game

Why were people surprised? Tales is a fujo franchise.

Stop the presses, a ps3 game looks like ass

Nothing about Zestiria ever suggested that it would ever be like Xillia though.

Seriously why would a princess with no political backing travel to a hostile enemy nation during a time of war?

The series had nearly annual release schedule between 2007 and 2012

Who knows. There were people denying that YoI was gay too, up until the marriage proposal. Otaku are generally even more delusional and insane than the stereotypical fujo.

With all the mandatory Hero/Heroine?

Berseria is overrated. Zestiria is underrated. Neither are as good as Graces f.

Because Sup Forums deluded itself into thinking it wasn't.

Nobody says it was hinted.
It simply would have been a better way of doing it. As the game currently is, it's just a giant filler with 3 plot sections in-between, and the latest bits are rushed as all hell.

Seriously why was she introduced as a main character if she wasn't and it wasn't actually a plot point or twist? Seriously why we're her weapons present in stores after the point she leaves? Seriously why the entire story?

No one likes Graces for anything but combat and that's still overrating it considering how bad everything else is

I concede that Berseria is overrated but at this point Zestiria is neither overrated nor underrated, it's just there and the faster everyone moves on the better

Yes and that worked out well for it, just how many of those games ended up being shit?

Hell both Zestiria and Xillia suffered because Bamco had the bright idea to force them out the door in Zestiria's case when it wasn't even half finished just to meet that deadline.

>No one likes Graces for anything but combat

Like theres any other reason to play a Tales game, unless you just really love tired cliche anime tropes.

It's pretty easy to ignore Tales heroines most of the time, and a lot of fujo action bypasses them entirely.

But then that's just brings it back to a major problem.

>Seriously why would a princess with no political backing travel to a hostile enemy nation during a time of war?
Alisha herself doesn't make sense as a party member. Hell she barely makes sense as a guest member.

>lot of fujo action bypasses them entirely.
I just remembered the whole Jude/Alvin teasing thing, since Alvin having a crush on Jude is canon

>character if she wasn't and it wasn't actually a plot point or twist
Because it was meant to be a twist played on player expectations.

Some of the staff members insisted that she stay and so the head writer tried to accommodate it, but when they did they realized that didn't make sense for the character. But by the time they realized it they ran out of time.

That's the point; It'd solve that much.
>Sorey never goes to Rolance until the whole dragon spawning in the battlefield business
>THERE both his side and Rose's side join into a single party
>Both sides ally for the same goal, so both Alisha and Sergei have all the right in the world to remain around and be party members
>Remove the hurrdurr resonance not enough faux crap out of the squire pact


they aren't arguments they are just statements of fact

Jude is also a lot more likely to actually score with Alvin since Milla keeps returning to her home planet.



None of that makes any sense though.

>Sorey never goes to Rolance until the whole dragon spawning in the battlefield business
Why not, his business in Hyland is finished after Marlind, and it's not as though Sorey has any obligations to Hyland either that would force him to stay there, so why should he hold off on going to Rolance and doing his duty as shepherd to appease to Alisha? Especially since Hedalf is from Rolance.

>>THERE both his side and Rose's side join into a single party
But then if Rose is a character that isn't at all limited in where she can go, why not just cut out the middle man (Alisha) and keep Rose, that way Sorey can go wherever he wants and needs. For that matter why should Rose be limited in where she can go, when she actually doesn't have any obligation to either country?

>Both sides ally for the same goal, so both Alisha and Sergei have all the right in the world to remain around and be party members
And effectively have them ignore their duties own countries and not make sure that that peace treaty is going well, and instead follow around Sorey who doesn't even need them. The anime literally tried and it didn't work for the same reason.

>Remove the hurrdurr resonance not enough faux crap out of the squire pact
That's actually a part of the world building, and also plays into why Sorey has to go to sleep, and a part of the world building at large. Remove that and you remove one of the a portion of the epilogue.

None of your ideas work, in fact the anime tried it and showed just how stupid the idea is.


1. Mikleo (Tales of Zestiria)
2. Ludger Kresnik (Tales of Xillia 2)
3. Luke fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss)
4. Asbel Lhant (Tales of Graces)
5. Eizen (Tales of Berseria)
6. Sorey (Tales of Zestiria)
7. Velvet Crowe (Tales of Berseria)
8. Jude Mathis (Tales of Xillia/Xillia 2)
9. Zelos Wilder (Tales of Symphonia)
10.Judas (Tales of Destiny 2)
11.Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia)
12.Raven (Tales of Vesperia)
13.Jade Curtiss (Tales of the Abyss)
14.Emil Castagnier (Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World)
15.Flynn Scifo (Tales of Vesperia)
16.Guy Cecil (Tales of the Abyss)
17.Alisha Diphda (Tales of Zestiria)
18.Pascal (Tales of Graces)
19.Milla Maxwell (Tales of Xillia/Xillia 2)
20.Edna (Tales of Zestiria)
21.Laphicet (Tales of Berseria)
22.Rokurou Rangetsu (Tales of Berseria)
23.Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperia)
24.Kratos Aurion (Tales of Symphonia)
25.Spada Belforma (Tales of Innocence)
26.Magilou (Tales of Berseria)
27.Reid Hershel (Tales of Eternia)
28.Reala (Tales of Destiny 2)
29.Colette Brunel (Tales of Symphonia)
30.Alvin (Tales of Xillia/Xillia 2)

It's been long since I read it but in the Alvin chronicle said that year between xillia and xillia 2 they literally went to dates

The anime literally tried this and showed just how stupid the idea of Sorey bringing an entourage to fight Hedalf is.

Why make a thread there is no game announced... oh wait, you are fujoshit, you don't play fucking homosexual, you just fap your stupid hentai your piece of shit

>tfw no mikleo bf

>tfw no sorey bf to dress up for or make snacks for

>oh wait, you are fujoshit
I don't consider myself fujoshit since I do not fetichize homosexual relationships

>you just fap your stupid hentai
I fap to 3d

You know fujoshi are females, right, bud?

She is just too perfect. Would literally die for her smile

When are we going to keep playing the Velvet story?

Ufotable must be kicking themselves.

Is Berseria good?

Berubetto is a 10/10 ang MagirĂș a 10/10

What if I don't care about waifus?

Laphi is 10/10!

Is Yuri still banned from these rankings?

Am I the only one who expected the poll to end up this way? the Festival is full of female and fujoshits and Zesty merch sells like crack in Japan. How did you not see Mikleo or Sorey being top 3?

Same mediocre gameplay as Zesty, except without a single likable character. Don't let the waifushitters lie to you.

someone yesterday said something about vesperia R.
Was that bullshit?

I did, but Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general is filled with delusional shits, who echo one another, so they deluded themselves into thinking that their waifu would actually be in the top spot.

He and Leon are both still banned.

I was pleasantly surprised that Mikleo was #1. I expected him and Sorey to be somewhere in the top 10, but it's nice to see that the Nips have such good taste.

I don't think anyone expected anything else, it's just that people don't like it because Zestiria was godawful and fujoshits are the cancer of every fanbase.

Amazing. Vesperia and Destiny remasters when?

No that's /u/, they were so cancerous that they literally got kicked out of Sup Forums.

Never because Symphonia re-released sold terribly, and Baba isn't around to push for it.

waifushitters are the cancer of every fanbase*

Honestly, the top 3 are very solid.

I missed the festival, what did Nintendo do



>Asbel in the top 100

I'd rather have waifufags over a bunch of retarded landwhales seeing gay shit everywhere.

>what did Nintendo do
They stole the next Tales of game for the Switch


Has that been rumored?

I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if Bamco went Switch/PS4/PC. From what I heard their company has basically entirely moved to UE4.

Abyss > Xillia > Graces f

Might as well start Symphonia now.

t. insecure waifufag

It was already announced that they were going to make a Tales game for the Switch but it was never stated what game it was.