Hidden gems/indie/shill thread

What are some lesser-known games that you've been enjoying, Sup Forums? I played this earlier with a friend, pretty fun. You run a course against other opponents and try to get them out of bounds by going 2fast. My only complaint is that if you get too far ahead, it's difficult/impossible to see what's in front of you because the camera doesn't adjust, so you end up running into boxes.

Other urls found in this thread:


Speedrunners is pretty well known

I'd namedrop catacomb kids, it feels like a roguelite made by someone who actually has some respect for the genre. Most items have alternate uses, spells have utility outside of killing things, potions can be evaporated and mixed and boiled. At times it feels like there's infinite ways to fuck up an enemy

Might be cool.

kero blaster

every faggot knows about cave story, but not his better game

Ok, are you ready. here's the list. I should really make a pasta. Gonna post 5 games per post, so the thread doesn't die.

Assault Android Cactus
Polished, goofy twin stick shooter. Very fun, varied levels.

Tactical RPG that's hard as nails, has a decently fleshed out world, great atmosphere and exploration.

Dungeon of the Endless
Roguelite tower defense with heroes, comfy art and good music.

Armed With Wings: ReArmed
Sidescrolling hack and slash with a long legacy of great newgrounds releases.

Cool platformer with a striking artstyle.

Extremely underrated bossrush sidescroller bullethell with unique gameplay.

Anna's Quest
Point and click about a girl with telekinetic powers. Them feels when.

Action sidescroller with good combat, feels like something from the late aughts.

Rain Blood Chronicles: Mirage
2D chink DMC

Legit good walking and cartography simulator.

You're an animu girl wrecking stuff and other animu girls and it's fun.

Ghost 1.0
Sci-Fi metroidvania, it's pretty damn good.

Slain: Back from Hell
Metal sidescroller, pretty good combat.

Noitu Love 2: Devolution
2D beat'em'up with unique gameplay.

Intrusion 2
Sidescrolling shooter with physics based gameplay, it's fun.

Furi's pretty good. You play a mysterious swordsman who breaks out of prison and has to kill his way through a boss rush. I think it has a decent following on Sup Forums now, but it's a 3D bullet hell that also goes into action slasher. Relies exclusively on timing (dodging, parrying), so don't play it if your reflexes suck. Character designs by the Afro Samurai artist. It'll take about 10 hours to beat, usually on sale for $15. I think there are 11 bosses (with the DLC boss being the hardest), and has replayability because the Furier difficulty changes the bosses (the tutorial boss becomes one who will wreck your asshole if you're not expecting it).

Music by Carpenter Brut and co.


Was going to post the same thing. Preferred it to cave story as well, the non-battle ost is a lot better. Still wish he would make a similar game that wasn't so fucking floaty

Sidescrolling Deus Ex clone.

Deus Ex clone with a bad artstyle and horrid UI, great gameplay though.

Geometry Wars™ 3: Dimensions Evolved
You didn't think you wanted it, but you did.

Randal's Monday
Point and click about an asshole.

Valdis Story: Abyssal City
Great metroidvania, multiple playable characters with different playstyles.

Could I get an opinion on Deformers if anyone has it? Looks great, but I remember there being a ton of problems at launch as well as that massive price tag.

These threads are usually better when there's a Steam sale. There's a copy-pasta of cheap games that are at least decent.

short and free point n click game

So I'm looking for some good couch-multiplayer games. Any hidden gems?

Speedrunners is really fun and I only found it through the shared library of a friend.

kentucky road zero. I love the atmosphere in this game. Hope they´ll finally release the last episode soon

2064: Read Only Memories store.steampowered.com/app/330820/2064_Read_Only_Memories/

I really enjoyed, but for some people the politics might get in the way a little. I just saw that as a different perspective on the future to be honest.

Master Spy, pretty good platformer

Gang Beasts is really good, not sure if it could be considered a hidden gem. If you have that one friend who's really shit at video games, it'll help level the field a bit since it's really easy to get into. It's better the more players you have
Battleblock Theatre is two player, really enjoyable. I had the most fun with it playing the intense mode, but half of that was just exposing how buggy and inconsistent the game is, so don't go intense mode if you're looking for something more casual. Would seem pretty boring if you just go through it without trying for the best rankings, though. the announcer is also grating as fuck but you can turn him off

I'll list a few games my friend group plays
Amazing Frog was a good meme game with some fun out of bounds exploring
Duck Game is one of our go-to games. Ton of fucking fun
Viscera Cleanup Detail is what we play when we're bored and just want to do something while chatting
Salt and Sanctuary is fun to run through if it's just two of you. Tries a little too hard to be like Souls though in my opinion
Overcooked is a hectic multiplayer cooking game. We played it until the levels got so hard they stopped being fun

But if you have 5 or more people get some of the Jackbox games. The third one is my personal favorite

For me it's Factorio. I know: sold a million copies recently, but god-dammit the game is still not recognized and appreciated enough yet.

A really fucking weird horror little horror game by Icepick Lodge. May not be quite on the level of Pathologic and The Void, but god-damn it's still good, and it messes with your head bad.

Honorable mentions should go to Brigador and House of the Dying Sun - two really damn good games mired only by very short campaigns and anemic feature-list. They are great at core though.

Adding onto this, forgot to include a few

Ultimate Chicken Horse is a blast if you have friends who like platformers
Helldivers is good too. Seems like a game you'd either love or hate though
Also if you have a beefy fucking machine get EDF 4.1 and play some of that 2player splitscreen. Probably the most fun I've had with video games

Yeah, I played this for a bit about a year ago. The first act had amazing atmosphere (I'm a MASSIVE sucker for magical realism as a genre), the visual direction and music was spot on: but the first act really damn dissapointed me. It was "wow, it's starting to get ama- oh. It ended? Two hours in?!".

I hope the later episodes are longer and have a little more payoff. For now, I'm postponing playing it until it's completed.

If you are interested in this kind of aesthetics, as far as games are concerned, you owe yourself to try some of the IPL games.

IPL games?

>Gang Beasts

I had no idea Double Fine was involved in that.

If you haven't played Botanicula or Machinarium, buy them right now, especially if you're a comfyfag. Everything about them is perfect to me, the music, the characters, the atmosphere. definitely my favourite games.
a bunch of the puzzles in machinarium were torture though, fuck that last one

Ice-pick Lodge. The guys behind Pathologic, The Void, Knock-Knock, and that one game we don't talk about.
It's a Russian art game developer studio, one of the few who actually make art in forms of videogames, not "art-games".

Their work is cumbersome, unpolished and very inaccessible, but pretty amazing if you have the patience for it. Each game is more-or-less a love letter to a art genre or movement: Pathologic is magical realism (same genre as Kentucky Road Zero, inspired by similar authors, though set in a different type of settings and period), The Void is a tribute to surrealism, Knock-Knock is I guess inspired by Decadent Art and CARGO (their only bad game) pays tributes to Naive Art.

They are clever, and their games are not just "interactive displays" either. In fact, they can be pretty hard and reasonably complex. They are not fun though. Not at all.

Wow, had no idea. It completely flew under the radar for a lot of people, probably why. I'm still confused as to why they would make an amazing party game and then only make it local play, what a missed opportunity

thanks user


Looks fun, I'll try it later.

>Intrusion 2
My nigga. Fucking loved that game

I'll never stop shilling Nimbus in these threads. Got it in some Indieroyale bundle IIRC, one of the first bundles they did


Axiom Verge

One of the best modern Metroidvania-style games with great mechanics

crosscode is pretty rad

Forgotten Lore is the literal hearthstone killer. Cards are steam inventory items and there's basically no RNG involved, it's great. Too bad basically no one plays.

Critter Crunch is fun for two players and runs really well if you have a toaster laptop. Has co-op and vs mode

Pretty comfy game I like to play occasionally to relax

No one has mentioned the sexy brutale yet?

I try this game few month ago and I was surprised by everything : the art, the charadesign, the story ...
Just play this game ! the athmosphere and everything is so particular..
They are few little problem on the level design but the story, the art is perfect

Super Cyborg. It's total Super C ripoff and it's great. Best run and gun in half a decade, not that it's saying much.


Ittle Dew 2

Essentially a 2D Zelda clone with equal focus on exploration, puzzle solving and combat. The progression is fairly open and you can take on almost any dungeon in any order, and the writing and characters are cute and quirky (but don't expect some grand story).

It's fully in 3D but has a nice cel-shader with wobbly contour lines that makes it look like early 00s flash games. If the $20 price tag feels steep I'd suggest getting it on sale for $10.

>Portal Knights
It's like Minecraft for rpg/lite action/Dungeon crawler players. Nothing super indepth gameplay wise but it has a charming art style and soundtrack. Also, combat, while simple, is miles better than minecraft's. Dare is say it is comfy at times.

Rivals of Aether is top notch, dawgies.

Rain World. It probably deserved to be shat on by most reviewers because the creators made some terrible gameplay decisions to create tension but it's a unique and awesome looking game.

Soundtrack is killer too, but you hardly ever hear the music in game because the creators were fucking retards.

Environmental Station Alpha, it's a pretty unknown metroid type game. Probably one of if not the best in recent years


Love these threads, I usually add everything to my wishlist.

Not sure I like the artstyle but I could look past it. How are the dungeons? Puzzles? Also if it's 2 what about 1?

>someone else has played armed with wings
Fuck those games are so well done, even if they aren't the most deep gameplay wise

Balrum is a cool little game. A CRPG with survival/farming mechanics and has a pretty huge world map and crafting system. Generally everything is done very well, but translations can be poor and I personally grew bored quickly becuase of how long it could sometimes take traversing from place to place and some of the systems seem a bit backwards for the sake of keeping to the classic aesthetic which is difficult to get used to when spoiled with more functional UI's.

I'd like to play it, but I'm afraid of the gameplay becoming stale over time. How long is it in total?

I see people talking about it all the time, and I even bought it and played it, but the comedic aspect and character design were offputting after a while. If it's on sale for $1 though it's worth it

That Slain game looks pretty cool.

It's got servers now, friend. Floppy floppy headbutt your friends in the dick to your heart's content

Once you learn and understand its mechanics it becomes extremely addicting. If you're the kind of weirdo like me who loves optimizing things you'll like it.

Lethal league my dude