Name a bigger disappointment

Name a bigger disappointment

Name one ps4 "game" with a higher metacritic sonyCuck


>caring about megacucktic


he said higher

When metacritic scores are the main source that Nintendo fans have to judge the quality of a game, you realize how pathetic they really are.


that's not higher


Persona5 isn't a game you fucking maroon. It's a shitty visual novel with RPG elements. It's like what Fire Emblem turned into. Weebs have to ruin everything.

>is not okey when nintendo does it!

Most games?

The one your parents feel.

That you weren't aborted.

hang in there op, please dont kill yourself

Not him but that's all sonybros were doing to shit on ms. There's also the Zelda 88 thing


Friday the 13th

Literally doesn't work

most overrated nintendo game by the industry. once the luster of openworld wears off you realize its auto-save trash with warping fuckery, which eliminates the point of exploration. big fucking open field with unsatisfying combat and puzzles, cheap one-off ohkos that act as "difficulty", and collect-a-thon chores. Why am I doing a fetch quest already for a paraglider when the world is in danger? Pah!

Breaking News!

Sup Forums is STILL butthurt about Breath of the Wild. Experts believe they will be butthurt until the end of time. More at 11.

Your birth and early adulthood

GOTY nigger

People complain about ohko's but they don't actually exist. The game has a proven protection against it. If your HP is full, the only thing that can kill you in one go is yourself, i.e. falling, or bombing, etc.

There is that one Yiga enemy that has an attack that kills you outright, bypassing even fairies and Mipha's Grace. Then again, you'd have to be either careless or swamped with other enemies to get hit with it.

ohkos aren't much a concern. you can get btfo by the laser guardian or rock guardian. you can get ohko'd by archers shooting a stasis rock. you can get get ohko'd possibly by enemies suiciding on you with explosive barrels. what is a concern is that nintendo still hasn't learned that the easy ass combat from Wind Waker and on sucks ass.Overratedgameoftheyear (OGOTY). Mario and Splatoon will easily top it.


Fable 2.

>Name a bigger disappointment
A massive swath of games.

Zelda hasn't had hard combat since the NES, what are you even talking about?


Name a better fucking game OP I dare you I double dare you and it better not be some niche piece of shit that only Sup Forums talks about.

That was easy.

horizon zero dawn

Nobody said Spore yet? What are you people, underage?

Your life

Ask your parents.

Duke Nukem, the Ouya.

What if I really liked Spore though?


pretty much every game in some aspect.
botw is nearly flawless :)

There is something wrong with you.


its a sneak mission. they kill you in one hit because you get detected and you fail. git gut

He said higher, not lower.

that doesn't mean it has to be braindead. botw is practically pointless as a game. auto-save is straight garbage. who thought having hyrule field with shitty enemies you will avoid all the time with unrewarding item gatherng would be fun just b/c traversal is topnotch? i get ice, fire, bomb arrows for mindlessly killing 4 doltish trolls in groups whereas the other zelda that was accomplished through exertion of your prefrontal cortex for puzzles or skill in combat. it all makes sense since all the moron critics panned f-zero gx, god hand and prime 2 for being hard.

thankfully, botw is not movie-tier casual garbage that is borizon dawn with its shitastic stealth, clumsy robo attacks, and laughable human ai. sony fans don't have brains to critique their games, which explains why they think Wipeout is more influential than F-Zero.

>Prime 2
>F-Zero GX


Fallout 4, For Honor, and Halo 4-5 were pretty disappointing. I'd say Halo 2's campaign was pretty disappointing too, but that's what happens when you have to scrap and restart making the campaign half way through development.

Name 1 NIntendo franchise with as many GoTYs as Last of Us

Wait until later this year and you'll get your answer ;)

This thread.

Zelda will get it now that RDR2 is delayed. Though some faggots will probably give some to Overwatch

How is that game dissapointing when everyone knew it was going to be shit?

The game's existence/announcement is disappointing.
Although I guess this would be more accurate example.

Switch stocking