Fuck this bitch and her hacking abilities!

Fuck this bitch and her hacking abilities!
Especially in 1v1 matches

Git gud. If you need to rely on abilities to get kills you're a shitter.

t. tank main

Literally the worst character in 1v1s

t. genji main

>complaining about sombra
I think the problem is you

it's so weird how people on completely anonymous websites make comments like this to sound hardcore. lol like who are you trying to impress?


Who fucking cares


"Hey you know what would be great in this game clearly balanced for team play? 1v1"

Nobody cares about you 1v1 shitters

>no health packs in 1v1
>characters strongest ability is turning off healthpacks for enemies/drastically lowering the cd of healthpacks for herself

Yeah, if you pick sombra in 1v1 you're retarded and deserve to lose. If you lose to sombra in 1v1 you're a fucking brain dead shitter.


>worth complaining about

>Most worthless character ever!
>Fuck her, she's OP.

Which is it, Sup Forums?

Why are you so bad at video games?

I would love to fuck that bitch user

if you lose to a sombra 1v1 as anything but a sombra, mercy, etc. weakling, you're just bad at the game or your opponent is a poor, poor sombra main.

she actually sucks in 1v1 you bronze shitter

Diamonds and above know she's shit

Plats and below think she's god tier.

It's the same issue as in League, Master Yi and Teemo hardly see play in Diamond/Challenger, but in Bronze those heroes have ridiculously high pick and win rates.

>Play Sombra
>Point my gun at the enemy
>Every bullet goes around the outer edge of the ring, need to be nearly melee range to actually get the bullets to connect
>Enemy Sombra has every single bullet go right down the center of the screen at all times

Fuck spread in every game.

>fuck this bitch
don't mind if I do

You should post more

>The hair

ay dios mio senor

fun fact: her cybernetic augment is symmetrical, she just drapes her hair to the right



sombra is fun and with proper coordination can be devastating. it's not uncommon to see her in top 500 games as more and more people learn how to utilize her properly. she's a tough hero to play well.

I think she'd be good if she got like a 30% damage increase on hacked enemies



I think she's sometimes fun to play and I've wiped the floor with her in 3's occasionally
But I'm at the rank where if I see a sombra/hanzo/genji/widow on my team, they're throwing

I misused the idiom "wiped the floor with"

I want to drink with Sombra

It's the coordination thing. And she's only good on maps where she can starve the enemy of health packs and when you can keep healers sufficiently dead. She's all around beaten in flanking by every other flanker, lacks the range to do much more than flanking, and is basically used to keep health packs on lock and hack shields down.

It's far easier to carry "solo queue" with someone else. She's not useless, just not good.