Anyone remembers this gem?

Anyone remembers this gem?

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I remember it! Do you remember it?

That music

I bought that shit on steam again recently

Quit making me feel old, user

loved it. I actually pirated the full version when i was younger. good introduction to the world of cancerous clickbait games

Holy shit, I forgot about that until now!

Fuck ya I do. Where the fuck is my mobile version? It would be so easy!

yet another great one lost to the hellpit of EA

RIP Popcap

Yeah it was great VIDEO GAME unlike the cinematic trash we see nowadays.

I always liked the graphics for the trial version better than the 3D deluxe graphics.

Popcap was my go to site when I got free time in computer class. That and soda constructor

best popcap game

My goldfish just died a few hours ago :(

you fucker

Preggo was a fucking slut

>Retarded ass fish slowly drift towards the alien in the corner that I'm pinning down.
>Psycho Squid carves through half of my fish
Yeah, I recently pirated and replayed it, it's pretty fun although I remember it being less brainless when I was younger. Still charming though.

lure them away with food

This was the tightest shit.

Lol, Fuck that game, always stuck on the pyramid level

Unfortunately I can't always do that, since the fish needs to be hungry first. I also can't do if after the alien comes since my laser replaces food. And then there's harder stuff to feed like carnivores and guppycrunchers who are even harder to lure away.