Why do you still play video games?

why do you still play video games?

Man, some people sure spend a lot of time bashing video games. I don't get it.

Didn't this exact artist make like 3 different piece about games being the elevated medium and the best value for money?
I wonder what changed his mind.

Remember when Cracked wrote about titties? Really shows how extreme leftism ruins a place.

Anyway, isn't that pic made by the same guy that made that "games afe better than everything else" comic? Can they make up their mind?

Passive fun. It is ok goy.
>literature, music
See above.

>video games
No goy, you arent allowed to spend so little $€¥£ to have so much fun! It would kill movies, music and literature!

Why dont you go watch TV?

this was drawn by the same guys that touts dark souls as the pinnacle of narrative experience so take it with a grain of salt

>reading books is a respectable hobby, passive, no interaction
>playing games is not, even though they can tell stories just like books, except being interactive
why live

>If you think E.T for the Atari is any different than Overwatch, you're [wrong]
I'm sure this is a very nuanced and thoughtful piece.

Games can be a very artful medium right up there with film. There's nothing inherent to games that makes them unable to be so. This guy is grossly oversimplifying shit for the sake of a non-argument. Maybe the video game industry is in a rut, maybe the people running the show do only really make the same thing over and over again, and maybe there's a serious problem with the industry. Okay, cool. We know that. Same with film. Same with music, honestly. The majority of shit that comes out is just that: Shit. I've heard plenty of awful music and seen plenty of awful movies, but those aren't indicative of the whole medium. Hell, it doesn't even seem like he's railing against video games themselves aside from the shitty picture. He's mad at the industry. But then there's two arguments; one is that video games are shit and immature, and the other is that the industry itself doesn't want to grow the medium.

Basically, this is fucking shitty clickbait.

>reading Cracked
>reading trashy clickbait, period


Books > video games > music > movies
This is indisputable

switch music and movies.

this person's ""opinions"" are garbage
also they've made a very lazy infographic

Does the artist just refuse to acknowledge the existence of story-driven games? Seriously, turn Deus Ex or killer7 into movies and they'd hold up just fine.

This is complete fucking bait.

>You can only shoot a guy in the face in so many times and places
>As if all fucking games are shooters
I'm literally playing Street Fighter 5 right now, an insanely popular NON-SHOOTER. I think he's joking because he says ET for the 2600 is the same as Overwatch

how is it not? All video games are the same shit.

This is bait, but I'll hear it out. Explain your reasoning.

You do the boring objectives, move your character around, you kill the stupid bad guys.
How about you grow up and stop playing things that are made for kids.

Something something gamergate drumpf Hitler Putin

Cracked has been garbage for many years now. Glad I stopped reading their garbage.

And every book is just the hero's journey, something about some woman "finding herself", or self help shilling

Your argument doesn't make sense. You're on Sup Forums - Videogames, a niche anonymous image board for videogames. What you describe in your bait post is:
>You do the boring objectives, move your character around, you kill the stupid bad guys.
But you're describing single player games. In Street Fighter 5 you fight against other players. I can simplify down any of those mediums and make them sound stupid too.
>You read the boring words, turn the page around and finish the stupid book.
>You watch the boring movie, watch the characters move around and think about the stupid plot.
>You listen to the boring music, hear the lyrics or no lyrics if there isn't any... that's it, that's literally it.

>And every book is just the hero's journey
How about you read a real book instead of playing those shitty "deep" video games

Why don't they try to appeal to their audience anymore? Weren't the only people who read Cracked like 14 to 20 somethings for articles like, "DUDE LOOK AT THIS HOT CHICK," or, "DUDE THIS VIDEOGAME ROCKS", but now all their articles are just attacking their old audience who isn't there anymore

It's almost as if he's being sarcastic, you fucking autist

The current trend is to blame video games for sexism, get with the times, grandpa.

For the same reason that comic books shit on and attack the audience of comic books, or that video game news sites attack the audience of video games.

It's not about making money, it's about subversion.

If he was actually funny, I would have thought it was funny.

>the majority of film and music not being shit

good meme

funny chart
I aged out of music when I was 20 but I still play video games

Well considering you probably find video game "humor" funny I doubt you know what real humor is.

This the same artist that drew a comic implying the book Heart Of Darkness is inferior to the video game Spec Ops: The Line. Thus he is an unprincipled, untrustworthy faggot.

And as long as video games' audience keep taking it on the ass, it is never going to change, Gamers are the biggest betas in the industry.
At least comics are starting to get their shit together, as seen with Marvel's recently lowered sales.

The Simpsons objectively and undebatable went to this after a certain point in time that is easy to pinpoint.
You cannot debate this.
