FFXIV shillblood

How to fix healers:

>remove potency boosts from sects, instead give noct benefic a 5% damage boost and diurnal a 5% attack speed boost
>nerf earthly star potencies to something reasonable like 300/600 healing potency, also make sects affect it (add shield from potencies if noct and potent regens if diurnal), increase its CD to 90s
>fucking nerf the shields lile holy fuck, noct benefic to 130%, noct helios should be exactly like succor 150/150
>buff diurnal helios to 50 potency regen

>make lilies and confessions proc of you CASTING (not tics) regen, aero, medica 2, medica, stone, cure and cure 2, keep rate at 20%
>add some sort of proc trait that guarantees you one lily

>keep Embrace at 300, otherwise its fine as is since its healing is far weaker than the other two still
>make Fey wind to 5% so its exactly like aoe arrow.

There, AST has deployment tactics WITHOUT it being fucking broken, and can DPS in nocturnal. Instant cast shield comparable to adloquim is already a good trade off to not having crit bonus.

WHM can actually get lily stacks now without feeling bad about its lack of utility since noct AST doesn't have those ridiculous shields.

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get deleted.

stop making these threads retard

Imagine being so autistic to keep making thread on Sup Forums instead of going to /vg/ like you should.
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AST is in a good spot right now desu

I think healers should get slightly stronger DPS moves to encourage shitters to do it

To overpowered.



Based Soken

>can't talk about video games
>80% of the board is Sup Forums starting shit and waifu garbage
New mods when