Jesus Christ Capcom. I understand you have a dissapointing roster to reveal at E3 but come on...

Jesus Christ Capcom. I understand you have a dissapointing roster to reveal at E3 but come on, you're better off not saying anything.

Other urls found in this thread:

>We will never get reveal trailers as HYPE as MvC3 again

the roster is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad

like holy shit

i might as well cancel my preorder and I had the collectors edition

Man this is a monkey's paw.
>Get my most wanted character, Megaman X
>All the characters I liked in UMVC3, gone, No Joe, No Deadpool, no Tron, No Iron Fist, No Zero, only Dante is left.
>None of my MVC2 returns, Jin, Cap commando, or Venom
>No other newcomers to be hype for like Gene or Black Panther

Black Panther is in.
In February 2018, just in time for the movie.

I can't believe we trusted capcom again.

>If you missed it

It's not an announcement.

This looks so amateur.

It really does look awful. The intro for MvC3 had more effort.

the voice acting is shit