So why exactly does Sup Forums hate MGSV so much?

So why exactly does Sup Forums hate MGSV so much?

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Wasn't what was advertised

MGS games are fucking garbage.

So is Vivian and her faGGots.

Huh? What are you talking about? It was advertised as an open world MGS game. We got exactly that.


>Faggot can't even spell Metal right
You had one fucking job you piece of shit nigger

To this day I have no idea what gaymerdoor was about but I really like Vivian.

Where do I fall?

Maybe because mgs1 on PSX was superior? I don't understand why we needed more games. Series should have wrapped it up with snake eater


So this is the game GG funded?

dumb underage poster


No, it's a set that someone commissioned some porn artist to do

Vivian is still a thing?

You can't just cut your post after saying that.

find a summary on youtube and make up your own mind.
I'm a sucker for rednecks so I can't say no to vivian.

all he did was make low res/image sizes of the commission and he spams them here constantly in order to make fags thirsty for sauce so he can get a lot of replies in his thread. the only people who have the full res images are the artist and him.

it's not rocket science

The only people who complain about GG are those too stupid to understand what it is, and those who think GG endorsed the legitimate harassment going on at the time.
Look into what GG really was before hopping on the hate bandwagon tumblr crafted.

redheads not rednecks fuck

I liked it, but I didn't follow the hype or read anything about it prior to playing, so I didn't know what was promised or have any expectations.
Thats why in general I try not to read too much about games I'm excited about

that's what you get for phoneposting you faggot

It's just sonyfags being bitter cunts because it wasn't exclusive. It's easily the best game in the franchise.

Right, THIS is what GG was.

Think before you h8, masterb8ers

>This is going to be the tale about how Big Boss was slowly broken down into the hated villain that he would later be known as. You will see how his organization of well-meaning guns for hire would be twisted into a totalitarian dictatorship and terrorist state. Players will see how even the best ideals can be turned into the most horrible of outcomes, how even the best men become monsters under the right conditions. It will be the final chapter of the Metal Gear saga, finally bridging the gap between the tales of Big Boss and Solid Snake.

>Lol this game isn't even about Big Boss.


I'm sleep deprived it's different.

>the fine young capitalists
great stuff

Every Metal Gear was supposed to be the final game until after MGS4 when Kojima just gave up and accepted that wouldn't end within his lifetime.

Because it's the biggest god damned tease I've ever played. It has all these awesome mechanics that finally perfected the feeling of infiltrating a base with the odds against you but then they do fucking nothing with it but throw you on two big empty maps with a few outposts. There's like one actual decently sized base and aside from the oil plant mission hardly anything felt like I was a mercenary sneaking where I don't belong and fucking shit up before I make a hasty escape without getting caught.

GG spiraled out of control way too fast to draw a line in the sand between the extremists and the rest.

The Five Guys shit was the straw that broke the camel's back, not the central focus.

Fuck you for reminding me of that abomination, Vivian

I just find MGS to be a pretty shitty franchise in general.

yeah it quickly became a lost cause for how tainted it was

not it didn't, the media was too busy covering it's own asses and manufacturing outrage about the people trying to expose for the crooks they are.

>The only people who complain about GG are those too stupid to understand what it is,
Or they already knew gaming journalism was a complete joke for years and didn't bother paying attention to it because of that. Seriously why the fuck would anyone care what review sites claim after Jeff got fired from Gamespot because he gave Kane and Lynch a 6/10 after Eidos gave them tons of money to market it?

Yeah I remember it being about massive corruption in video game journalism and then suddenly it was about harassing women. There are still GG threads on that-chan-that-I'm-not-sure-is-still-an-auto-ban-due-to-moot's-butthurt, but I have no idea what they're even for anymore. I took a peek at one and their number 1 priority was to email Atlus and tell them than Persona 5's localization was fine.

So people didn't tell some nobody game developer to kill herself because she's not a virgin, dox her, and post nudes of her online?

>all those literal whos

Forced meme.

Yep, just like she didn't fuck five guys, use her connections to get her game highly reviewed, and constantly antagonize anyone who showed any criticism towards her.

TPP is unfinished trash that retards try to justify with "le ebin ruse". GZ is great, though.

Double had a wierd obsession about being better than half while being just as shit if not more. They dont realize this shitpile may be a shitpile but its home, instead they try to be much better than what chan with ever be and distance themselves from 4 because of minor shit that happened long ago and doesnt even afect posting nowadays.

Double is just a snobier 4 with no dirrection or real future desu.

Related to GG only by circumstance.
If you think GG was just a giant witch hunt of Zoe Quinn then you're mentally ill.

>brote filing a dmca against peeved pedro

i hope he goes through with it again this year.

Yes it did. People ran rampant, everyone did their own thing under the same motto so the entire movement suffered by the actions of individuals. No voices rose up and the few that did were comprehensively shunned because it was supposed to be an anonymous movement. Harsh truth is, no movement is ever successful without a solid leader and GG lacked it. Not that it would've ever had one because the people themselves didn't want it. It was just individuals banding together and hoping everyone would behave smartly and fall in line when needed, when in reality it was an utter clusterfuck of ill, good and false-flagging intentions.

>post nudes

she was a suicidegirls model

cuckchan has literally nothing else to talk about

>redneck Vivian
That actually sounds kinda hot.

Because a lot of gamers are young, and because it's a phenomena found throughout journalism, not just manchild gaming journalism.

Hopefully now they'll recognize the next time every major news outlet is running a story on "TWO SCOOPS", they won't fall for it.

Faggots got rused MGS2-style and cried about the game not matching their headcanon, refusing to judge it on its own merits

Shit, most of the time I didn't even bother pretending that being stealthy was necessary. I just picked off as many enemies as I could with a sniper rifle and went in guns blazing to kill the rest. And 9 times out of 10, it worked just fine that way.

If you're a cuck, sure

>TFW Watching GG became the boogieman/scapegoat of talentless liberals for years

Those nudes were purchased legally for $10 off suicidegirls.


So uh, nobody knows what this game is? Artist? Nothing?

>You like playin' them vidya gaems?

>I do, fer sure!

>My daddy says they rot yer brain, but I don't care.

No I am a DUKE

Why dont we make it? I mean, Vivian game.

How? I'm not an expert on cuckology so I don't know why.

This. Feminists are still freaking out about it, when everyone else had forgotten a long time ago.

Reddit refugees really did a number on that thread, jesus christ

Almost every mission in ground zeroes was designed better than anything in mgsv

because we don't associate with those faggots, nor do they with us

What kind of video games do you think she'd play? FPS games? I think certain genres might be a bit too tough for her to comprehend.

>mgs:portable ops released. Oh this must be the game where Big Boss turns into villian
>MGS: Peace Walker released. AH this must be the game where he's a bad guy...wait still no?
>MGSV:phantom pain. okay the trailers are showing big boss going mad and crazy. He must be a cold blooded villian in this game...
>MFW i played all the games and his explanation of becoming a "bad guy" was in bad MSG4 exposition

the same game developer who said wizardchan was harassing her? The most harmless chan about 30 year old virgins, that works mostly as a suicide prevention group.
The same game developer that put her ex in court and put a gag order on him after he wrote a blog post about how she manipulated and cheated on him.
The same game developer said she misses her helldump days, the same helldump that prided itself on doxxing and online bullying, the same helldump with a kill count for when they got someone to kill themselves by relentless cyber bullying?
The same game developer that put her own nudes on suicidegirls and then went to journalists saying they leaked her nudes?
The same game developer that opened a patreon and raked in the money every month while doing nothing for 2 whole years?

I just want to make sure we're talking about the same game developer here so everyone's on the same page.

Fucking disgusting abs

>Too stupid to understand what it is
Nigga, I was actually involved in the beginning, before it had a name, and actually was trying to do something. Then something changed: A movement that was fighting for journalistic ethics decided to put their weight behind Milo, an unethical journalist, just because he pandered to them.

From that point, I dropped that shit and watched it become "Reddit presents, Gamergate: An eceleb circlejerk experience featuring Sup Forums propaganda".

its the reason i didn't bother wasting energy. i just had no idea what it was and i was more concerned about stuff in the real world.

>Hating on Milo

faggot has style.

Constipated 12 year old style

>Kojima just gave up and accepted that wouldn't end within his lifetime.
>Kojima releases he'll keep making Metal Gears for the rest of his as long they are good.
>Decides to fuck up the production of MGSV, forcing the company that produced it and made his career to end it all.
Truly the greatest ruse of them all.

Ya. I thought I was going to play a Metal Gear Solid game about Big Boss's fall from grace, but instead I got a spinoff about a brand nee side character that had no impact on the greater MG plot.

Haha ya, I sure got rused good. I'm sure glad I could pay $60 for based Kojima to tell me that Big Boss had body doubles like many other dictators throughout history. I know I sure couldn't have assumed that on my own, and I'm sure glad they devoted an entire game to explain that to me.

What a top tier ruse.

A reminder that the FBI did an investigation related to GG and found no strong evidence of any of the harassment claims being true.
But all of you took the propaganda and ate it up.

Are you mad you can't call a gay Jew a "racist homophobe" without getting crucified by your fellow libcucks?

>But all of you

Let's be honest, most people over the age of 18 here gave no fucks either way. That's why the general festered for so long

>reddit on Sup Forums's side

GG will defend this

>no one cared
Yeah that's why if anyone brings it up here everyone's anuses clench and start to talk about "da evil doxxer harasers!!!" Because everyone here is too new to actually know what happened
The collective stupidity of a bunch of sheep is why the FBI even got involved.

Why would Milo being gay and Jewish stop people from saying he's racist?

>A reminder that the FBI did an investigation related to GG
Source me chief
Everything Zoey said was happening wasn't actually happening, to summarize.

That's not what that link says at all

You can read the report yourself by clicking the pdf. No charges were filed for any of the claims because there was no conducive evidence.
Don't pretend to read something you clearly didn't especially when you instant reply.


I see you faggots still crying about feminists constantly but I never see anyone talk about GG other than Sup Forums threads now and then which are full of "remember that shit?" and all the 8gag kiddies who came crawling back to say "we totally won guys" and shitpost 3 year old memes.

dude shut up, reddit is an ally!

Every few months you see an article or Twitter post blaming GG on something.


>The triumphant impunity of Gamergate trolls, the Bundy occupiers, and George Zimmerman told America's shy bullies, 'It's okay. You're accepted, be yourself. We won't judge you — neither will a judge.'"

is that absfag?

>blaming GG on something
English is hard, I know.
>every few months
So maybe twice a year? When was the last one?

>is spoonfed a source
>is still incapable of reading comprehension
Dumbest poster ITT

The autists who threw themselves wholeheartedly into it haven't forgotten, they just returned to leddit since cripplechan was bleeding users.

GG was blamed for the blunder of Ghostbusters 2016, and for getting trump elected.

Theres no download link
Last thread didn't have anything.

GG claims to have gotten Trump elected more than feminists claim GG got Trump elected.

GG was simply a neurotypical's entrance into the alt right

>feminazis are STILL mad about gamergate KEK
And Sup Forums doesn't have dozens of threads 24/7 crying about SJWs right?

GG was a gateway drug to Sup Forums which got Trump elected. GG has done nothing since 2015 but leftists still think they're real.

GG doesn't exist anymore so that's literally wrong.
You're mistaking it for Sup Forums
>inb4 the ill-informed reply that they're the same things by some propaganda-following retard