>battleborn fans in North america should have the update downloaded overnight
>get to wake up to a ton of balances, as well as a new cosmetic drop system
>antibadass battleborn haters just get to wake up to their sour opinions
Feels pretty good.
Battleborn fans in North america should have the update downloaded overnight
Nobody wants your game randy
Also reported and saged
I'm sure you and the other 146 people in the entire community are enjoying it
>battleborn fans
>battleborn fans
badass thread XDDD
>wanting to be blinded by shitty particle effects and ugly HUD
no thanks
why does it look like a stretched anus?
Even the logo is a blunder. It's literally Goatse.
$0.13 has been deposited into your account. Thank you for shilling with us!
give it up bobandy
the whole project was dead the minute it was conceived
Is that logo -supposed- to be goatse or have I been corrupted at last by the internet
Why don't we all just forget about this forgotten game and buy one from a more successful game dev?
Probably not, yes you have
This feels like shilling so I gave you a nice sage and so should everyone else
>there's still people falling for this meme
Yes, that's not the actual logo. Though it doesn't really matter, you're never gonna actually see the logo anywhere.
This is getting sad randy. if you want people to stop hating you maybe you should start by giving duke back to 3d realms
nobody will ever think you are a badass randy, accept it
>>battleborn fans in North america
they still exist?
>7 things why Battleborn is so badass
>7 things why
how many people work at gearbox again?
What did they mean by this?
heres the patch notes if anyone wants a good laugh
fucking cosmetics make up most of it
Great, I'm sure both of them will be pleased.
>that scoping
i feel like my eyes just got stabbed
Why does the logo look like goatse?
Looks like Goatsee
Because that's not the logo.
>BUY $4.99
What did it mean by this?
I almost pity him.
Man that's such a weakass comeback. He could've just said
>at least we have shoppers at walmart
And added a screenshot of battleborn steam chart
>Why have one iron sight, when you can have 10?! BADASS
it's another "thread has more posts than battleborn has players" thread
who did this?
>Endless Shit Thrown at BattleBorn.
>Old Ass Webms before the fixes.
>Nonstop Randyposting.
>Muh Tiny Head
Is there anybody who had fun playing it?
Montana And Oscar Mike are legit fun as most of the peacekeepers are.
Some of the designs are completely obtuse and stupid.
Alot of the characters are grating and noisy.
I still had fun though.
>K O
user if you don't already have this image please take it
>battleborn fans
>updating a dead game
For what purpose, other than making Sup Forums laugh.
>QuickScoping from Mid range for absolutely no reason.
That's not even how you're supposed to play Marquis.
You guys dont listen to gators and bigots, that BADASS line by Oscar Mike its fun as fuck in context, you see, Oscar Mike tells that phrase every time he gets to kill a female BADASS, you know what? Because feminism is so AWESOMELY BADASS that it allow him to kill man, women equally!!!
>Battleborn fans
the game has surpassed one hundred players! TOTALLY BADASS
Fuck. I have never seen a big budget game fail this hard before.
>point 5 over point 8
How does that fucking work though
no, you just forgot about evolve which failed twice after going free to play.
should have responded with
>i make more money in a hour at Walmart than batlleborn did all year.
Evolve had a fraction of the budget. The only thing close is the TORtanic but it righted itself in the end when it went F2P.
I went to the Gearbox meet
Despite being a NEET
As Randy Pitchford started to sing
I started to cringe
at Gearbox's king
Yeah yeah
Then he asked us all to
sing along with him
So watch as the game sales fall
Watch as they blame it all
on a two-thousand-fourteen twitter hashtag
Shat out by Sup Forums
When will the owner of Duke
see that Battleborn JUST
fucked up his shit senpai?!
He sang about gamergate
In the year two-thousand-and-eight (plus eight)
As part of a three minute long musical rant
at >muh boogeyman
He literally just can't
'Cuz Randy Pitchford
can't handle the #bantz
So watch as the game sales fall
Watch as they blame it all
on a two-thousand-fourteen twitter hashtag
Shat out by Sup Forums
When will the owner of Duke
realize that Battleborn
fucked up his shit senpai?!
If you work at Gearbox
This man is your boss
He decides when and if you get paid
You won't anymore
'Cuz your boss spent your pay
and more
On a half year old game
no one plays anymore
So watch as the game sales fall
Watch as they blame it all
on a two-thousand-fourteen twitter hashtag
Shat out by Sup Forums
When will the owner of Duke
see that Battleborn JUST
fucked up his shit senpai?!
Launching with DLC that cost twice as much as the game and then calling those who complained entitled didn't help them much.
Poor randy, getting bullied by Sup Forums bigots
Convert them into fractions and use the fraction division rule my nigga.
is anyone even playing tortanic anymore?
Yes, but no one knows how many players the game has, EA stopped giving that number as soon as the game went down to 1 million players
>Launching with DLC that cost twice as much as the game
but that's wrong you faggot.
It has an ok population still now that's one server and the people playing are the die hard Star Wars fans who will drop tons of money in the cash shop to keep it going. So it's profitable at least.
Nothing will ever be as funny as TORtanic threads. Even Battleborn threads can't compare.
The game still bleeds eye cancer. They'll have to completely change the game's design if they want anyone to play.
I mean paladin is ugly as fuck too but it doesn't hurt your eyes
Anyone got the "How dare you reply to me" screencap?
Why does he think that people don't realize they're insulting him on purpose just to piss him off?
is this free to play yet?
yes, but only because star wars has no games and the fanbase is so starved for games. even kotor 1 and 2 get old after replaying them for the 272nd time.
>1/2 / 4/5
just flip the 5 up nigga
>but that's wrong you faggot.
>"hurr, I'm retarded!"
That was what I went to do first but it felt like I wasn't getting anywhere so I just ended up multiplying both sides by 10 to get rid of the decimals only to realize it's already pretty simplified
>mfw 29 years old and forgetting simple ass shit
is that a goatsee?
Same way any division works.
Easy way of doing it would be to write it as (5x10^-1)/(8x10^-1) at which point you cancel the 10^-1 and it's 5/8 which is 0.625.
5x10^-1 = 5x(1/10)=0.5
that's the meme
you're pathetic randy
This still makes me mad
>More hats than actual players
A waste of time and effort.
>not one individual one costs more than the base game
>the vast majority of those are skins and don't mean anything anyway.
Fuck off subhuman.
>Battleborn fans
And that was the biggest lie ever told to mankind
>that guy who got banned for being underage because he posted "im 12 and what is this"
>that guy who played on a server with 8 only people and claimed he never saw another human player in his playtime
>the guy who got a 1000 PC to play the game and got bored of it, but was scared to stop playing because his wife would get mad at him for spending that money on a PC he no longer wants to play
No game has given us so much material.
>yfw some people at Gearbox probably still blame Blizzard and refuse to accept the game is bad
>i pay for my sidebars
Gearbox deserves it for sabotaging EVOLVE
For a laugh, I installed Battleborn a few weeks ago (Got it during the humble bundle and never touched it) and got far enough to look for a match.
I sat in the lobby waiting for literally a hour and didn't even find a single person. I logged into Overwatch to see how long it would take, and no joke: 5 seconds.
I have never seen a recent game this dead before. I've even found games in old ass stuff that died off a long time ago.