>keygen that works for every single current and past denuvo game
Denuvo BTFO once again.
>keygen that works for every single current and past denuvo game
Denuvo BTFO once again.
>pcfags are so poor that they'll install a bitcoin miner just to avoid paying $20
top kek
LMFAO poorfags....get a life...u fucking faggot neet nerds...pathetic...can't even pay $60 for a game...stupid faggot virgins...live with their moms...in the basement......30 year old virgins....never kissed a girl......4 inch dick..... probably autistic......can't leave their house........live on hot pockets.....overweight......no friends.....no job.....no skills.....spend all their time on Sup Forums......or playing video games....
>implying I have bitcoins to mine
If I did I would've spent them long ago.
That "crack" looks shady as fuck. If FitGirl is saying to hold off--I'm waiting.
if legit and not wannacry.exe 2, this is big. Sadly there is only like three uncracked non-online Denuvo games I want to play (TW:WH, Dead Rising 4 out of pure curiosity and Fernbus Simulator because...i like bus simulators).
be mad that i will torrent this game and go fuck my gf tomorrow.
lol stay mad
>not sure if dumb or ironic
You do know what "miners" do right?
> listening to jew girl
>Not CS.Ru
Stay cucked
>t. the angry moralfags who were scammed into buying a shitty buggy game