We can all agree that this game is a 7 out of 10 at best right?
What would you rate TP?
Also a 7.
Really most zelda games are a 7 out of 10.
OP, i love the way he looks, but for some reason i hate that he's an intellectual. Idk maybe because he's such a tool?
No way fag
the click clack of his feet walking makes me happy
Why the fuck not?
>Everything breaks if you stare at it for five seconds
>This could easily be fixed by increasing its durability at the cost of spawning less weapons
>FOUR dungeons that feel more like disconnected shrine puzzles then actual dungeons
>NINE HUNDRED seeds even worse is that most of the puzzles that you need to do to get them are copy pasted
>i hate that he's an intellectual
The better to manipulate you...