This is Princess Peach. Say something nice about her.
This is Princess Peach. Say something nice about her
Alexander Jones
Ian Anderson
perfect dick sucking lips
Dylan Barnes
Mother of best Koopa.
Christopher Gonzalez
She bakes cakes for Mario and that's very nice of her. She's a good girl.
Gavin Morris
I want to say lips, but the quality on them keeps going up and down.
This is from her latest render used in a TV ad. The lips are bad.
Michael Butler
what is Bowser's plan for when he captures her?
What would you do after you capture her?
Lincoln Moore
Peach better be getting a new render with that fancy new hair they gave Mario for his Mario Odyssey render.
Juan Reed
Grayson Sanchez
>this is canon
>bowser actually stripped her dress and changed her into a wedding gown
Aiden Davis
Bowser is doing Gods work.