Extremely poorfag here

.....should I get a ps4 now I kinda can afford it?

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no, you can get a PC for the same price that ill be far better

Questions to ask yourself before buying a console:
Can I afford it?
Are there enough games out right now that make buying it worth it?
Are there enough upcoming games so that you'll continue to get use out of it?

If the answer is yes to those three questions then you should buy one.

You can pirate lots of games that way too for free

if you are a poorfag save that money. last thing you need in life is vidya right now.

Never buy a console unless there are exclusives on it that you want to play.

spend what little you have on something useless or necessary you utter, utter moron

does anyone want to go to yum cha?

I doubt that you can get a whole PC for the 200 bucks that a PS4 costs.

Yea, the generation at the point where a lot of the greatest are now at 10-15 dollars.

You can get Bloodborne easily for like 15 bucks, Uncharted collection same price, MGS5. Even Destiny at this point is like 15-20 dollars for the one with all the expansions except the newest one.

There's like 30 F2P games on it too (not all worth playing though) if you're really broke too.