Hey Sup Forums, I thought of a new meme!

Hey Sup Forums, I thought of a new meme!

Bannerlord never ever! :D

I'll show u a better gook fag

Still assblasted about Gekokujo eh?

I'll trump the both of you

I challenge japs to make a better Gekokujo

what are some games with asian girls

Gekokujo's fun for a while but the lack of unit variety takes a heavy toll even by the mid game

Did you try daimyo edition yet? Just came out last week.

i'll never have a gf like her... why even live...

Haven't, last gekokujo I tried was a /vg/ brew of dank vn memes (had the kenshin from Rance) and readily recruitable european troops that shitstomped everything once they levelled enough

Will probably give that a go though