ITT: We explain the first and last thing that happens in a game, and other people try to figure out what game it is.
I'll start
>You're on a train
>The whole place blows up with you in it
ITT: We explain the first and last thing that happens in a game, and other people try to figure out what game it is.
I'll start
>You're on a train
>The whole place blows up with you in it
Half-life 2
>you're a kid
>you're still a kid
This kinda happens in both orders for ff XIII trilogy
Holy shit you're right.
fallout 3
Blunderful 101 featuring the heir to throne of the roaming comet Rhullo
>You go to the Carnival
>You blow up one of the moons
>you get thrown off a space fort
>you make a new planet
>you fly into space
>you go through a gauntlet where you die in one hit
>you wake up with nothing but your skin and fists
>you defeat a dragon in some weird world
Start with Rags
Go to Riches
>You're on a train
>You're on a train
3rd one is Minecraft
>you dream you're in a amusement park
>you're in a amusement park
>You're in a mech
>The dev team tries to kill you
>you wake up in someone's bed
>you slay a dragon
>Slaughter thousands
>Get shot down by Jet Fighters
>You just killed your father
>Your father just saved you
You fight some kids over a ball
You fight your son to the death
>get sword
>kill pig
You nuke a city
You kill yourself in the explosion's crater
Silent Hill 3 obv
>a bunch of people commit suicide
>a ship docks at a station
The Lego of Zeld
I think that could fit Uncharted 2.
Space Station 13?
Near a tomato
Wonderful 101
>you realise all that you've been doing was just a simulation
>you realise all that you've been doing was just a simulation
>Fall down a hole
>Get out of the hole
Majora's Mask or Undertale
>you wake up late
>you rock out
>you're back at work after an injury
>you hug your sister
>you miss your helicopter ride
>you and your friends catch a helicopter ride
>you fall down a hole
>everything went better than expected, but you have to learn to let go
>you fight the cool guy
>you're friends with the cool guy
>You ram into dinosaurs
>You end the world
>you go on vacation
>you're on vacation
Spyro 2
>you're a basic form of life
>you're in space but quit because the game's way too boring to continue
>>You're in a mech
>>The dev team tries to kill you
>About to get throat slit by a gook
>Almost die to a german before raising the soviet flag on the Reichstag
It was undertale
World at War
Mario Sunshine, actually, but that definitely works as well.
World at War
>Get your heart stolen
>kill yourself
you got it
>you break into some dude's house
>you blew up the dude's house
>you fly
>you have a tea party
>kill a black person
>kill a woman
>you start in a small town and venture to the capital city
>you do daily quests over and over at a high level
Dragon's Dogma
Both Correct
>you try fixing your motorcycle
>you bump into your friends again/for the first time
>you're stranded in the middle of the ocean
>you're stranded in the middle of the ocean
>You listen to a guy talk about himself on a carriage.
>You now prepare to go liberate a country.
nope, older
This is the first time a spoiler shitpost in Sup Forums is usefull
>Wake up in a hospital
>Ended up killed by your partner's son
>a prince wakes you up in a field
>a prince wakes you up in a field
>look for your mother
>permanently terminate the demon that killed your mother
>Survive train crash
>Unending Cliffhanger
Resident Evil
no, the end of skyrim is killing a dragon in the afterlife, guess again.
>you're an athlete
>you're a ghost
Fire Emblem Awakening
Finaru Fantaji Tin
Final Fantasy X
Borderlands 2?
>you go to school
>you leave school
>you play vidya with your childhood friend
>the universe is deleted but your consciousness saves it
No, that cliffhanger still has hope of being ended
episode 2
Nier: Automata
Link's Awakening
Is the 4th one dead money?
>tragedy occurs as a child
>you kill some people and get on a boat
and by extension
>you're in a lighthouse
>possibly saved the world
>you're fighting off aliens
>you fight a guy trying to achieve immorality
Dang it Ron Paul
Shovel knight
>Hell invades
>Hell kicks you out
Dying light
not what i was thinking of
>You're going to meet your cousin
>You become king of hell
>Riding in a cop car.
>Coasting away on a jet ski.
>you wake up in a cave
>you wake up in a cave
>you wake up in a cave
>you wake up in a cave
>you wake up in a cave
>you check out a hip new internet forum
>your existence is ripped asunder from a massive time paradox but the gods and demons you befriended along the way help you drag yourself back into reality
>You cheat death
>You die in a potentially planet destroying explosion unless you do a sidequest to keep it contained in a shield around you
My legs are okay