ITT: We explain the first and last thing that happens in a game, and other people try to figure out what game it is

ITT: We explain the first and last thing that happens in a game, and other people try to figure out what game it is.

I'll start

>You're on a train
>The whole place blows up with you in it

Half-life 2

>you're a kid
>you're still a kid



This kinda happens in both orders for ff XIII trilogy

Holy shit you're right.

fallout 3

Blunderful 101 featuring the heir to throne of the roaming comet Rhullo

>You go to the Carnival
>You blow up one of the moons

>you get thrown off a space fort
>you make a new planet

>you fly into space
>you go through a gauntlet where you die in one hit

>you wake up with nothing but your skin and fists
>you defeat a dragon in some weird world