Which one is better?

Which one is better?

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Prey, obviously.


Prey > Prey

The first one. Without hesitation.

Bethesda said they just bought the name "Prey" for publicity and exposure, because it sounds familiar.

They would have made the exact same game wih another name.

I still wish that he real Prey 2 came out. The one with the bounty hunter in a Blade Runner kind of city.

I want Preyfags to leave. It's obvious that Prey is the superior title

Low quality bait, fuck off. Prey is better.

Both are shit.

Also, traps are gay.

>I still wish the cover based shooter with regenerating health and detective vision came out

>this retarded fucking opinion
How the fuck are you putting Prey above Prey? You deluded fucking retard.

Holy shit fucking KYS retard.

Prey >>>>>>> Literal fucking dogshit >>> Prey

i liked prey (2017) better, the first one had some cool mechanics in it, but it had dogshit gameplay in all honesty

prey (2017) could've used a bit more enemy variety and been a little more difficult, even on the hardest difficulty the challenge is drops off completely midgame

and when you use the escape pod and it spoils the tweest it really took the wind out of my sails for the story.

Nu-prey is a well made game with good open level design, interesting abilities, fun gadgets and a large explorable space station

Old-prey is a linear third person shooter with a walking-on-the-ceiling and portal gimmick.

If you say the old prey is better you are only trying to act like a nostalgiafag over a 7/10 game, because the new Sup Forums meme is that all new games are bad, or salty over the fact that Prey 2 never came out, since a game that was canned obviously was going to be the game of the generation.


stupid prey poster

>linear third person shooter
>third person
I hope that's just a honest slip.

>no portals
>clearly take inspiration from blindsight
>name it a book about nanomachines

Yes, make the shills fight against each other!

>Oldé Prey
Nigga, Beth is trying to sweep that game under the rug as much as they can after Human Head told them to fuck off.

They're saying that as a publicity stunt.

who is this semen demon?

>after Human Head told them to fuck off.
Uh, it was Beth that told Human Head to fuck off.

art bell prey > nu prey

Hey guys can I join?

Don't worry I'm not using the word I swear!

Go back to school kid... and I mean this seriously.

Games in the last few years are truly BAD, REPETITIVE or BORING.

And here's why...

The Devs and Publishers saw how marketing exploded with the popularity of Youtube/Twitch/Social Media in the last few years. They saw how big of an impact internet marketing has on their sales... they saw how people fall for "hype" and pre-order games... they saw how social media spreads the word and starts talking about "leaks" of games... All of this exposure leads to many many sales, of which, the majority are PRE-ORDERS.

They can sell you a game before you even try it, or before a single review is out.

Why would they care about making a breakthrough game... when they can invest their money in a strong marketing campaign, and be sure to make a lot of profit from pre-orders?

You've probably noticed how every game from the last few years comes with huge performance issues and bugs. That's because the devs and the Publisher don't care about you... they have already made profit with pre-orders!

Their game could be rated 2/10 on release. Who cares? They not only already covered the cost of the game, but they made a lot of profit too. And not a single soul tried the game.

Remember No Man's Sky?

That's a good example of a shitty game that created hype and made a lot of money on pre-orders... But when people tried it, they played it for 2 hours and never touched it again.

Why would any dev want to make a good game, when you can make a lot of money with good marketing?

Before or after Bethseda tried to force HH into selling their studio by creating unachievable milestones and bleeding the development of funding?

Even if what you said was true, you would have sounded less like a drama queen about it.

And let's talk about Prey ffs.

Yeah. Unrealistic milestones like "don't be more than three years behind what YOU declared is going to be the release date? And make something actually playable, not just a pile of garbage?"

You do realize that Human Head boasted that they will totally have the game done by 2009 originally?

Two pro tips. First of all: Human head are immoral lying piles of SHIT. And yes, I know Bethesda are not any better, but the fact that you arbitrarily decide to believe one pile of utter garbage over another is pretty fucking stupid of you.

Second of all: the game was not made. The whole story that Human Head presents reeks of utter bullshit. I'm willing to believe that Bethesda at some point offered Human Head that they won't fucking scrap the utter dissaster of a project QUITE yet if they will become an inhouse developer for them, but that is about as far as I can trust the cunts that are Human Head. And the reality is: the company that promised a release date for 2009 had NO PLAYABLE FUCKING MATERIAL in 2012. Do you have ANY idea how much of a fuck up that must have been?

What really happened is that Human Head fucked up. Like they always do. They did not make a single good game in their fucking history. Bethesda extended their development budget TWICE before cracking up on them. We can guess that by the end, Beth wanted to get at least something out of it, offered to buy out HH, and when they reclined and no doubt been a cunts about it, they said: "OK, fuck it, we wasted enough money on this, we are pulling the plug."

Like Blair Witch 2, Rune, Prey, Brink and Infinite, right?

What I said is a hundred percent true.

If you don't believe me, just ring any triple A studio and ask them if you can do a marketing internship with them.

Then just listen and see by yourself.

I just don't understand why people can't see it by themselve. If you guys stopped pre-ordering, games would literally get good in a matter of months.

>WOW you believe what HH said? retard
>well here's what big trust-worhy corporate Bethseda said as well as my own assumptions.
>ps buy Skyrim HD.

When did I say you were spewing bullshit?

I was just saying you came across as a drama queen, which btw, will not actually encourage people to listen to you.

Like Prey.

What I don't get about this is why there are anti-Human Head posters. Like, what the fuck happened to you as a child to make you hate, like actually HATE, some random nobody developer like Human Head? This isn't a case of "I just want to set the record straight" or "Bethesda is getting unfair treatment", this is straight up "I fucking hate Human Head and cannot let any comment of anything but shitting on them stand".

It's because I'm mad at how dumb people are...

And they keep falling for these traps over and over again. They keep falling for "hype" and they pre-order.

Who wouldn't be mad?

Then I get stuck with no recent good games to play, and I have to tweak/patch old great games so they properly run in 4k.

And why does Prey fall into this category?

If so, how do you know Prey 2 was going to be any better?

Did you think
was joking?

Except Bethesda actually never really spoke about what happened you cretin. I don't believe Bethesda, there nothing to believe Bethesda about, outside of statement that the game did not meet their quality standards which was made even before HH was allegedly being "bled", because Bethesda actually made the first "this game is not meeting our quality standards, but we will extend the development budget and time and have it fixed in 2009, while according to the bullshit statement by the HH cunts they started bleeding them in 2010.
Also, curiously enough, Human Head both states that they could not finish the game because they were being bled for three years, yet somehow also claim that they MADE the game (despite claiming they had no money to develop it!), and most fucking fascinatingly, while Human Head was being "bled" by Bethesda, they were also CONTRACTED BY BETHESDA TO WORK ON FUCKING BRINK.

Yeah. "Let's bleed them dry into submission. But while we are at it, let's PAY THEM TO HELP US WITH ANOTHER GAME WE ARE MAKING. BECAUSE THAT DOES NOT SOUND CONTRAPRODUCTIVE."

Jesus. Just do a basic fucking research.

I played their games. You probably weren't even alive when Human Head screwed people up TWICE with their previous releases. These people pulled some of the worst baits and switches up till No Man's Land. These are people who were arrogant enough to announce sequel to Prey - which was a MASSIVE FUCKING DISSAPOINTMENT before they got the greenlight from the actual owner of the fucking IP too. That is how fucking deluded these people are.

Just look up what they have fucking been doing. Unlike you kids, I've actually experienced their entire fucking history.

Me again, forgot to mention, be sure to but Fallout 4!

Made for consoles, full of QTEs, HUD covering entire screen, movements and environment feel "plastic", combat feels bad, poor performance, etc.

For Prey 2, well the gameplay demo looked really good, and futuristic "Blade Runner" atmosphere was absolutely fantastic. But above all...

It was in an era where good games still managed to pop out, unlike nowadays.

So basically the demo looked good and the blade runner atmosphere...right...

Aside from that, cover based mechanics, generic shooting, poor hitboxes, and regenerating health.

I am sorry but what QTEs were in Prey? The HUD wasn't seriously that bad, dunno how Movements are plastic (you mean stiff and tank like?), poor performance on the PS4?

>Not Prey
>No Prey
PREY > Prey
the one on the left

I genuinely liked both but they are completely different and unrelated games.

I don't even know why they named it prey and didn't just go with an entirely new IP. It's not like the original prey was well known or had a real cult status or anything.

>Made for consoles,
Blatantly lie
>full of QTEs,
Outside of the god-awful hacking minigame that ends with a QTE-like one button press, and the incredibly rare "Shaking off a greater mimic" there are no other QTE's. Hell, the two aren't really QTE's as neither of them occur during a cutscene. So yeah, what the fuck is wrong with you? Have you even played the fucking game?

>movements and environment feel "plastic"
What the FUCK does that even mean?!

>combat feels bad,
Combat is entirely lifted from System Shock 2 and for good reasons.

>or Prey 2, well the gameplay demo looked really good, and futuristic "Blade Runner" atmosphere was absolutely fantastic.
So first of all: the demo looked attrocious, with two weapon limit, tons of cover based shooting, brain-dead A.I. it was painfully scripted and awkward.
Second of all: "blade runner?" Yeah, those fucking goofy aliens and magical teleportation devices looked totally like blade runner you retard. God you people are BRAINDEAD.
Third of all: a scripted demo presentation for E3 blatantly modeled after a trailer and hence not from the actual game was enough for you to actually trust the game is going to be good? By a developer that has never made a good game ever? Really?

>It was in an era where good games still managed to pop out, unlike nowadays.
Yep. A cover based open world first person shooter from an era of CoD:MW2, GOW3, Halo Special Edition, Homefront and Far Cry 2. That was a fresh fucking formula from the true golden era of gaming.

Meanwhile, let's bitch about the game that got CLOSEST TO GOLDEN ERA PC GAMES of them all! It plays like system shock, and that is bad. But a fucking cover-based console shooter with two weapons and a regen health from 2010's: yeah - that is what we needed.

God fucking dammit you people piss me off so much.

I like Arkane's better

Both are their own thing. I'm just glad the original prey is getting attention again since I found it badly underrated for years.

Prey>canceled Prey>nu-Prey

"Nu-Prey" is undoubtedly the best and you probably didn't play it. Because it looks like ass from the trailer and looking at the gameplay but when you actually play it yourself you realize this is system-shock 3 levels of quality and probably the GOTY if more people gave it the chance.

A casual console game that feels like System Shock... LMFAO.

I almost fell for your trolling, until I read that last paragraph.

I'm not him. But please as a fellow fan of System Shock go and try to play Prey. You are owing yourself this experience.

At least give it a pirate to form an opinion for yourself. You won't be disappointed.

By any chance, what's your opinion on Deus Ex HR/MD?

Dude. Who are you even trying to trick?

I've played BOTH games, and the new Prey is n-o-w-h-e-r-e near System Shock. You're probably a Bethesda fan boy, defending every single game they publish. And you probably watched those scam-ish marketing "dev diaries" where they try to convince you how they "always dreamed of making such a game, and that it's the successor of System Shock".

Also, don't say it's not made for console... when the FOV is clearly locked at 40.

Wake up!

>A casual console game that feels like System Shock... LMFAO.
I understand entirely that this is bait: but that is not and never has been an excuse. This is why this board is shit. And it's also probably why we are going to get another gaming fucking dark age. Because people are more reoccupied by parroting shit for the few responses than actually playing and appreciating good games. Good job you fucking pile of shit.

bethesda clearly named the new one prey as a middle finger to hh

they're just a shitty corp ran by lizard losers who nobody would miss if they went under

No I'm a System Shock fan that finally got his third entry. I think Bethesda is a terrible company with unethical practices especially towards the developers behind the original Prey 2 and Obsidian.

I just want people to actually try Prey because I personally thought it was a shit game purely based on trailers and gameplay footage but when I played it it turned out to be System shock 3.

I really hope that Dishonored 2 and Prey got cracked, so we can get some decent discussions.

Dishonored got some good threads even years after its released. It's possible lads.

Both games are already cracked. (Dishonered 2 got cracked yesterday)

Go and pirate Prey and then buy it when you realize it's GOTY.

>Dishonered 2 got cracked yesterday
Holy shit, by who?

Thia board is shit, because dumb people like you are "hyped" and keep defending their favorite studios, no matter what.

As soon as a new--and different from yours--opinion comes out, you respond with "nice bait"... because you can't argue and because your opinion is biased.

I don't care if you're a fan of Bethesda, but his should blind you to see which game is bad, and which isn't... especially when the game in question is bad.

By the way, how's your Far Cry 5 pre-order going? How many pink camo skins and silencers will you get?

>Made for consoles, full of QTEs, HUD covering entire screen, movements and environment feel "plastic", combat feels bad, poor performance, etc.
>FOV is clearly locked at 40.

A new cracker that has made a fake denuvo ticket issuer. It basically could crack all current denuvo games easily and some people in the scene already confirmed it working with Warhammer total war.

Hello fellow ausbro

>bethesda clearly named the new one prey as a middle finger to hh
First of all, no. Nobody gives a fuck about this. They did it to appease the shareholders, who were angry that the IP purchase so far turned out to be a massive money sink, and because of a set of basic marketing advantages, like increased search traffic.

They idea that they are doing it "just to spite HH" is something HH is really obsessed with pushing, because they are fucking insane. The entire narrative they produced is based around them simply fucking up a project (which alone would not be something terrible - that happens even to the best developers) being transformed to "we are so damn awesome everything happens because of us!". When they really are a terrible third rate developer that - AGAIN - HAS NEVER MADE A GOOD GAME.

Nobody gives fuck.
The branding strategy was stupid as fuck from Beth. Typical example of braindead corporate logic. There is nothing spiteful, and absolutely nothing personal towards HH: it's just dumb corporate business logic that says "if it has more hits on search engine, it MUST SELL BETTER, if it has a recognizable name, more people will buy it even if on accident, and also we need green numbers under the investment tab."

>they're just a shitty corp ran by lizard losers who nobody would miss if they went under
They are a corp and most of them are shit by default. But then again they also published Dishonored, Wolfenstein New Order, new Prey and Doom, which are some of the better franchises out there right now. Between them being assholes but occasionally publishing good games, and companies like Ubisoft, EA or Activision which are assholes who don't make anything worthwhile, I'd say that them being erased would not improve anything.

>Thia board is shit, because dumb people like you are "hyped" and keep defending their favorite studios, no matter what.
Says the person who bought into Prey 2 hype? Yeah, I'm totally taking you seriously.


You're probably born in 2006 and have no idea what a good game is. All these things are probably familiar to you, since you're used to Call of Duty, Halo, Destiny, or Far Cry Primal.

Which prey do you mean tho

I'm pretty sure most anti-Prey shitposters ITT are people that didn't play the game.

Guys the game is cracked already. Pirate it and see for yourselves.

The gameplay trailers are misleading as fuck and make it look like a casual,bland piece of shit game. Try the fucking game before hating on it.

Dude your deluded.

Did you actually play Human Revolution and Mankind Divided, and played the original Deus Ex?

If you have, what did you think of them? I assume you hated them since you hate NuPrey

Keep hating.

People love what Prey 2 looked like, because they have seen a full gameplay sequence. They have seen what it would feel like to play the game, from the actual game itself. No effects, no gimmicks.

You, on the other hand, bought a game that was advertised EXACTLY like the "bad studios" (Ubisot, EA, Activision) advertise. Haven't you seen those cinematic Youtube ads with some Rihanna or Imagine Dragons songs playing in the background?

The exact same shit that was used in CoD and Battlefield marketing. The exact same shit that is used to create "hyped". The exact same shit that obviously works... since you're here, writing big posts that are empty in real content... and that are only showing how much of a sheep fanboy you are.

"N-n-nice bait, I could respond to you with strong arguments, but I won't waste my time! Bethesda 4eva and 4life"

You don't even realize how STUPID you sound.

That arrogant holier than thou attitude will totally help.

Who gives a shit if the trailer had a crappy pop song or some shit, the final product is all that fucking matters.

Prey didn't have trailers like that anyway, so what the heck are you rambling about in the context of Prey?

The trailers are absolute shit but the game is GOTY.

Play the actual game faggot. You can even pirate it and play it for free.

Oh yes, it did. And so did Dishonored 2.

Who gives a shit? The fanboy above said that there was "hyped" created around Prey 2, which shwocased a GAMEPLAY sequence of someone playing the game LIVE. How can that be "hype", when you see the product?

On the other hand, the shitty 2017 Prey that he keeps defending--simply because "bethesda 4evaa"--actually had real "hype" created for the game by various marketing strategies, including the famous cinematic trailers using popular mainstream songs (which is used by "asshole" studios like the same guy said).

So now you pretend you are another person? That's cool m8

What songs were these?

Semi Sacred Geometry was actually a part of the game OST and isn't a popular mainstream song.

You are literally lying or spewing nonsense at this point. Prove it or get fucked cuck.

>Which one is better?

any game not made by arkane

>>People love what Prey 2 looked like, because they have seen a full gameplay sequence.
So ignoring the fact that it looked like shit: people really liked that actual in-game footage at E3, hmm? Yeah. That worked out fantastically for Watch Dogs, right?

>You, on the other hand, bought a game that was advertised EXACTLY like the "bad studios"
Was it? I don't know. I did not watch a single promotional video for the game. At all. In fact I expected it to be pretty bad. I only started taking interest in it after reading a few reviews, then buying the game on steam expecting to refund it in the next two hours, exactly as the devs said PC gamers should do.

But nice projection there. I love how my experience based on two hours of playing the game is somehow inferior to your experience based on pre-scripted demo-build showcased on E3. That is funny. From a person talking about how big corps are tricking people, this is actually fucking hilarious.

>sequence of someone playing the game LIVE
That is actually not true. There was nobody playing the game, it was a footage. From what was not actually a part of the game, the footage was made entirely and purely for the purpose of E3, which you would have known if you actually did a bit of research.

Ah so you do like Human Revolution and Mankind Divided!

Then your taste is shit then, and wrong since that game is no more dumbed down than Nu Prey.

Could we have links for the information backing up your claim the demo was made entirely for e3?

>I don't even know why they named it prey and didn't just go with an entirely new IP.
The real question is why not? Movies, books, and albums share names all the goddamn, and no body gets confused or upset.

What is it about the autism of gamers and the game industry that makes them sperg out when a title is reused or partially used?

The fact that you have not seen their ads personally, doesn't mean that they did not use the e-x-a-c-t same marketing strategies as the "asshole studios".

Don't try to tell us that Bethesda is not a studio like Ubisoft/Activision/EA, because, guess what?

They are.

Now, you liked the new Prey. Cool! A lot of people like it, and they surprisingly also liked Call of Duty Infinite Warfare, No Man's Sky, Far Cry Primal, Halo, and The Division...

Weird coincidence that people who love casual repetitive console games, also find the new Prey interesting. Don't you think?

Even if I haven't had the chance--and great privilege--to play Prey 2, I respect the devs for showing an entire gameplay mission.

They never force-fed anyone with cinematic trailers, teasers, or some kind of pre-order bonuses. You know WHO does that... you know WHO has done that multiple times in the past...

Bethesda has nothing to win by showing actual gameplay in their ads. They just create "hype" and tease people... just to milk them out of their hard-earned cash.

And you're one of those sheep.

>People love what Prey 2 looked like, because they have seen a full gameplay sequence.
People loved Bioshock 2's reveal with full gameplay sequences too, and it turned out great, for intelligent gamers.

>A lot of people like it, and they surprisingly also liked Call of Duty Infinite Warfare, No Man's Sky, Far Cry Primal, Halo, and The Division..

Holy shit man thats some grade A b8 m8.

It's because they buy the name for MARKETING reasons... If you ever opened a single marketing book in your life, you would see that people buy things that they are familiar to.

Prey is a famous name. Just the name of the game will bring in 20-30% more money, because people have already heard it in the past.

None would have bought the game if it was called "The vanishing of Spaceship x18" like those indie games you see.

Just look at Quake Champions. Another franchise ruined by Bethesda, who used the name "Quake" for their MOBA FPS with spells, abilities and different heroes.

It has nothing to do with Quake, except the name.

That's why people are mad... Because they don't respect the franchise. They just buy for the right to use the name for marketing purposes.

Yep. Back in the days legit devs always showed gameplay sequences of their games.

Half-Life 2



The Witcher 123



Now, the devs can't do that, because people would get mad. For example, you show me a Far Cry 5 mission that looks good... but then I play the game, and see that it's just repetitive checkpoint-clearing shit, I'll get mad and probably doubt your next releases.

If on the contrary, I create some kind of hype with cinematic trailers, people will have no real gameplay expectations. They will just be pumped to play the game, but will have no real idea of what the game will look like.

In this case, even if the game is bad, those players will try to convince themselve that their purchase was good, and that they did not waste their money.

>reddit spacing
It always amuses me how pretty much all posts with reddit spacing are low quality shit.

>"Hey, let's scrap this ALMOST FINISHED GAME ENTIRELY" for NO FUCKING REASON at all. Let's just uh, say that it didn't meet our "Standards"


How about you do any actual research before you open your fucking retarded mouth?

Reminder that cars as a concept used to be patented and Mr. Ford had to go to court to have the right build and sell his cars.

"B-b-bethesda is goood"

"Hurr I love hype console gaems hurrrr"

"Lol reedit spacing... lmfao poorr argumentz lmfao"

Looks like dog shit. What this game have to do with original Prey?

>LOL nobody cares the suits are totes cool awesome guys who dont hold grudges and want to dumb down video games!! xD!

see lucasarts vs battlefront 3 + Free Raducak then fucking kill yourself corporate shill faggot

Being interesting. Ever since those retards at Nintendo ruled out a bounty hunting metroid game, people have wanted one.

>Free Raducak
Free Radical*

The game had weird hit boxes, generic gameplay, and honestly I can see this game being repetitive as heck.

>quotes instead of greentexting

When did fat as fuck redditors get in here?

Hello corporate bethesdrone

mad your shitty nu-prey flopped? eat shit

So it have nothing to do with original game? Gotcha

I seriously don't see the appeal aside from the game's aesthetic and concept. If you took out the aliens, but kept the gameplay and controls and open world design, it would probably be easily forgotten by this point.

>game has appealing aspects to you

are you mentally retarded?

Way to be obtuse.

What I am saying is, even if the game had the aliens, the space bounty hunter stuff, would the whole game actually be as good as it looked?

The point is to judge the game from a mechanical and gameplay standpoint.

well we never will because bethesda suits shut it down because they're kikes

That be true unfortunately.

Surprisingly no one posts this.

Atleast we know what Prey2 was heading to be,