Just finished this game and by far the most unrealistic thing in it is that a fat mentally-ill purple-haired twenty-year-old girl has an in any way likable personality.
Just finished this game and by far the most unrealistic thing in it is that a fat mentally-ill purple-haired...
why play the shitty tumblr knockoff game when you can just read the real comic?
So what's the problem?
Mae is completely unlikable as a person.
The fact that people say they relate to the characters is what gets me. They are all trash, if you relate to these people you need to make some changes.
Wait, there's a comic?
because the platty is hyper-rare and I watched half a let's play and think the story is kinda decent
That cat don't look fat to me
>They are all trash
Bea is the exact opposite of trash.
She's be like 9/10 IRL regardless of appearance.
She's mentioned as being fat tons of times.
>unironically playing furshit/indie hipster garbage that hardly qualifies as a game
I don't go to reddit.
Hell, I only ever come here for board game general on /tg/ and figured I'd start something about a game I'm playing while listening to music.
Every band like Therion that isn't Therion is fucking trash, how does this one band know what's good?
Contrary to what some people might say, some of the setting actually reminds me of my own country town home except that it grew into a bustling small suburb instead of peter off to non-existence like Mae's town. I also had some lesbian coworkers that reminded me of Mae's friends though their personalities were much different. My only main gripes with the game is that Mae is an unlikeable womanchild and that there is little actual "gameplay". A few more minigames dispersed throughout would have made it much better. The artsyle is pretty nice though and reminds me of Mo Willems (the guy who also did "Sheep in the Big City")
No, Terrible Terrible Terrible is it's own thing. It's similar in the way that it's about a bunch of loser 20 somethings who are stylized as a bunch of animal people, only the cast is actually likable.
>Wait, there's a comic
No, it's just that Habits (the comic pictured) shows the same type of story but in a much more enjoyable and better written way.
Oh, I love comics like that, especially if the main cast is fucking trash like in pic related.
>playing the Mae route because I have enough hyperactive criminals in my life
>go to the party
>it's literally ANTIFA
Even if the ending wasn't total trash this drops the score by 2
Fucking commies
>>it's literally ANTIFA
One single character is ANTIFA. A character who's a college-age transexual, at that.
what is this and why does it reek of tumblr visual novels without me knowing anything about it
The two get compared a lot, so you're on the right track.
It's a bash the fash party
Also the developer is antifa
the game was ltierally developed and promoted by DARPA
I had no idea that MM&O is known of outside obscure Sup Forums storytimes and the kinda comics fan who dresses and looks like a lumberjack, you know the ones.
"Night in the woods DARPA" returns nothing, can you give me a source?
That's where I see the two compared a lot actually
Or a better strange comic
There really is little reason for this to be a game
The dialogue options are 95% pointless, either the same option but worded differently, basically repeating what they said back to them or a nothing response just so it isn't all one character talking.
>b-b-but realism
It doesn't come off as real and you can do that without awful dialogue.
The platforming is as basic as you can get with no challenge, the town just gets boring to traverse each day and the occasional mini game rarely involves more than move paw over thing
It's like they lacked enough talent to make a cartoon so made a game without thinking how to use the medium.