Enemies can interrupt your healing

>enemies can interrupt your healing

name 1 (one) game where this doesnt make sense

Did he ever apologize for hitting the dog?
Did Sup Forums forgive him?

Nah, he was in the right. My dog was total cunt till I beat him with a rubber hose for a few days.

>boss falls in love with you after you fight

he didn't even hit the dog, he just nipped it to let the dog know he doesnt fuck around and he's the dominant one, but it didn't actually hurt the dog

it was more angery about being touched by a stranger and interrupted while eating food

The owners ditched the dog after it bit Cesar, he adopted her afterwards and now they're super buds

>enemies can't interrupt your healing
>enemies are just moving you around as your healing animation continues

>that pose
is it a jojo reference?

Nope, Cesar gives no fucks.

He didn't even hit the dog that hard. He just sharply jabbed it to let the dog know he's the boss around here. And it worked