I know it's a meme at this point but which is honestly worth getting right now?

I know it's a meme at this point but which is honestly worth getting right now?

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RS2 is worse than RO2/RS and Squad isn't finished. So neither

Age of Empires II

Rising storm is a tenner from cee dee keys dot com and more than worth it
Get squad in a couple of weeks when its 50% off in the steam sale.

it ain't rocket science friendos

RO/RS2. It's a lot more fun than RS2 (played both games for the first time recently). Runs a lot better and looks about the same.

If you want a new working game atm get Day of Infamy.

>played both games for the first time recently
Well, some of us played it since release.

Light "realism" game? Jump in and shoot bad guys? ro/rs.

Slightly more serious "realism" game? Arma 3

Squad is as try-hard and clunky as Arma, but it doesn't do a quarter of the things Arma does. I never got why people would want it.

Squad is more fun but RS2 is the better game

Squad is a middle ground between the full blown autism of ARMA and the action packed shooty pew pews of battlefield.

it isn't that hard to see what niche it's trying to fill

Wait are people specifically recommending the old rising storm over Vietnam? I was thinking of getting the new one today.

Well do you want to play a dead game, Squad, or a game with a new and active community, RS2?

Do you want Vietnam? RS2. Do you want modern shooter? Squad

Do you want a game which will actually get large updates? RS2. Do you want a early-access meme game? Squad

It has regular problems of newly released Tripwire games. Could be optimized better, not enough maps yet, problems with netcode.

RO2/RS is definitely better than RS2 but RS2 has /will probably kill RO2/RS dead

Squad sounds like it has higher potential

From my experience, the things that both Arma and Squad do are equally complex/casual (Depends on your definition of milsim). But arma just does more things.

RO2/RS was killed for veterans with once again giving the game for free last week.

RS2 is still has some bugs and needs more maps. Could have used a while longer in beta, but it's in a good enough state that you can play and enjoy it.

squad is a fucking joke, i honestly don't understand how it's accumulated so many unpaid shills

I already have rising storm from the free humble bundle thing a few weeks ago, enjoying it but I feel like it's too reliant on having good squad/platoon leaders.

you probably haven't even played it

Same with RS2, and tenfold with Squad/Arma. Unless you want to create/generate SP scenarios and play with yourself, which I've been doing for 9 years in arma 2 and 3 now. Never touched MP, no regrets. Never been easier with mission generators like this becoming more and more popular.


Hey Tripwire if a decent patch isn't out in 6 day's i'm refunding

>implying Tripwire even visit here
They do my dad works for them


I have, it's a somehow less enjoyable version of battlefield

tfw tripwire abandoned ostfront

it was literally the best multiplayer fps ever

It was lad, nothing like getting your weapon shot out of your hands and running around like a madman trying to find another one, or coming across THAT guy and either bayonetting him or just sparing his life

good times


> squad is dead meme
it has more regular players than Rising Storm / Red Orchestra

It's also getting regular content updates already, while it took tripwire O N E. A N D. A. H A L F. F U C K I N G. Y E A R S. to add two new tanks to RO2

with the amount of shill threads for the game I wouldn't be surprised if they did post here.

Are you looking for a willy up the bum m8?


>tripwire O N E. A N D. A. H A L F. F U C K I N G. Y E A R S. to add two new tanks to RO2
You don't even know shit about the game.
They took 3 years.

Yeah you'd be pretty mad not to shill a game from a small studio on Sup Forums given the size of its userbase, there have been some very defensive posts about the game

>ostfront is 11 years old

i've done nothing with my life

well hey at least you haven't gotten worse unlike tripwire

Not him but he probably meant the halftrack, I can't even remember when campaign mode was intrduced, that must have been a good 2 years after launch

yeah, I'm not saying its a terrible game but it really does have its flaws and frame rate stutters that need to be fixed. People are praising it like there's literally nothing wrong with it tho.

Despite what everyone is saying they're both good.

Squad requires everyone work together to win.
Rising Storm2 requires the commander and SLs to work together to win.

The main difference between the two besides the theme and core mechanics is the time invested. You can spend up to two hours, albeit rare, in Squad; there is a logistics system that I think is the best quality about it. In RS2 you can right into the action in less than a minute, but in Squad it can several minutes before anything happens, and even then the action is spread out unless the enemy players are really close to you.

i just play insurgency. it's easy to get into and it has none of the superfluous buggery that tripwire add to their games

Oh shit, it's even worse than I remembered, two and a half years lmao.

I like tripwire games but making vehicle interiours was a huge mistake.

Half-tracks and other 2 tanks were released simultaneously in 2014.
They were also community made. Tripwire was "kind" enough to put them into game.

Or no. Half-track were added April 2014, tanks September 2014.

Squad will probably get more content over the years knowing the devs.

>reminder it took Tripwire FOUR (4) years to add half tracks to Red Orchestra and they have not put out any new official maps either.

While Arma is a Sandbox it's playerbase is hugely spread out, the majority play shitty pub gamemodes like KOTH, altis life or BR / DayZ likes, while milsim groups mainly focus on co-op. Squad has much better PVP while the maps are large enough to have comparable open terrain combat and engagement ranges.

With a single gamemode and a much better voip system it has much better teamplay on pub servers, good luck hearing anything besides angry russians on voip in Arma 3.

2 and a half years to be precise, and they did add new maps, but most of the new content in RO2 were community made maps officially added to the game.

Granted Squad does this too though.

I'm a bit annoyed 2bh, given the current state of the game, many people have been pretty much locked into beta testing now and paying X amount for the privalage with no option for refund, it just wasn't ready for release.

Give a 25% or 10% discount, get the playerbase up, financially lock them into the game, use locked in player base to start beta testing

Tripwire have some scummy business practices


Mamayev Kurgan was actually Tripwire's map added post release.
Also RS2 is Antimatter, RS1 guys.

ostfront has like 10 tanks and 4 infantry carriers wtf

This is why vehicle interiours was a huge mistake for Red Orchestra 2, so much time spend on a useless gimmick.

Same for the cover system, good that that isn't in RS2 anymore atleast


>Also RS2 is Antimatter

Exactly and what makes you think Tripwire will continue to support a mod dev team.

>tfw i've just remembered the clown cars

as serious as Ostfront was it had some pretty funny moments

I said Rising Storm / Red Orchestra, not Rising Storm 2

>it has more regular players than two games that have highly played sequels

I bet Squad has more players than Heroes of Might and Magic 2 as well!

At this point they're developers. They didn't disband them after RS1, nor after making that documentary series, so why would they now? RS2 makes money and in the meantime TWI is busy is doing KF2 updates or some other shit.
Also they posted trello roadmap and announced 7 content packs already, so if anything happens people will call them out if anything happens.

It DID have more regular players before RS2 came out, now put a rope on that goalpost and neck yourself

early pr dude here
squad is not ready until the 4km maps have heli, period. everything changes with logistics, all of it. still have a lot of fun.

Prove it.

I proved it had less. Where's your evidence to support your shit talking?

i'll be honest, pr used to dip under 100 players every night before 1.0 and we still had years of fun. 1.0 was out how long now? you're kind of a cunt who just wants to shit on someone's good times. how many replies do you have in you

How am I being a cunt?

I was giving OP the pros and cons of Squad and RS2. Some dumb ass, I'm guessing you, replied with literal lies about the player count.

If anyone is the cunt, it's you. You shouldn't need to lie about the game you play to try and entice people to play it or they're just going to quit as soon as they play it.

>I proved it had less.
You proved that it had more players than RS2, which I never denied

>Squad is as try-hard and clunky as Arma,
Stop talking about games you haven't played.

>ne year ago when GitHyp launched, we featured an article covering how Ubisoft’s best-selling game ever, The Division, lost 93% of its playerbase in the span of its first 3 months. Now, 3 months after Ubisoft’s biggest launch of 2017, For Honor has surpassed one of 2016’s biggest bombs by losing 95% of its playerbase on Steam.

It has actual pvp instead of a million chenarus life and coop circlejerks

*objective team pvp

Come back when RS2 has been out as long as Squad has. Hint: RS2 won't be breaking the 500 player count long before that.

>RS2 is worse than RO2/RS
objectively false. get used to full auto weapons shitter, it's not hard.

>ro2 is campfest symetrical combat everytime with maps way too open allowing super long range sniping without trying
>germans always win

>rs1 has better firefights and asymetrical, but japan will still lose because every US soldier have an automatic weapon, at least a garand for lowest grunt.
>japanese side needs too much teamwork to win while US don't

>RS2 has better balance but not many maps for now and everyone play BR city
>can finally win in either sides

obviously nobody will ever miss ro2 for being a mess at launch and later, not even vehicle update saved it.
rs1 was too one sided to be enjoyable as a nip, i played almost exclusively as a japanese squad leader and maxed every roles to lv5, it's still not enough to win against a bunch of americans with automatic weapons that hardly need teamworks.
rs2 finally balanced all that crap while having asymetrical fights.
i don't see why people are missing previous games so much when ro2 was disliked and rs1 dead.

RS2 is full of noobs due to it just being released. Wait a month and then buy it

You mean shot it in the knee and kicked it in the ribs repeatedly?

>there are people itt who haven't played ostfront

baka m8s