*Rolls your path*
*Rolls your path*
>what is Geodude, Onix, Sandshrew and Machop
>inflicts poison
>not leveling your starter up to level 23
>not soloing the entire game with your starter
>*Digs behind you*
>"Pssh nothing personel kid
>Gastly used spite
Totodile learns Bite at 13
Once you get him to evolve you gotta hope for a flinch chain
I used to grind so hard in RPGs as a kid. I never even noticed that this fight was hard.
fucking cheaters
Literally the most plebby way to play
*Winks at you*
>bayleef used poisonpowder
>Your starter pokemon gets KO'd
>You desperately reach for your revives and hyper potions as the enemy chews through your lvl 8 Rattatas
Why is Gen 2 the only good sequel?
It's taken more than 10 years and the modern games STILL don't have as many features as Gen 2.
Gen 3 was by far the WORST sequel for any game.
Anyone who likes Gen 3 obviously only started the series on it or later
Real talk, I did a Cyndaquil only run exactly once. Chuck's Poliwrath was obnoxious since he had Surf, but I got through most of the game just fine.
I might have evolved him for the fight against Red, but I can't remember.
>not wrecking it with gyarados in 2-3 hits
I don't know how you can say Gen 3 is the worst sequel when it added abilities to the mix. I'd argue that the EV system makes builds more diverse compared to the DVs from the first two games, but I know not everyone's into the competitive side of Pokemon.
Gen 5 didn't really add much aside from hidden abilities, but I guess it gets a pass for not fucking with everything like Gen 6 did.
"Competitive" Pokemon is literally for autists
If Gamefreak had any sense, they'd remake the breeding/EV whatever system into something more intuitive and less autism focused
Make it something you can train while playing through the game instead of something that fails the second you play the game normally
Effort values in the first two games were earned directly from the base stats of the Pokemon defeated. You'd cap out at 2^16 effort points for each stat, which by level 100 means you'd have +255 to each stat on top of your Pokemon's base stat growth and DV's.