Finished this few hours ago.
Wasn't bad at all,tedious at times but everything else made up for it.
What surprises me how human all characters scripts were,kinda surprising not to see edgy shit or "deep" behavior like we normally do.
Finished this few hours ago
Why did you play this shit instead of Escape From Butcher Bay?
Because I played Butcher bay with it came out years ago and I had the bundle from GOG sitting on by drive for a year.
It took me 3 times across that time span to get into the game,the floaty/clunky movement was too much at the first hangar with a swarm of enemies.
But it played out good.
whatever im tired
Good game, only bad thing I can remember is some frustrating back tracking through stealth sections.
For me most disappointing was the last boss fight because I had to looking up what im doing wrong.
Which in turn ruined the battle and I fucked myself at the end.
Also big flaw is not having some kind of mechanism for boss health indication,just a big guessing game that left me frustrated few times.
suggested way to get this played on pc?
Get it from gog everything works out of the box.
The game looks amazing even compared to modern games.
Few textures here and there that are lower rez but everything is fine.
did they get rid of both games?
also which one is better?
Lol what the fuck.
They were in bundle both games and I recommend it to pirate the complete pack.
Play them in order first butcher bay than dark athena.