Who are you maining and why isn't it LC?
Who are you maining and why isn't it LC?
>why isn't it Lucky Chloe?
Because I have taste.
but I am
Why would I when I can play best girl?
sfm porn when?
Needs more pee stains and skid marks
Everyone know Asuka is the true best Tekken waife
Unlucky Whorie is a shit SHIT.
I can't decide who is the best new girl, Katarina or Kazumi.
Asuka is a loudmouth. Nina os the best. Even Julia is better.
Katie always
Katarina hands down. Don't let that other girl fool you.
She was but now Katarina is giving her a run for her money.
she's not in this game sadly. maybe next time.
i'm maining a better waifu.
I like that Chloe makes cat-like sounds even when you hit her.
From the thumbnail I thought she was exposing one of her breasts.
She represent everything that I hate about modern anime culture in the west.
She is literally one of those ironic weebs normalfags but in 2D.
Lucky Chloe is not a lewd girl.
Was playing Kazumi but I'm trying to learn Claudio now, any protips?
newcomer to the series
these move lists are fucking enormous holy shit
Because I'm too busy maining Leo.
One of these days, I'll be great withHer
Kazuya has always been my man and Eliza does so much for my dick that it's unfair to the other girls
Sorry LC
>missing the womb tattoo
One job.
I was gonna. I even got her Bishoujo. But then I started playing Josie and I fell in love
Try Claudio.
I think he is pretty easy for a beginner and only has about 50 moves or so.
I really did not have to see that. Ruined my fucking mood.
Oh wait it's there, just a little faded.
>mfw they killed off best girl 10 years ago
Still mad
Because my best character is Lucky Chloe but I don't want to go off the deep end.
You shall suffer with me.
>Hop online and do a ranked match
>Get matched against a Korean Asuka player
>They're so far above my level that they just toy with me, like they'd go AFK for 10 seconds at a time and let me hit them, then come back and kill me anyway and win 3-0
>Don't even request the revenge match
Is there any worse feeling
If someone links to an SFM ready model I'll take requests
God Sup Forums has always garbage taste
>le fucking fox ninja
I wouldn't have posted the image if it wasn't there. Don't underestimate Katarinabros.
I'm maining King and Shaheen. Hopefully one day Rick as a guest character.
Julia when
My nigga
just keep posting the filipino whore
I tend to not gravitate towards blatant sexual designs as I like a more subtle approach to it. But Katarina got me good, I fucking love her design.
trying to learn leo because shes supposedly beginner friendly and top tier
i miss nightmare, he was so fucking easy, no one at my skill level could predict his lows and every time he touched someone he could do an otg for half hp
I only play Devil Jin because of his classc moveset.
Newbie here, I was going to pick Kuma but apparently he's joke tier so I dunno now
Nobody is really grabbing me
What kind of a person do you have to be to watch something like this? What exactly about this retard´s face makes people click on these thumbnails
Anyone knows a decent guide for Bryan? tried him out in practice mode and went online and it was fun but I can only basically do the oine where you kick up the guy really high AA+Y and then the d/f + XXXXXXX, seems to work if the enemy is against the wall
Mhmm, sure you do.
Does he even have any of Jin´s Tekken 3 moves at this point?
she's a bitch
so meh
>tfw chloe main and they gonna hide characters in lobbies next patch so no faggot will be able to decline me the match because of who im playing
Kuma all day erryday.
>That 3, 4, 1+2 combo finisher
I use it too much, but it's pretty versatile.
heron dance
Same here. Her arm looks like a nip slipped boobie.
>If a player has 10 consecutive online wins, he/she is immediately returned to the main menu.
What the fucking fuck is this for? Is it to protect low-skill players micropenis?
If you play Steve or Hwoarang, kill yourself.
>Constant slow-mo game for the final strike of the match
It's pure video kino
>not Josie
I need ryona of Lucky Chloe while she's wearing something lewd! Lucky Chloe being put in erotic submission holds! Lucky Chloe being stretched out to her limits! Lucky Chloe suffering!
What if you only play Lili and Asuka?
>Jun Kazama isn't playable in 7
No one I guess. And no, Asuka is not an acceptable substitute.
I was going to play Master Raven but instantly fell in love with Josie's design when I saw her in the character select, then I fell in love with her moveset. That punt is too much fun
Im a gay faggot who love anime so I play Claudio.
>If a player has 10 consecutive online wins, he/she is immediately returned to the main menu.
What did he mean by this?
you created this alt anime for bullying weebs
Still haven't picked this up.
How are Asuka,Lili and Paul?
Katarina's cooler, though. Plus she's not a MILF.
But the real best girl is Lili obviously
I feel like a lot of Tekken characters are slow burners. Just pick someone you like the look of (not a Kuma/Panda) and stick with them.
Also, without you plan on playing professionally, fuck the tier-lists.
I want those damn curls. Why wont they drop god damn it.
Then you're a waifufag.
>If a player has 10 consecutive online wins, he/she is immediately returned to the main menu.
What did he mean by this?
Because LC a shit and King a superior
this entire channel is ironic
I feel you, my man. Have literally everything I want tor Lili except barefoot swimsuit skirt.
And it just doesn't fucking drop
The thumbnail looks like she has a long tit falling out of her jacket
eating ice cream in the winter ???????
A moment of silence for our missing friends.
If a player has 10 consecutive online wins, he/she is immediately returned to the main menu.
Beginner+ at Tekken
Wanna pick good, not super execution heavy character. Considering 2 final options: Feng or Dragunov.
Both are fucking great, just Feng feels bit faster and trickier with a lot of excellent poke moves. But Drag's rushdown and CQC, also high pick rate on pro scene and aesthetics, man.
What to do?
Best tag team.
why is there not much fanart of her anyway?
Nothing wrong with that.
It means that you shouldn't feed a Mogwai after midnight; it'll turn into a Gremlin
The move lists are a trap. Very few are viable in competitive play. Even when you want to style on scrubs, you won't use it all.
Who is that woman on the left? Doesn't look like anyone in the game :^)
If a player has 10 consecutive online wins, he/she is immediately returned to the main menu.
Why is this a feature
Stop winning then, you fucking Kim Jong Un
Is there a reason to play Quick Match instead of ranked? Losing a few times isn't really that punishing.
This is my wife.
>If a player has 10 consecutive online wins, he/she is immediately returned to the main menu.
But why?
>cares about high pick rate on pro scene
I would go with Feng. Angry chink is actually an excellent character with no weaknesses and awesome amount of tools to fuck up every beginner's life.
I like classy sluts, not trashy sluts.
I like trashy sluts, not classy sluts.
I bet you haven't even seen her up close
Your loss, faggot.