ITT: our guilty pleasure

ITT: our guilty pleasure

but serious sam is great OP

the fuck are you on about



Currently waiting on BFE Fusion

>best ID shooter not made by ID

>best ID shooter not made by ID
That's probably Heretic or some other Raven game. Sam is too different.

Serious Sam First and Second Encounters are my favorite vidya games of all time.


It has the worst P2W model of any game I've ever played

But the core gameplay is so much fun


Never understood why was this game so panned. It was pretty hard, though - most Sam-like FPS don't have enemies tracking your movement and compensating for it.

The acid rifle was hilarious, too.


I just want Space Marine 2, but this is the closest thing

also the devs are lazy wankers

It's a joke compared to contemporary FPSes, but at the time it was the only one that actually felt like you were moving a gun around. Even the mobile version is worth picking up, just because your only other options are Gameloft's mockbusters (one of rich is a mockbuster of The Conduit).

Has anyone really been as far etc.

You should always feel guilty playing video games as an adult because it is a hobby for children and the developmentally challenged.

I feel like im the only person who played Serious Sam the Next Encounter on the ps2


You still play this in 2017?

I... I replayed it 6 or 7 times until I unlocked all the art and backstory.

It was decent. Underrated to be sure

Are those enemies exclusive to that ps2 port or something? I don't remember them .

LOL at the screenshot

Sometimes I play through those old Humongous games like Pajama Sam, I used to play when I was much younger. Brings back good feels and the art style is max comfy



its true. im developmently challnged and i play videogames

PENISPENISPENISPENIS asdasdsafsdgfdgdfag

>Game got shat on
>I thought it was not perfect but enjoyable
>Another Splatterhouse game will never happen that improves upon it now


My brudda.

RE6 but this is a complicated relationship.