Is 9GB of GDDR5 a game changer?? I dont know anything technical but does that mean 1080p 60 fps?

is 9GB of GDDR5 a game changer?? I dont know anything technical but does that mean 1080p 60 fps?

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>I dont know anything technical
you've come to the right place

they downloaded more ram?

>does that mean 1080p 60 fps?
Allegedly it can handle 4K. The real question is, are there any games for it to play?

Oh sure it will. Don't expect much out of 4K though. There is no memory RAM on board so all of it is shared memory pulling from the GDDR5 ram. It's more than PS4 sure, but not a hell of a lot more accessible to developers. And in like 2 years tops it'll start showing age again. It's getting too expensive for consoles to keep up.

they can do 1080p 60 even in the biggest open-world game ever with 9GB (if the devs wanted - a lot with prefer 4K 30, for example).

even Battlefront 2 is confirmed 2160p 60 fps on Scorpio, WWTH 4K TEXTURES (which the PS4 Pro can't handle).

the major difference between Scorpio and PS4 Pro is going to be that the Scorpio has enough RAM to load 4K textures for everything. most 4K games on PS$ pro do NOT have 4K textures, only the resolution is 4K, not the shaders, textures or shadows.

all depends on the devs and the engines. Destiny, for example, is CPU-heavy and the engine is built for 30fps, so it'll be 4K 30fps on Scorpio.

Microsoft has confirmed one 1st party game that was 900p 30 on XBone will be 1080p 60 on Scorpio (either Ryse or Sunset Overdrive), so the devs chose to focus on framerate.

they also confirmed to Digital Foundry that ANY 1080p on XBone game can be made 4K with 4K textures (with the same framerate) on Scorpio, and most (not all) 900p games too.

so... yes, every game could be 1080p 60 IF DEVS WANTED.

a lot of devs will prefer 4K 30, or 1880p 30 with insane lighting and particles, though...

>ITT: tech illiterates spew marketing bullshit like it's factual



It may not lag as much with all the completely unnecessary Xbox bloatware that runs in the background.

I can't wait to buy the scorpio for $899

why 9 of all numbers?

Great now I can play all of those VIDEOGAMES at a super high resolution!

just to piss off autists like you and I who want even numbers

The problem is not the memory or Gpu, it's the shitty Cpu. Apparently the Scorpio is still using Jaguar, which is a Cpu meant for tablets, but overclocked.

Not really
8 is minimum (though some games can get by on just 4)
16 gb still wouldn't be a game changer it would just mean ram won't be a bottleneck later down the line.

you can do 1080/60 with 512mb of gddr5. All the video memory does is allow better textures. Im pretty sure no game right now uses more than 6gb of vram on pc in 4k, not even on ultra. But we are talking about consoles, which uses vram for system as well and other game logic. On Pc you see ddr use of 3-4gb in video games. So lets say console OS uses 1gb, game logic uses like 3gb, and you left with 4gb. The extra gb of vram might actually allow them to enable ultra textures on 4k instead of very high.

Microsoft said developers are free to chose whatever they want. Last year papers recommended developers to target 2k 60fps with good textures,shaders, particles, etc. and upscale to 4k

Scorpio has 12GB of RAM. Three being reserved to the system.


>Microsoft makes a more expensive ps4 pro
this thing is going to be $599

Yep. Whatever bleeding edge gpu you cram into that box won't change the fact that it's bottlenecked by the shitty cpu and the games won't improve fps wise. You'll have silky smooth 4k @20 fps.

GPU won't fix shitty CPU though.

But will it have games?

>is 9GB of GDDR5 a game changer??
For Scorpio? No, not at all. Pretty much irrelevant considering it still has the same shitty CPU as the 2013 model (either overclocked or very similar) and that's the major bottleneck for higher framerates

Scorpio will be just like PS4pro, only that it'll render most games at slightly higher resolutions. There will STILL be PLENTY of 30fps games and non-native upscaled 4K games on the Scorpio. 8 to 9gb RAM changes nothing

my point still stands. Technically PC with 16gb of ram and and 8gb of vram, Have 24gb of ram in total.
I mean everyone recommends having 16gb of ddr4 ram now.
Even if they have 12gb of gddr5 ram in total, they will still be limited even now.

> falls out of chair
> drops cup and spits out drink
> faints
> tips over wheelbarrow and drops vegetables
> vomits
> becomes mad and runs away
i hope he's still making dem comics

It won't mean shit because shitty devs can't optimize their games worth a fuck and they'll be pushing the limits of Scorpio on day one.

I'd be surprised if they can manage 1080p at 60fps.

Jesus christ you sound like such a shill, i doubt you even know what youre talking about

considering its underclocked rx480, with some weak as fuck underclocked laptop cpu, it would make sense they would have trouble reaching 60fps in todays "optimized" games

In the interview with Eurogamer they said they can just 'brute force it', meaning that they'll just throw enough power at it so it can render in 4k.

>meaning that they'll just throw enough power at it so it can render in 4k.
I highly doubt that. Devs were already pushing the limits of the Xbone and PS4 in 2013, there's nothing to suggest that the same won't happen with Scorpio.

This is only going to make developers lazy as fuck with optimisation.

they might reach 30fps in gta5 and bf1 at 4k

But these two games are well optimized also remember actually rx480 is more powerful gpu than the one in scorpio do to clock speeds, also cpu is like 100% weaker.

The console has 12GB but they're dedicating 3GB of that to the OS. it used to be an 8/4 split, but I guess they've managed to cull some of their bloatware like the TV app enough to give devs an extra gig.

I'm pretty sure the GPU is what matters when it comes to rendering at 4k vs 720p, not the CPU, in which case, it can definitely be done.

Yes, but the CPU matters a lot for framerate. The major constraint of these consoles is the shit-tier CPU.

How many of you can tell me what RAM does without looking it up?

I have no doubt that the framerates will stay the same unless a dev really wants it not to be, but it shouldn't have an issue with rendering at 4k for unpatched games.

They still have to develop for the base XBONE and PS4 models, which will still be the majority playerbase of each console. Devs will still need to optimise well enough for the lower end hardware while utilising the benefits the more powerful models provide.

Yup there cpu has the power of something like phenom 2 950~. And that CPU struggles to reach 60fps in any modern game with any modern gpu.

hope you have money to buy those new Core i9s

ha ha

Xbox Scorpio is 4K 30fps.

cpu's dont matter now, since consoles have cpu's which are weaker than first gen core cpus..

In b4 hundreds of sonyladies making damage control threads all day

It's undoubtedly the best vidya webcomic, pity it updates so rarely.

>Microsoft for 3.5 years
>We don't give a fuck about power even though PS4 is kicking out console's shit in every multiplat game
>Still don't bother getting any games made for it
>End-of-Gen expensive console SKU release when your brand carries no value in the console market anymore

>9GB of GDDR5
>marketing bullshit
He's right, you're ine right place.

>End-of-Gen expensive console SKU release when your brand carries no value in the console market anymore

It's not anywhere near the end of the gen and the Xbox brand has a lot of value and being double downed on by MS by looking at the last financial briefing.

What does the memory interface have to do with being able to handle resolutions? This board is full of retards.
>There is no memory RAM on board
>memory RAM
>memory random access memory
Case in point.

Now hey can store 9gb of low res textures. What a time to be alive

literally nothing there says anything about the graphical display, the only thing it says is the optical drive can read UHD bluray
although you could be right, it might have 4k in the system menus

>PS4 has .5 teraflops more allowing it to render in 900p instead of 720p

>Scorpio has 2tf more than the PS4 Pro and has many tricks to take advantage of the power including DX12
>I dunno, that's not a huge difference, I doubt most people will be able to even notice

>Xbox brand has a lot of value
the Xbone has yet to outsell the first Xbox

Diminishing returns I guess.

It doesn't deserve to outsell the original Xbox. The OG Xbox had a charm to it that the XBONE couldn't hope to emulate.

>the bone has no hole tech
Instantly dropped. We'll let the casuals have this one.

do games really need that much Vram nowadays?

I play at 1080 with a humble 1GB card (uses 1.5 to be precise) and most games are playable. Is this a 4K thing only?

>Put a plastic case over the console
>It has holes in it
>Increases airflow

How does that work?

>Hole technology
>improved airflow

Life imitates art.

>I play at 1080 with a humble 1GB card
no you don't, I have to put textures to low with my 2GB card

Nope, you're still saddled with a laptop CPU we've already seen this with the PS4 pro. The CPU is the system bottleneck for both consoles.

Yeah higher resolutions usually require alot of Vram

tfw when xbone still not have supercharged PC architecture

are you sure it can actually use that 2 gb? I also have a 2gb card but can only use 1.5 due to 128-bit interface

Still, we are talking about 9 times the size.

Basically, the more vRAM a card has, the more complex textures or 3D meshes it can load. The higher the resolution of the image you’re attempting to render, the more vRAM required. If the texture and images you’re attempting to run overload your GPU’s vRAM, the overflow goes to system RAM, significantly impacting performance in a negative way. Basically, the video will still render, but frame rates will take a plunge. For this reason, higher vRAM is ESSENTIAL to high-framerate 4K gaming.

TLDR: If you’re not working with highly sophisticated 3D objects (lots of options like fxaa and ambient occlusion) at extreme resolutions, you won’t max out your GPU’s vRAM and therefore won’t see the performance benefits.

I see.

Does this mean 1080p will never need more than a X amount or it will still need more as games become more detailed texture-wise?

they use vram instead of ddr3/4 on consoles as well as using it for there OS as well, saying that console has 9gb of vram here is a marketing giving to easily swindle good goys out of there money. Realistically 4-6gb of that vram will be used for game logic which would have used ddr3/4 on pc.

They can use as much RAM as they want but you won't really see much improvement in higher resolution textures at 1080p. It's more like a softcap than a hardcap.

lurk more


It'll run Cuphead at 4k. Graphics like you've never seen!

well the current most powerful console in the world right now only does 5. So almost twice that sounds pretty good.




>a screenshot
>of a car standing still
>any indicator of how good it will run
yes of course it will run at 4k with 30 fps drops and resolution fluctuation between 4k and 720p

We will know in 2 days.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>racing games
every fucking time
show me a game where shit's actually happening which also keeps 4k60fps you fuck

it literally says its running at 4K 60 DigitalFoundry even confirmed it.

It seems like it would perform better if they made it a dedicated gaming console instead of a dvr. How much ram does a clean installation windows 10 or 7 normally use?

Yeah. Now you can fit more graphical defluxes in the integrated PCIE by bypassing the limitations of the high fidelity downclock of the mother modem.

Don't know why they didn't just download more ram, tho.

...but that's really inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, really.

The "difference"

Based on this tweet is game sharing a thing that xbox is for again?

>Don't know why they didn't just download more ram, tho.
That would just increase HDD insensitivity, and destabilize system throughput you fucking tard.

This means that the devs either will keep making more and more diminishing returns in graphics or slack on optimization, still giving you the industry standard of 900p/30fps with drops.

>is game sharing a thing that xbox is for again?
I thought it always was. I learned about it from MS.

Nope. Scorpio is 12GB of ram ps4 is 8. 9 is accessible for scorpio while ps4 is up to 5.5. Im sorry but 5.5 ram vs 9 is not "not as hell if a lot" on PC specially not on consoles. I wished the PS4 allowed 9GB for games, oh wait it doesn't even have 9.

are you implying that there's no difference? because the difference is immediately noticeable

Also the 5.5 available is for the PS4 Pro only, not regular PS4.

Yes, the price is the immediately noticeable difference LOL


why would they spoil other games than the most obvious one until e3

This is going to have 12 GB total.
So it'd be like having a build with 8 GB of RAM and a GPU with 4 GB of VRAM.

>the engine is built for 30fps, so it'll be 4K 30fps on Scorpio.

Destiny is confirmed 60 fps on PC.


>they need 3GB of memory just to run their bloated OS

Maybe next time.

No there is 9 dumbass
Keep in mind my PC has 24 lol

where the video games at
