ITT: We predict the resolution and framerate of Skyrim Switch.
Also any special features you think this edition may bring like waggling to cast spells
ITT: We predict the resolution and framerate of Skyrim Switch.
Also any special features you think this edition may bring like waggling to cast spells
720p 25fps just like zelda
no new features, straight port of Xbone/PS4 version with downgraded graphics and no mods
900p 30fps docked, no wagglan but exclusive weapons
I don't think 60 720p is out of the question
zelda is 720p 30fps undocked, 900p 25-30fps docked.
They patched it, it's 1080p docked now.
The special edition is 30fps on PS4, you aren't gonna see it be 60 on the switch.
I expect the game to be pretty damn ugly or at least have very wonky framerate. I own a switch but I don't expect bethesda to fully optimize their shitty engine for it.
source: my giant virgin ass
no it isn't, still 900p but the framerate is far smoother
I think it might be a high end port of the ps3/360 versions
if PS4 can barely run 30fps switch has NO chance without a massive downgrade
simple as
Is it special edition or normal edition?
Normal edition: 1080p 60fps in cradle, 720p handheld
Special edition: 900p 30fps in cradle, 720p 30fps handheld
720p docked, 540p undocked
Struggles to keep 30 fps
720p 30 FPS docked at best
540p or maybe even 480p undocked
it'll probably be the normal edition, or some tailor-made 'switch edition' (i.e. normal edition with minor improvements)
What about a tacked on co op mode that runs at 20 FPS where you use a horribly crippled control method with the tiny little joycons not have enough buttons?
Nah, maybe some gimmicky mini game though
what is the difference between normal and special anyway? Just textures, FO4 lighting engine and includes DLC?
Unstable 30fps with MASSIVE drops when in battles with a lot of shit going on an noticeable drops when using magic
30 720p if you're feeling optimistic
mostly textures and shader improvements, I think some stuff is remodelled as well
Realistic Link armour, sword and bow
>It STILL runs worse docked
>Switchfags defend this absolutely atrocious hardware
Why wouldn't it?
I'll bet money that it's literally the 360 version of Skyrim, with zero patches or DLC, and that it never receives any patches or DLC.
I can't wait to play this game from 11/11/11 for the millionth time on my mariobox
I don't own a switch but I think it's only korok forest that has dips now when docked.
The problem is clearly not the hardware, its the optimization of the Zelda port which is shit. Even they admitted that Zelda wasn't optimized for the Switch.
Just look at Fast RMX if you want to see how much the hardware actually improved.
Ok so Nintendo managed to mitigate, but not totally fix it, surely this won't be a problem in any future Switch titles. It'll totally never come up again
Why can't they keep working on it then the fucking Jews? They sold like 4 million copies and people will still be playing it ages from now because of the two dlc packs
>Why can't they keep working on it then the fucking Jews?
they are, they released 2 patches already
like said, BotW is a lazy port of the wii u version, probably because the devs were asked last-minute to do it ready for launch
They wanted to rush it for release. They did patch it a few times afterwards to optimize the framerate. Now it is much more stable but they clearly don't need to keep improving it considering how everyone just swallows it up.
Also, if the switch port was much better it would be unfair for the Wii U owners while at the same time they're cheeky enough to make the game have a slightly better framerate on Switch so that more people opt for that version.
0fps because they will announce its cancelled around e3
>200p difference and 5 fps is so much for nintendo that drones feel like its worth mentioning
>trying this hard to incite a consolewar
nigga I was only posting a fact, I stated no opinion on the resolution/framerate at all.
720p 30fps
Nintendo could 1080/30 it but we're talking about a third party here so they won't get it done. However there could be graphical improvements, like PC edition on high settings without the HD texture dlc.
1. The switch screen is 720p so of course he mentioned it
2. You're implying you don't think there's a obvious different in 900p/1080p
Like 540p in handheld with sold 30fps
720p in console mode with unstable 30. Maybe some form of variable resolution too based on the area and what's happening in game
Isn't the Switch more powerful than 360/PS3? I don't see why it would struggle to run Skyrim.
Well the Switch version of BOTW apparently struggled because it was a lazy port. And given Nintendo's track record with 3rd parties running back to the N64 we have no reason to think that Todds doing a good job porting this game
I kinda doubt the engine could even support variable resolution
It wouldn't, but Bethesda's console ports have a horrible reputation and considering it is probably the first time they are working on a Nintendo console, it will most likely be a very shitty port.
Post waifus
>Why would a company that gives zero fucks about nintendo or their system not put effort into a port of a game
114p 16fps on the 360/ps3 version with waggle
A fucking 2011 macbook can run regular skyrim on high.
But since it will be the """"special"""" edition, 480p 12fps on low settings.
Also, the game comes pre-modded with bella's
Downgraded 360 port, 23 fps, 720p
720p 30 FPS Port with Lower Textures and Anti Aliasing
How weak do you think the Switch is?
>On the switch
Oh you poor fool
720p 30fps
If they say 60fps it'll be fluctuating anywhere between 30 and 60
900p 30fps with a mixture of high and medium settings. Bethesda are shit at programming.
Not him but I think there's a combination of comparatively weak hardware and Bethesda's renowned developmental incompetence you should factor in to the question.
I'd go 720p docked/undocked, garbage framerate for both versions.
Will there be mods?
It's 30 solid most of the times on 360, and since Switch is more powerful, it will be 900p 30 docked.