How would you create an open world game without breaking the narrative?
How would you create an open world game without breaking the narrative?
very simple, user
realize narrative is irrelevant in a video GAME
Simple, dont have a narrative, or else its something very barebones like in Zelda or Stalker.
Emphasize balanced mechanics and player experience over a dramatic narrative.
1. Forget about rigid pre-determined plot in favour of emergence and worldbuilding. Those are better suited for vidya anyway.
2. Take lessons from games like Star Control 2.
Not RPGs, nine times out of ten the gameplay in those sure as hell isn't the draw.
I want to impregnate Rin.
All that says is that RPGs need to improve their gameplay and get with the times.
If the story is the only draw then why not make a visual novel and save yourself the headache?
hmm seems like the GAMEPLAY needs to be improved in those video GAMES, and not the pointless story that does nothing but frame context for the all important GAMEPLAY
Allow things to happen in real time, as opposed to being triggered by the player. No more of this walk-into-disaster bullshit, if you don't get there in time then it's fucked.
Very easy. You wouldn't make it open world.
I fucking love Shiburin
What if a person likes interactive stories?
What if they're not interested in waifu shit?
>"I don't like this type of game so instead of just saying it isn't for me I'm going to say they're bad and passive aggressively imply they're not real games like a colossally elitist faggot!"
Imagine thinking you're this important when you're actually just autistic.
Plenty VNs are not waifushit, a good one is World End Economica.
Make the narrative the players actions and the simulated world akin to Mount and Blade.
In other works, give it a reason for actually being open world.
Make them read choose your own adventure novels.
This. You apply time limit that whips the player to action
>b-but muh explorashun!
You can have autistic grind or well-structured narrative, pick one faggot
What if they want to interact with the story in other ways beyond turning pages?
To be fair RPG's often have pretty shit gameplay, and RPG's are by far my favorite genre.
Though then again I would argue it's one of the harder types of games to develop as well, at least in terms of balancing the different types of gameplay.
You slap them in the back of the head and tell them to stop being such huge faggots.
Or just make them play those awful Telltale games.
Top kek compelling argument user.
>What if they're not interested in waifu shit?
read a choose you own adventure book you dumb faggot.
if you want anything involving words, go to books and get right down to it. video games are made for kids, they will never have stories or writing even remotely onpar with good books
what are you even talking about? Video GAMES are about GAMEplay. nothing else matters as GAMEPLAY is the only unique thing to VIDEO GAMES.
Want a good story? Go read a book. Want pretty graphics? Go watch movies.
Thank you.
Another great game that works on that principle
But user, reading is for faggots like you.
You're stuck in the 80s.
Most of the best games of all time are accredited majorly because of the story.
Are you that guy that comes into Metroid threads and reees at any game with a story focus?
M&B is compelling enough but it's all emergence in favour of pre-determined plot (although some common themes tend to arise, like Swadians overextending because their central position causes them to go to war with everyone) and I don't think that's what OP was going for.
Although simulation is the correct way of doing things even with pre-determined plot. For example, in Star Control 2 events proceed even if you do nothing. If you take your time, the antagonist will start purging the galaxy and you will lose. Open world isn't just something you travel in to access the next scripted sequence in the main quest but it's actually a world, no linear main quest (there are some things you need to do in order to win but you can do them in any order you like) and certainly not """content""" like a hundred bandit camps that only exists to fill the void between actually relevant locations.
If there's no some degree of simulation taking advantage of the game being open world, you might as well discard all but the story-relevant locations (which in themselves can be unrestrictive and vast, like Witcher 3 Novigrad) and travel between them from a map screen or other similar ways.
But the games that actually last are from their gameplay.
Doom, for example.
The sooner people stop treating games as Hollywood-lite the sooner games can actually evolve.
Story and gameplay are intertwined to deliver what ends up being a fun videogame, thats why it's called VIDEO_game. If you think presentation (both visual - graphics, and intellectual - story and characters) doesn't matter you're a faggot holding vidya back
Knights of the old Republic did it right, you were allowed to switch between planets depending on what mission you were own and each had an objective at the end of the map leading to the ending.
Last of Us proves you wrong kiddo.
Give the player a very large goal from the getgo which takes you to each compass direction in the overworld, while dotting the landscape in between your starting location and 4 initial goals with sidequests that still matter to the main quest. IE saving the world or something.
Last of Plebs isnt relevant anywhere
Call me back when people still talk about it 20 years from now and actively make content for it.
You hit the nail on the head.
Not to mention I think player made narrative is usually much stronger. I still vividly remember a lot of stuff I've done in games like Crusader Kings 2 because well, I did them. Not my character or the guy who wrote the script, but me, and that makes it so much more powerful.
Like how reading about someone getting married would be incredibly dull but actually getting married would be a memory for life.
It's a lot more fun to talk about your various random adventures in Stalker than it is to talk about the same script over and over again.
solely because loser adults want other adults to respect their choice in media. can't be respected when your pinical of media is fucking mario.
so they praise anything with a half assed story. the best story games are essentially a mediocre book.
no it doesn't
i have already forgotten about that game.
Knights of the Old Republic also wasn't open world, so I guess that helped.
True. That's exactly why phone games are the best games.
No it doesn't, if anything its diminished relevance proves the other user right.
You have to make sure any and all sidequests are relevant and realistic. You stumble on a town you need to defend, you take out a band of raiders, etc. There shouldn't be any 'deliver love-letter for girl to boy on other side of town' or 'sweep woman's chimney'. If it's absolutely necessary to put a few of those quests in, then it should also be that your mission-control or sidekicks/party absolutely chew the fuck out of you for wasting time doing something meaningless for practically no reward while the world is in danger. Bonus points if NOT doing them also has the town-people chew you out for 'not being heroic enough'.
Like New Vegas.
There's solved.
This. Write a book if you care about narrative or/and characters that shouldn't be affected in any way (i.e. non interactive i.e. not a video game)
Make a tv series if you think graphics and characters are more important
>implying Doom doesn't have diminished relevance as well
>Hello, random courier dude, would you like to help us, [pick your faction] achieve victory and hear all about our secrets even though we've never met? Make sure not to betray us later teehee
NV narrative goes too jarringly from butthurt courier looking for revenge to savior of all Wasteland. Classic Fallout games treated the player more realistically.
In the eyes of plebs sure, but anyone who knows shit about games knows that there are many doom wads that completely outclass AAA games in terms of design, pacing, enemy balance, etc.
You know, shit that actually matters in a game instead of some fucking story.
Just play cards or checkers if you want abstract puzzle-solving, faggots
Jews are the good guys
Conservative whites are the antagonists
Main female dates a black guy
You fight to bring socialism to an evil capitalist world through tasks around the sandbox
Oh wait, wrong narrative
>tfw I am the black guy
do I get a cool boss fight?
Yeah for example Witcher 3 which has shitty game play because all of the budget went into not game play things.
The result: the game excels at things other mediums are better suited for like story, characters and visuals but sucks at the one department that a video game SHOULD excel at: gameplay.
>Yeah for example Witcher 3 which has the balance of all elements working in perfect synergy
>The result: best game of 2015, enjoyed by millions and hailed by critics and players alike
Really makes you think huh
Or not. For example, if you think about why people play games like, say, Crusader Kings, it tends not to be because they enjoy the physical act of crawling through menus or the challenge (everyone and their mother is painting the map to their colours after the initial learning period) but because they enjoy stories about wives plotting to kill their husbands, kings losing their sanity after being cuckolded, neverending tournaments, heroic last stands of the Philosopher King, Greater Finland removing kebab and all the other interesting plots that arise from interactions within the game.
Even ignoring some truly abstract games like Tetris, there admittedly are games in which any sort of story content is of trivial importance for most of their players (although it should be noted that even when a game cannot be said to have emergent narratives per se, some degree of worldbuilding tends to be a hundred percent necessary ingredient for people to enjoy the game: otherwise people would be happy to move pointers on top of geometric shapes, as opposed to shooting space orcs with guns). However, I would argue most people play most games "for the story", even when a naive view wouldn't see any stories present. Just because they do narrative in a manner fit to the medium as opposed to being wanna-be movies or books shouldn't cause you to discard the storytelling techniques in those games: the elements that allow emergent narratives to form and the detail that makes those narratives compelling didn't end up there without deliberate efforts from the game designers.
I like action games, why the fuck would I play slow paced turn based games?
You say that like everyone wants to play Doom forever. It's a good game, but very few want to keep coming back to our, and the people who do are primarily nostalgiafags who think every modern game is shit.
And just to counterpoint your example about games lasting because of gameplay, MGS has incredibly poor gameplay, but people love it because of the story. Pokemon's gameplay is shit but people love because muh nostalgia and marketing. The only reason anyone would replay any beat 'em up is because they like turning their brains off and button mashing because beat' em ups, as a genre, have boring and repetitive gameplay. People want remakes of games to see the story again in modern graphics and sometimes for revamped gameplay, not for it to stay the same.
Ping pong, air hockey, table hockey
Have the enemies and most events caused by companies. The companies are highly profitable and earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a day, each unit costs a certain amount, as you destroy enemies have the companies experment with different load outs, formations, and units untill they can slow the impact you can do. You can invade territory and inflecte damage on facilities owned by the companies which either hurt them, or if they're not that useful the buildings might actually be beneficial for the companies to be destroyed because of insurance paybacks, but missions open up as you do damage to companies and meet new pilots.
Have several companies competing with each other to justify why they're not on your ass immediately.
Call the game Armored core 6.
>otherwise people would be happy to move pointers on top of geometric shapes
They would if there was no alternative. No one is arguing that stories and aesthetics add absolutely nothing to games. The discussion's always been about what makes games at the very core, and what should be prioritized.
Early MGS games actually have good gameplay, so I dunno what you're talking about.
>twf Too Smart to play action games
They require friends and are more of a hassle than playing video games from the comfort of your home
It's called Gothic 2, Fallout: New Vegas and The Witcher 3.
Darts, yo-yo, penspinning, fingerboard, dragon dildoes
Not as fun as video games desu
Why? The array of possible actions you can execute with these games vastly outranks any action videogame, which ultimately boils down to pointing your crosshair at a thing and pressing fire.
Go practice the so called extreme sports then
No clear criteria to aim for, no deliberately crafted difficulty curve, no well defined sense of progression. You'd have to pretty much build a game around them to match video games
Simple, fuck narrative. Just drop me into an interesting world and leave me to my own devices
MGS controls like a clunky mess and most of the challenge comes exactly from those outdated controls.
Play The Sims
Not really, its literally just a 2D game in 3D.
>most people have shut taste
Nothing new. By that standard Minecraft and Overwatch would be GOAT.
Open ended game, open ended narrative. Don't force that square peg into a round hole. New Vegas understood this.
name one open world game that doesn't turn into this
Why the fuck did this not devolve into an im@s/Rinposting thread
you're a detective and have to find the clues yourself