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Doesn't matter because I'll be facing hundreds of Blaziken, Charizard, Gengar and Pikachus anyway.

I used Suicune.


>Mained Lucario
>Might pick up Decidueye


In gonna main Blaziken and probably pocket Chandelure.

Blaziken has been my nigga since Gen3.

>fighting games for babies

Braixen and Sceptile

Damn that owl is ugly. Why are the first stages so great but the other stages so god awful in that gen?

Gen 7 is ugly as fuck

>Machamp will still get shit on by anyone with a decent field phase

dragon's nest

sceptile/scizor/decidueye for 3v3

So is this shit like naruto/tekken or an actual fg?

I tried the game for free on my hacked wii u to see if it's like tekken. Nope waste of hard drive space

Field mode is more like Gundam VS.
Duel phase is more like an actual 2D fighter.

no, it's more street fighter with a mix of gundam vs


I thought mimikyu was the gen 7 shillmon

I'll play as Scizor if I get it.

it will be like last gen owlfag
>furshit gets in pokken
>shillmon gets in smash

Is she still shit tier?

>starter wars
>shillmon scapegoating

fuck off

Fuck anyone who uses the lamp.

Do not dis Chandelure

>There's only 7 gen 1 reps in a 21 roster fighting game
I'm kinda impressed they managed to restrain themselves. Shame that means the game won't appeal to normies nearly as much though and that it's doomed to fail, switch port or not.

there are way too many gen 4 pokemon in the roster

None of the pokemons I like made into the game and they put my two least favorite pokes, so fuck this shit, I'll play MAHVEL Infinite or Tekken 7

>no breloom

I don't care about this game then.

>playing Mahvel infinite when it's roster is confirmed to be garbage
Fucking contrarians being contradictory, what else is new.

God this design is hideous

They all suck dick

>Not using best boy

>Hope you didn't want all that health, because I'm about to take half of it with one throw/combo.

I always get a Gengar as soon as possible. is he high tier in this game?

one of the new guys and if they aren't fun it's buyer's remorse again


*bullet seeds your wakeup*

Machamp is my bigger. Low tier best tier

I hate fighting this fucker as Machamp.

Always did sort of want to pick him up though.

He deserves to deal that much damage if he can somehow manage to get in that close.
>That feeling when ice hopping for both movement and zoning

He's the most fun to play with, everyone should have a pocket sceptile

Even more surprising is that Gen 4 has 6 reps, more than every other gen besides Gen 1. Actually, if you don't count Edgetwo and R. Pika, Gen 4 has the most reps. Why does Namco have a hard-on for Sinnoh?

I hated fighting you fuckers too.

I would, but I just want to Izuna Drop motherfuckers all day but his gives him a debuff.

Are you getting Pokken?

>not destroying shitty waifufags playing braxian and gardevoir with the smuggest frog


>No Xatu in pokken

>Getting Pokken with a roster like this
Tell me when they add good pokemon and stop sucking gen 1 and gen 4's dicks.

A PlayStation 4

Sinnoh overall had very solid designs that are universally liked by most fans, unlike 2, 5, 6 and 7 which are very polarizing.


why is Chandelure low?

Either way, pretty amazing how balanced the roster is for being a first entry in a fighting series.

She's cute!

No rock types?


>Assuming female with an 87% chance to be male

