Is it worth getting a new hard drive for my ps4 or should I just spend a little more and upgrade to the PS4 pro?
My PS4 Hard-drive is full
why the fuck would you want a Pro? all it does is upscale and catch on fire
>catch on fire
why dont you just delete something
I have but it's still not enough room for the new games. Just started playing persona 5 and i had to delete The Last of US, Disgaea 5, and Final Fantasy HD Type-Zero in order for it to fit.
I have no idea what type of HD I should get for the PS4.
Sell your RoachStation 4 and get a PC
Get an external hard drive. Sony finally started support for that didn't they?
Yeah, I've been using an external on my pro for a while now and I've had no trouble.
>buying a PC for the cost of a PS4
I sure do love the idea of being able to play games at even worse fidelity than a ps4 affords
Yeah they did
Honestly OP you should have fitted it with a 1TB drive when you got the system. I have dozens of games installed (more than just indies) and still have more than half of my storage remaining. You're doing something wrong. Maybe you fucked up and pressed the share button too much and recorded unnecessary gameplay videos?
ok but what make, is Seagate still shit? There's also Skywin but I've never heard of that HD manufacturer.
Seagate is dogshit, never get anything but Western Digital.
>being a console gamer
To be fair, app data is pretty bloated. Why does it take 50GB to start up Doom?
Curious do I just get that external and it hooks up via usb? Or will I need to open and install anything?
>Buying digital games instead of physically games
All the languages are installed for every game. This is why voice acting can be bad.
>Also have Bioshock: The Collection
>59GB to run three PS3 ports
>Infinite is its own separate disk
That argument doesn't make sense. Whenever you insert a physical game disc the system rips the disc to the hard drive. You obviously still need the disc to play for piracy prevention, but the point is that all games run from the hard drive regardless of their purchase method.
youre a meme sonyshill
Just buy an external hard drive.
I've heard that messages and notifications take up space. Also every time you get a trophy, it takes a picture, that takes up space too. It's probably not a lot but it's still space.
Lol isn't the from some kid burning it with a lighter or something? I'm also pretty sure thats not where the heat would start melt the ps4 at anyway.
2 TB Hardrive is less than $100.
A PS4 Pro is about $500
It takes about 10 minutes to change the hard drive, they made it really easy.
Ok so I wound up going with a Western Digital Blue 2TB Desktop Hard Disk Drive - 5400 RPM SATA 6 Gb/s 64MB Cache 3.5 Inch