Defend this, todd howard

defend this, todd howard

Other urls found in this thread:


fucking gold

America uses the imperial system whilst Japan uses the metric system.
Also, due to body structure some people may be smaller relatively when standing up compared to sitting down.


kys animeposter



Where do you think you are?

who cares how tall is he?
who cares about the personal lives of game developers?
all we should care about are their products, they're not artists


back to /r/eddit


Good thing we measure people when they're standing up and not sitting down, and also know how to convert imperial into metric.

But all of Todd Howards games suck balls.

jp people measure sitting height too

>>who cares how tall is he?
I do.

>posting a retard with no magical talent


stay mad


the 6,2 Todd Howard is a football player, not our Todd


yeah because a two season player from the 80's would get mixed up in this context somehow


Back when this stupid meme started he was literally the only Todd Howard you'd get when you searched "Todd Howard Height"

What are you doing to Todd he's nice guy stop mistreating him

Y'know, all the other faces here have fairly tame sources.

Where is he now? Is he scared? Does he have his snacks?

Me. If I can play on the insecurities of a manlet and make sure that his inadequacies remain fresh in his mind then it's a job well done.

Oh gee


If he lies about something as minor as his height then how can we trust him when he talks about his games?

When will they learn

On the disposal facility. Todd#929 is now on standby for activation for e3.



I wonder how many of these replies are the same person

All me

Fuck me, Sup Forums is a shithole. Here we are trying to have some fun, and everyone ruins it by edge posting.
Fuck you all


If you think Sup Forums is bad you've never been to /qa/




>who cares how tall is he?
Todd obviously does.

>you share a board with these kind of autists

How is it obvious?
He doesn't edit pages or information regarding his height or mention it, he just lives his life like a normal person instead of a basement dweller.
There are propably people on Sup Forums reading this that are shorter than Todd.


Is that the reason why he didn't show up at the last E3?

Todd I'm not going to buy Fallout 4, go away.

What game will you buy instead?


You will regret that purchase.

Actually, I'm not that user
I already purchased it and Iike it alot

Someone post the other one

fuck off already retard


At least post non trash anime you stupid weebs

go away

imagine defending random nameless on the internet
are you a manlet mustice warrior or something



That's not REAL thicc



You leave


You deserve the (You)



Are you retarded? How in the fuck is asking for more images of anime girls "edge posting"?

where do you think you are?

bravo shitpost-kun you derailed the thread

Spore is shit though.




go back to watching Leafy if you like if so much faggot

who the fuck is leafy?




y-you too


I unironically miss Umaru-posting

Maybe he's talking about his dick.







the Dark Brotherhood sends its regards

People don't seem to get that manlet don't have insecurities about being manlets because they've been manlets their entire lives. This is why you never see them arguing about their height on the internet


nice one


Can you rip your smug react folder and upload it on mega?

he was talking about his dick, retard

get off of Sup Forums