Use it only once

>use it only once

ITT: Things girls do

Other urls found in this thread:

Playing as their Mii in multiplayer Nintendo games like Smash and Mario Kart

only grabbing in ARMS and winning

>sucks your disk under the desk

Play healer/support. There are no exceptions.


get a free pass to be "autistic in public" / weird autistic behavior/body movements

>Spaming it instead of waiting for a speed drop off

Sucking chad off in the washroom

Vaccume drives were t terrible

>shove their face into anything they take a picture of

>play as jill in resident evil 1

>you make her laugh
>Chad fuck and cums in her ass

>you wish for once she'd just look your way
>meanwhile chad plows her ass every day

r u a poet

To be fair the N64 controller makes no fucking sense.
I can understand the confusion.

Only plays hot female characters
Complains about their outfits being too revealing

Wear shitty/period underwear for days at a time.

Yeah you think guys can be bad, women are revolting sometimes

>get a triple mushroom
>use them all at once

>any fighting game
>spam one button
usually just a

One of my normie friends got a super normie girlfriend who tried to play COD and threw up from motion sickness.

Have sex with my fucking best friend, Jennifer!!! You god damn whore!!!!

is he still your best friend?

Bros before hoes.
It's never a guys fault when a chick cheats. It's the chicks fault.

kill yourself reddit

>motion sickness from a fucking video game
No, she's a weirdo

You're friend's a cunt, shoulda decked him

the only reason we know how to hold it is because we saw promotional art and manuals telling us how to hold it.
Most kids hold it like this too.

sue smartphone """game""" companies

Nigger I was 4 when I first played the N64 and I didn't hold it like those dumb cunts.
Neither did my sister.

My ex used to use Y to run in Mario, and A to jump, not B

pretend to like video games

bullshit, I held it properly the day we got an n64 and i was fucking 6 years old

Don't see the problem here. It's like the person who owns trollface suing companies like Cartoon Network that use it without permission.
>but this is different!
Not if they own the copyright or trademark

Then you probably saw someone hold it right or saw it in the manual. Thing is you tried holding it while it was relevant so you somehow got corrected. It's not relevant anymore so all they can do is guess.

But she doesn't. It's covered under "fair use" and arguably "parody". The lawyer that this case must have asked for the money up front.

I knew how to hold it properly but my hands were so small I had to hold it that way.

I recently tried to play super Mario 64 again on one of those things and it was so damn stiff it hurt my hands, no wonder I had to claw it when I was 8

>Then you probably saw someone hold it right or saw it in the manual
I didn't even read the fucking manual.


came here to post this

No one held the controller like that

>find qt girl
>discussing hobbies
>"I like videogames"
>"oh user me too! I love videogames, we should play together!"
>ask them what games they play
>"well... uh... phone games are fun, like candy crush, and when I was a child I used to play GTA on my father's playstation 2!"



Statistically speaking, someone on your team has to deal with how annoying you are.

>tfw Chad won't plow my ass

she obviously knows you're into games and is lying to impress you you fucking virgin

just don't press her on it and accept the free pussy

I know that.

And I never accept these kind of girls. I want someone that is truthful and legitimate. If they are lying to get inside my pants they will lie in the future too for other reasons.

We can certainly find a hobby that we both share. Netflix, jogging, I don't know, there must be something, you don't need to go out of your way to pretend to enjoy something you clearly don't.

neck yourself degenerate.

This guy gets it

>just don't press her on it and accept the free pussy
fuck off
im not so desperate that ill let some thot use me and MAYBE ill get free pussy

also this

I'm not telling you to marry her you fucking faggot virginians

put your dick in her and move on


I don't know how the younger millenials get this but you older millenials are so uptight about this shit

why does every oldfag want a relationship at such a young age

>put your dick in her and move on
but it doesnt work like that

>playing games that have the option to use Mii's

I fucking hate that shit

B-but womyn are oppresed they don't get to do anything ever...

It's not some kind of eldritch manuscript, and most people aren't retarded. It really shouldn't take more than a few minutes into a play session to figure out how to comfortably hold it.

>playing LoL with my notsonormalfag but still normalfag friends because thats the only thing they play
>one of them invites a girl to play
>we keep losing because of her
>she just goes into the voicechat to talk about shit anime like D.Gray Man and Soul Eater
>can't call her out on her shit taste without revealing my powerlevel
girls really do ruin everything

>take hold of controller
>hand cant reach middle due to being a small kid
>part sticking out the bottom as if it is meant to be held
>user assumes no one would think to hold that part
Were you mentally challenged as a kid so you assume that applies to everyone else? I've never seen anyone ever take more than a few seconds to figure out how to hold it correctly, without any support showing them how it is done. It ain't fucking rocket science.

>mfw my sister fucking destroys in Mario Kart
Bitch can barely play Smash but when it comes to MK she's fucking Speed Racer

Moving their body to either side when turning on Mario Kart

>use it once
>10 seconds later
>"oh! wtf it's still there ! omg!"
>use it once again

>promo art and manuals

wtf are u talkin aboot m8

I didn't even know that had a crown on it lol

if dere's anything girls do it's watch videos and play mobile games

>I want someone that is truthful and legitimate.

>cute girl comes onto me and gives me her number
>she asks about my hobbies and things I like
>I mention playing videogames
>she asks for my gamertag
>tfw Xbox is the only system I don't have


Xbox always wins, baby.

I know a woman who only plays as females in LoL.
Wouldn't play a male at all.

enjoy being manipulated your whole life cuckold

literally no one did that

That's easy to avoid though

>he expects me to change my underwear for absolutely no reason

If I'm going out in public or if I'm inviting someone over, I will. If I'm just sitting in my room playing vidya in the dark then fuck that. I'll change it if I'm bothered by the feel or smell.
It's not like I've ever had a yeast infection.

Bullshit. You're saying Sup Forums is nothing but women?

>avoid guys that make dumb jokes about women

games wouldnt even work if you held it like that due to the z button, even if someone held it wrong at first it would take 10 seconds to realise something was up

You are one nasty bitch. "Fairer sex" my ass

Wearing underwear at all while playing Vidya.

If I'm at home for the evening, it's pajama time 100%. Can't wear underwear like that

you dont even have the balls to pursue a girl who's blatantly interested in you because you're too pussy. you're the cuck here.

enjoy waking up 20 years from now and realizing you how much you missed out on because you're a beta robot virgin.

I did that as a kid.

Whenever I play my girlfriends 3DS I always play as her little mii, so at least that way she can win sometimes.

>Make friends over steam playing css and l4d
>Group chat daily, great times
>One introduces some bitch to the group
>She makes stupid noises over the mic while playing and the whole atmosphere/banter between us lads is not the same cos now we tryn look cool and alpha infront of whore
>Best bro of group and i keep complaining when she isnt there that shes ruining everything
>They all get mad at us and she turns them against us
>Big fallout
>Still good mates with fellow Aware bro

ill wake up having lived a fullfilling successful life because i didnt waste my youth desperately chasing bimbos like an insecure bitch.

good luck in life cuckold.

Growing up with 2 sisters taught me that women are often times just as gross as men. I'm convinced anyone who thinks otherwise must be an only child who never had a gf

>uses items as soon as they get them
I hate everyone who does that.

Men are the ones perpetuating the idea of the mythical fairer sex. Women are just as disgusting as men. It's almost like human bodies are pretty similar to one another genitalia aside.

I usually sleep in underwear and a t-shirt since I don't have dedicated pyjamas.

>Men are the ones perpetuating the idea of the mythical fairer sex

Real talk here, are you supposed to spam it or time it after each use?

I do both, because I'm never sure og which is better. Please respond..

Not true, I know lots of girls who genuinely believe men are more gross than they are.


>not be my girlfriend

There's no tangible difference. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't read any of the multiple articles on this topic.

You're supposed to spam it, because it runs on a timer. I'd also suggest you to hold until you get to a spot where you can use it to cut trough off-road part or do a shortcut.


Just spam it. When you're at max speed you'll stay at max speed.

tumblr roastie

Just like Sup Forums with reaction images in screencaps.

Women are the Sup Forums of gender.

I'm male

That's because women are kids mentally.

even worse, white-knight cuckold.