Well, what do you have to say in your favor?
Can you disprove this?
Well, what do you have to say in your favor?
Other urls found in this thread:
never seen anyone say any of those things at the bottom half of the pic
fucking stop with this fucking review scores horseshit fucking christ
literally every side of this generation does exactly the same shit
what's the fucking point of all of this if you all mimic each other, you're just arguing with yourselves over trivial shit that doesn't fucking matter. There's no fucking joke to be had, because you all know the joke, you've known the joke for two years now, and now you just mindlessly repeat it
I'm mad
>New IP and fighting game made by Nintendo score a 78
That's actually pretty good, no?
I don't really get Sup Forums's mentality on score.
It deserves 80.
That butthurt 50 review because he was bad at the multi people modes was pathetic.
Literally nobody would claim Arms is as good as Zelda.
78 is still green and classified as "good". Not great but good. Seems about right for the game being pretty bare bones right now.
Metacritic scores don't matter at all due to how corrupt and shitty games journalism is. These reviewers are not qualified in any way. Anyone with half a brain knows that.
As a nintendo supporter, I feel ARMS deserves a much lower score than that. It is literally waggle and grab, the game. Very little substance, and just overall not fun. Not sure how anyone can enjoy it.
What were people's main issue with arms anyway?
The amount of content or the controls?
It seemed like people were having fun with the test punch
Splatoon was around the same area before the DLC came out and made it one of the best games Nintendo released in a few years.