>That one dead franchise you love that's never coming back
>In a world where fucking Bubsy is getting a new game
What's her name, Sup Forums?
>That one dead franchise you love that's never coming back
>In a world where fucking Bubsy is getting a new game
What's her name, Sup Forums?
Klonoa is getting an anime / animated movie at least
If it was anything, it's definitely Klonoa.
Arcanum. But I secretly know it would become a terrible FPS elder scrolls if it ever happened.
Dark Cloud
Threads of Fate
Viewtiful Joe
>virtua fighter
they would probably fuck it up with meters and supers and dumb gimmicks so it's probably for the better that it's dead
One of the best Adventures ever has no fucking port, no remake, no nothing...three games in limbo and an amazing franchise completely ignored by the world. Rincewind is fucking sad !
>tfw Ape Escape 4 will never happen
>tfw we will never atleast get Million Monkeys
>no rerelease of MM or Pumped and Primed with online play
we live in the worst of timelines friend.
Seriously !
>tfw it did come back but it was shit
And it'll flop, because Namco will refuse to advertise it.
I will be surprised if Bomberman goes anywhere after its repackaged Super R for Switch.
Until then, RIP in peace Bomberman.
>In a world where fucking Bubsy is getting a new game
Which looks like shit, in case you somehow didn't see it.
>Dark cloud
well if you look for a game to fill hole this comes out to 3ds this month.
Let's see:
Custom Robo
Mega Man (that isn't just nostalgia wanking)
Mystical Ninja
King's Field
Ape Escape
Viewtiful Joe
Crossing my fingers for a new Sin & Punishment game as well. Just one more, dammit.
I'd kill for a new Sin & Punishment
Won't buy a single fucking R* game till they announce a new one.
I honestly don't want a new Viewtiful Joe if they can't get his original English VA back. Every other one was been legitimately shit.
He shouldn't be getting anything.
Shit game, shit taste. The fuck is wrong with you?
Do you not know that Super R blew their expectations out of the water?
I'm probably exaggerating a bit, but it basically sold more than all the bomberman games in the last 10 years combined.
It sold so well they actually decided to fix it and make free content for it, and this is Modern Konami we're talking about.
Still not worth the whole $50 but it's better than it was
Best damn rail shooter series there ever was.
Can I put down Vanquish even though there was only ever one game?
Also a new rail shooter by Tetsuya Mizuguchi in the vein of Rez and Child of Eden would be the shit too.
Good game.
nuUnintelligent Systems would fuck it up anyway. Honestly, the Wars series ended on the two great GBA games, the two great DS games, and the two great Battalion spin-offs; that's a pretty damn good final run.
I want my shitty 90's humour back.
Unlike most people that plays video games I'm not that obsessed with endless sequels. Most of my favorite series I'm okay with dying or being dead.
It is a little bizarre that Bubsy of all things is getting revived, though.
>a flat-out retarded attempt at a plot with shallow strategy gameplay and fan favorites/units split up as DLC in an overpriced season pass
>or they give it to the C team and you get the Sticker Star treatment, stripping everything that made the series good
There's no hope
Oh fuck, forgot about this series. Fucking shame IS won't make another one because they don't know how to make it sell without inserting some waifu bullshit into it.
The wrong series died.
Road Rash is dead forever, but seeing how EA has been doing from a long time I'm actually happy, let the dead rest in peace. inb4 someone shilling Road Redemption, it's shit
Series that aren't just dead but committed their own violent, messy suicide to ensure they would stay dead for all eternity.
>The picture is related.
all of these.
muh nigga. Gex was based
RIP Irem
Megaman ZX isn't finishing it's series.
Megaman SF and BN finished theirs, but I'd love to play a new one with new ideas considering how long ago those were.
Just insert anything from Konami that was ever good, really.
At least it got a spiritual successor.
>they never did a middle eastern/afghan sequel
Damn, I forgot about this series. Used to play the first one on PC back in the day, I believe. Had a lot of great fun. I had no idea they made a new one.
I completely forgot about this too. Was this shit good?
Star Wars games in general
Please capcom, just give us a proper BoF game.
Jet set radio is the only real answer
Which I'm willing to bet is also dead in the water in spite of the fact it was supposed to be an episodic series.
Plus it's not that great anyway.
>Gunstar Heroes is fucking dead
>so is Rocket Knight, Streets of Rage, F-Zero, Spyro, Contra and Metal Slug
Why did God forsake us?
>Was this shit good?
I sold my first 3ds when this was cancelled for it.
>fucking dead
>Streets of Rage
Virtually the entire genre, really.
>it'll never get a sequel that captures the same feel and spirit of the original bc all the shitty spin offs have sold miserably
>now it's a dead franchise that can't even have the dignity of other dead franchises bc its grave is shared with aforementioned shitty spinoffs
Shining Force.
I just want one more game. The ds one wasn't good. So anew one would be cool.
Fucking this.
And that's what hurts the most.
Miss you bby
Metal Slug isn't technically dead, but I sure as fuck wish it had died years ago.
inb4 the usual faggot that chimes in to say that the game isn't that bad if you ignore 80% of it.
>The ds one wasn't good.
You take that back fucker
Clockwork Knight
Virtua Cop/Fighter.
Especially NIGHTS, it was one of the few games (at least Into Dreams) I had trouble slotting into one genre, so unique.
so is the Strike Series, hell the whole genre ;_;
>"Haha Tactics Arexander Aprir Foor's sho solly! XB"
Not only is there never going to be another, they consider it a joke that there won't be.
Fucking kek.
To be fair Rocket Knight had 3 games and only 1 was good, RKA. Sparkster and Rocket Knight are pretty eh.
good, it's gay furry shota shit, it deserves to flop
You can thank Rocket Knight's shitty attempt at a revival.
silently hoping hd trilogy remake is announced at e3 this year
This is my current fear for it. I REALLY hope Namco advertises it, that's always been why the game never hit the mainstream.
The 3DD game doesn't count as being alive.
this looks interesting is this a game or just a screenshot?
>3 games
You mean 4, there was a sparkster for the SNES and Genesis, the Genesis game honestly felt legit unfinished like it was 90% done, like came out 3-6 months too early kind of done.
oh i was hoping it was an actually fan project. oh well one can dream of a new Bof game that isn't garbage.
Isn't the entire run 'n' gun genre dead pretty much? Shame, I enjoyed what little I've played of it. What are the recommended Contra and Metal Slug games to play?
Try this game.
Better for it to die strong than to be thrown into mediocrity.
Can I just emulate it?
Contra, Super C, III, Hard Corps, 4
Metal Slug up to 3, 5
Gonna second those Contra picks and add Hard Corps Uprising.
I really liked the demo for Uprising.
Also, I see that Metal Slug XX has my girl Leona Heidern in it, so that really makes me want to play it.
I can emulate Gunstar Super Heroes as well, right? What about that one Astro Boy game?
Leona's DLC. Not very good DLC either, just a combination of existing character perks.
Are we counting series that are spiritually dead?
I present the 4X Market.
Yes emulate both of them, the Astro Boy GBA game is especially great
I knew I forgot one
You think with Sword Art Online Namco would have considered bringing back .Hack that isn't shitty spinoffs or even releasing their games as a collection on current systems. It would seriously bring them easy money if it were to happen.
The Quintet trilogy.
Is there any chance that Square follows up the Seiken Densetsu Collection with a Soul Blazer Collection, or are there ownership issues making that impossible?
Which Astro Boy game? This one? It's generally looked at as more of a beat 'em up than a run and gun, but it's a fantastic game either way. Emulate it for sure.
sad whistle
Sweet, thanks.
Yeah, I wasn't sure what genre it was, but I know Treasure made it and shmup/run 'n' gun was their forte so I just assumed, I guess. Still, always wanted to play it though.
Legend of Mana
I want a remake or a sequel pretty bad, beat the game around level 62 after going through the main quests and the hidden harpy one.
The Granstream Saga is technically a Soul Blazer game too. Unfortunately.