Why she's so adorable?
Why she's so adorable?
That's a woman?
Hwo dare you?
>MtF mick with alcohol splotches and FAS
That's a woman?
She unironically looks like a downie
Alboy is ugly as fuck and can't compete
No one cares about your dead game, Sonyg.
yeah, sorry you've never seen any
they're at grocery stores sometimes, bars, parks, etc.
(read: outside:)
Sorry I don't live in Trannyland.
Shes snarky and capable, I love her.
Efronposting should be banned by now.
shes also ugly and inferior
Are they going to talk about the story DLC at E3?
>Gets almost raped multiple time
I hope not, Sony shouldnt waste their time with this
Yeah she's so hot that multiple men, including doggos, want to rape her.
Meanwhile Alboy gets ignored.
But Lara actually looks like a woman, the point still stands.
It's been a few months now. Where are the pictures that have her armpits in CLEAR VIEW?
They're at the outside bar?
I cringed so hard i shat myself
kys cuckfag
>someone took the time to make that.
Why are you people so mad? It's just video games man.
So how come western female protags have to be either ugly or tryhard grrrl pwwwrrr cunts or damaged goods? What would happen if one was strong and independent but also attractive and without an offputting personality and no rape backstory?
Nigga she looks like a Cabbage Patch doll, get better taste in waifus*
*that actually look like women
looks like Amy Schumer here
Aloy in canon is PURE which means best waifu
Isn't she the best? Don't listen to these faggots who can't deal with a vidya girl who actually has some personality.
It's debatable whether gingers are even human let alone her being attractive
say what you want about gingers, but this is what the optimal human figure looks like.
horizon zero down
Attractive ginger coming through
Bottom would be better if they had gotten her hair to look like real red hair and not gross trailer trash dyed red hair.
She's a wizard, Harry.
Is aloy a chimp in a bad disguise?
She's a mage though, she probably just cast a spell to change her hair color.
Kek I genuinely love these threads. OP is playing you guys like a damn fiddle
Top Picture
>vibrant colors
>better lighting/shading
>more expressive face
>realistic hair with proper coloring
Bottom picture
>detailed freckles
>extra lip gloss
What was the point you were trying to make?
She isn't
Alloy a cute. A cuuute!
was gonna post this
Holy fuck that middle image.
Child-Aloy was a fucking abomination holy shit. I almost dropped the game right there.
I legit think she's bretty cute.
Too bad her game is fucking boring.
realistic looking face vs bottom one that looks like it's frozen. Is that what you trying to prove? Or is it the fact that the one on the top looks like a man?
Child Aloy just pissed me off while playing. Why is her head so fucking big?
shoulda stuck to the concept design
>was curious about the game and wanted to pick it up
>it's still 60 dollars
Muh dick
How did the fugly this up?
I'd take Korra over a ginger/downie ape any day.
Because you're afraid of women and therefore find a combination of what you want and what you can deal with, with women who look like boys and/or boys who look like women. You like traps, don't you? Are you a tranny too?
Just wait two years. No reason to get a game full-price these days since it's all just recycled garbage.
>/ourX/ shit
go back to pol
I think it's on sale now or some time next week
Some of us call them patios
I go to these places often and I just see presentable women instead
guess it's because I don't live in a trailer park
"You see we hired an artists to draw concepts for the main character's design. One of them was this, however we decided against as she was depicted as an attractive female and well... that's problematic..."
Who ever you people are you have absolute garbage taste.
Aloy is honestly fucking ugly.
Except Horizon sold really well.
she's not, this game was shit.
>Butthurt nintenshill.
Shouldn't you be off somewhere jacking off to link in crossdressing?
Looks like Lister from Red Dwarf
irrelevant games that came and went general ?