Cringe Thread.
Cringe Thread:
Other urls found in this thread:
How can I be sure ?
When your intrusion is my illusion
I haven't fully taken in the horror of this image until just now, jesus christ
This one image is legit scarier than most horror movies.
why is this even a thing?
I don't doubt that OP is some sort of fetish, but it seems too much like satire for me to cringe or anything
What happened to cringe threads on Sup Forums? Are they bannable now or something?
Also post pamperchu.
Hahahaha wow that looks awful
Haven't seen this one posted in a while
yea haha who in their right mind would have a furry, sonic, and toilet tf fetish haha
lol sonic got uranium in his mouth.
a cringe thread in Sup Forums after so many years, just like the old times. Anyone remember that CV a girl made which was using Legend of Zelda pictures?
What is this, autism for ants?
>dragons dogma the dark souls of the fantasy rpg games
>fantasy rpg games
>rpg games
>rpg games
The fuck
looks like bait
i'm sorry, what?
either we become numb to cringe or Sup Forums is ridden by the same cringe they are unaffected
plenty of people come up with completely nonsensical stupid shit in their heads, I do it constantly
it's just that most people don't draw and post the twisted shit they come up with on the internet
so that's where it comes from.
Do you have "surely the whore must die"
lol threads kinda fulfill that now. Mostly due to the posters though.
sadly no
Does anyone have the dumb version of this with Mama Robotnik and Coldsteel being the toilet? He says "nothing pissonell kid"
wew lad
??????????????????????????????? what the
why does that guy have a back belly button?
the bastards sole it from metroidvania
>heart doesn't have a crack in it