describe Samus's bikini in an accurate and vivid manner
Describe Samus's bikini in an accurate and vivid manner
She would look a lot better pregnant haha
it make penis becom larg
>R E M O D E L I N G
masturbate after you come here to shitpost fucking virgin,nintendo just needs to make samus more slutty to bring metroid back from the death
I'm actually glad Metroid is dead especially with the waifufagottry fad infesting the market. Non-autistic people who genuinely enjoy metroid for what it is can look back at this great franchise with gems that will never be matched
Metroid prime is my favorite game. Ever. I consider the zero suit to be an added bonus of liking the series. No need to put your little dick in a cage over it you chastised faggot
I want to impregnate Samus
too hot for this world so they had to materialize her into the 2d realm to make it feasible
I want to give samus a miscarriage!
I think she'd look better fat, to be honest.
>He doesn't know.
Metroid is a dungeoncrawler in space
female dungeon adventurers wear bikinis
so Samus must wear a bikini
it's thematically appropriate
Hi George Lucas!
>not being a waifutard means you're a self repressing numale
lol I'd tell you to leave your house but I'd rather recommend you kill yourself
muh dick
that was a rap, not a poem
I believe user meant that you reminded him of how Lucas made Carrie Fisher not wear underwear under her clothes because "there's no underwear in space"