Risk of Rain

he ded

I was waiting all day, no fags hosted. My sadness is very big.


RoR2 looks dope

Well, this is where my run ends. Stuck in the side of a wall. It was fun while it lasted.

keeping the thread alive

time for bumpu
post when open


Open again


Always be careful around bison
Open again

too late.

163 minutes.
You deserve it.

Open again

All those meme images about stacking items will finally become real now. Just wait until a wurm picks up a crowbar

get in, fags

I thought this was doggo and got excited but it's just a lizard

stuck on connecting screen

we started. There are few of us, tho, so it should be a fast run.

Jacknuaf is waiting

if i stay in the connecting screen will i join as soon as i can?


did somebody say h o s t