What are some games where I can be a companion to a sweet sorceress?

What are some games where I can be a companion to a sweet sorceress?

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Only series where main girl is best girl.

Dragon's Crown
Diablo II
Phantasy Star Online
Any Suikoden
Final Fantasy IV or VI

But the best girl isn't the main girl.

I wonder about this too, isn't there any game where it's just you and you healer waifu 10+ characters party bullshit?

Soul Sacrifice
Also, check out Heroes Phantasia since you can play as Lina and the gang in there, it's a nice pseudo Valkyrie Profile crossover with many old and new anime series.

Look at those JUSTICES!


>no english patch


>don't have a sega Saturn
>can't read Japanese
>saw both games in a shop

Forgot Seiken Densetsu 3.

>Still doesn't know japanese


I miss 90's anime artstyle and coloring.

Why doesn't Naga just rape Lina?

Witch and the Hundred Knight.


Proabably an inexperienced prude despite her flirtatious outfit.

>reminder that there are tons of Slayers video games out there and TO THIS DAY only ONE got barely translated

Because despite your degenerate fantasies, she doesn't like her in that way. Not every anime confirms to the yuri/harems you focus on.

They're not a sorceress, but I still feel like Alena from Dragon Quest and Prier from La Pucelle are the closest video game characters to Lina Inverse in personality.

Funny enough, both of them can kind of be a fusion of the best qualities of both Lina and Amelia.

>I miss 90's anime artstyle and coloring.

Best laugh, Naga or Shantotto?

It's funny how Naga was originally a parody on the way how animators drew big tittied girls in anime and now her bust size is considered modest by todays standards.

would bang



After 20 years I've finally noticed that there's Naga in that crystal ball.

Because Lina is the one doing the raping

digital art is inherently garbage

What are some games where I can _______ Naga

English dubs of the Slayers movies and anime are better.

That's not true. They stick out like they're suppose to.


The lighting / shading is what I miss most tbqh

Granblue Fantasy.


Even if you're an idiot who likes dubs, the Slayers dubs aren't on the level of something like Cowboy Bebop or GitS. Which for the record, the original Japanese is still better in Cowboy Bebop and GitS.

Slayers is just bad. On the level of something like Ranma.

>picking dubs over the voice of Megumi Hayashibara

Out. Get out.

And I thought Sup Forums had shit taste.

What are some games where i can be a cute sorceress?

not an argument

u fukn wot m8

Naga was my first waifu before I even knew what waifus were.

Oh look, the dumb shading argument again. When are you idiots going to learn that shading is done to set a mood. And it can still be done in digital. Just like there were shows back in the 80s and 90s that didn't use shading. Slayers had tons of episodes where shading doesn't appear, because they're comedic episodes and not drama focused episodes.

Shading is used to set a mood in certain scenes. It isn't used all the time in 90s anime like you are implying.

>tfw every girl in the slayers is best girl
what a great show

>someone disagrees with me so their taste is shit!
You sure told me.

Zelgadis can make it unwatchable at times but Lina's dub voice is excellent. There are some great incantations too.

Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond blood that flows

Fuck you MeguMegu voices Rei Ayanami, Shaman King's Anna and Conan's Haibara


That episode was pure cringe.



Martina is not best girl and Filia is shit.

>English dubs of the Slayers movies and anime are better.
The fact that the TV series and movies have different voice actors for the same character already proves this wrong.

See the named games above.

no you are shit

>Revolution/Evolution-R didn't save Slayers
It hurts

>someone proved my ignorant generalization wrong
>time to pull out the autism card!
Kids these days don't know how to argue.

>Final Fantasy IV or VI
>not VIII



>best boy is also the best girl
how does he do it?

Well, Selphie can be made into a Sorceress I guess...

And I'm sure you meant Edea. But you can't be a companion to her. Rosa and Celes however are your companions. Not just a part of your party, but the romantic tie-ins of the game.

Yeah, they royally fucked up. You can even say they revolutionized killing a series.

>Which for the record, the original Japanese is still better in Cowboy Bebop and GitS.
I'll give you GITS but literally every series that draws heavily from western ideas or culture is better dubbed

>attempting to instigate civil discourse
>on Sup Forums
are you dumb or something


It wouldn't be so bad if modern anime didn't so samey.

>And I'm sure you meant Edea
I meant the girl who's squall's romantic interest and become a sorceress during the game

Way to cherry-pick a filler scene that still has 2-tone shading which is standard for everything today. Slayers had 3 tone shading on average and higher for more dramatic scenes. The difference isn't only when it's used it's also how it's used with today's having that shitty bloom filter and gradients over anything. Also, when the shading tone count is up it's usually far more complex since the characters were more detailed before with plenty more accessories to animate among other things.
Furthermore the lineart back then was far sharper and had and edgier look to it compared to today where most stuff look rounder and softer overall.
As for the color argument in general, there's no two ways about it, digital color is worse in every other way, the most fundamental of reasons being that real natural color and their materials have infinitely more properties than static digitial.

>but literally every series that draws heavily from western ideas or culture is better dubbed
Spike Spiegel sure is western while he sits on the floor eating his cup ramen and quoting Buddha. Then proceeds to start practicing his Bruce Lee fighting.

Oh right, he wears pants and there's Bebop music playing so suddenly its 'western'.

This argument was fucking dumb back in 1998 and its even more dumb now.

Well then you really fucked up because Rinoa is a horrible example. Both as a sorceress and a companion.

Eat your hamburger Apollo

Not really

Don't worry dude I like the dubs of the TV series but for the Movies however Lina's voice sounds weird to me in comparison though

Which game?

New Slayers series when?!

There's the Slayers SNES game.

Shit taste, Amelia is the worst part of the show.

>Which game?

>Way to cherry-pick a filler scene that still has 2-tone shading which is standard for everything today.
>Slayers had 3 tone shading on average and higher for more dramatic scenes.
>you're just cherry picking!
>now if you only focus on the dramatic scenes...

All your other points are also really dumb. There are shows made post 2000 that also have lots of shading and detail. And there were shows back in the 90s that skimped out on shading even in the 'dramatic' scenes. It has to do with funding and time, not the period a show was made.

With how bad Revo/Evo-R was I'd rather they just reboot it and make it as close to the novels as possible instead of going full fanfiction.



The SNES game is fully translated though.

Bebop has hong kong heroic bloodshed and yakuza influences to be sure, but that's because all three watanabe series are east/west fusions.

You're just going to pretend that the planet full of black people that looks like something out of trigun and makes multiple references to sphagetti westerns, the entire episode long reference to batman, the blatant homages to similarly westen based lupin the 3rd, the space native american and the constant usage of the word COWBOY don't matter because mars is space hong kong?

How many episodes of bebop even have spike doing martial arts or vicious stabbing people with a katana or a little chinese anime girl talking about fung shui compared to episodes where people shoot guns and western movies or culture (like the entire episode about the columbia) are the reference of the week?

If you're going to make this argument you should've made it with champloo, even if the "samurai culture is totally tied into modern hiphop culture via a game of telepohone honest" thesis the one episode puts forward feels a little weak

The show was always heavily adapted. Even the first two seasons. The problem isn't it being adapted but that they treated Revolution like shit. They need to get the core team back (all the previous writers and designers) instead of the B team Revolution got. The only people who came back to work on Revolution was the original director and the character designer. Which for some reason the character designer went full derp and redesigned all the characters to look like a slice of life romcom.

>Game has non-lethal weapons
>They count as kills in your stats

Yes, but it was, what? A decade and a half after we finally got it translated? And it cost the life of the main guy behind the project.

Kill the thread please. There hasn't been talk of video games for a while now.

>Completely disappears in S2
Where did she go? When does she come back?

>And it cost the life of the main guy behind the project

You're only proving your own generalization wrong. You're implying that Cowboy Bebop should be watched dubbed because it was primarily western influenced. Yet you just listed off a ton of crap that is asian influenced. The entire main plot plot is synonymous with Asian triads. Spike comes from fucking Mars. And they never claim he speaks English.

So how does all this work with your little theory? For all you know with a name like Spike Spiegel, he might be of German or Polish origin. So by your own logic, shouldn't you be watching a German dub?

You're argument literally boils down to 'it has Bebop music and some episodes have Black/French/American equivalences'. That's a very weak argument.

Excellent taste user.

>Zelgadis can make it unwatchable at times
Nigger you talking shit about Crispin Freeman? He's probably one of the best English voice actors around. Unless you're talking about his original voice actor who was admittedly shit but only did the voice for the first 10 episodes.

>When does she come back?
She shows up again in Revolution.

Why does my boner react to only the sound of this?

There's no defending a dub that can't even keep the cast consistent.

How do you call this laugh

She came back in every season. She just didn't join their main party. She shows up whenever they need to advance the plot or if Gourry is involved.

Yeah, ChrisRPG's death basically put the translation on hiatus for years.


Ojou-sama laugh


I wonder why Funimation changed his voice actor anyway

Don't take what I said out of context. Another tone for average is a big deal and yes during dramatic scenes the detail is way higher than high end of today. Early 2000 shows sure but only select shows and up to like 2003. All other point are made are perfectly legit because they don't have that shitty clinical look and low opacity shade gradients compared to the physical effects they used before. There's a big difference between real light and an interpretation of it

>Nigger you talking shit about Crispin Freeman?
Not that guy, but I have an entire mountain of crap I can point out about Crispin Freeman. Aside from his shitty voice acting, he hijacks anime expo every year. And the shit he pulls there would make even a rabid dub fangirl cringe.

The worst was in 2004 when he hijacked both the Maaya Sakamoto and Koichi Yamadera panels. This is also the year he made a total ass of himself by admitting he doesn't know who fucking Yoko Kanno is (in the Maaya Sakmoto panel).