Are you ready for e3?

Are you ready for e3?

>no spicy jalapeno fritos


This is the only right answer

Not video games, ban this OP mods.

literally this

*slow clap*

needless decadence
real gamers fast

Yep, made these and printed em off. Got snacks and vegetarian meals ready and waiting too that I'll make mid-break.

Time to party

>eating processed garbage

try an apple, you might like it.

>tfw on a diet because I got tired of being fat

No snacks this E3 I guess...


but being fat is fun

I can't remember being even mildly excited or impressed with an E3 since I was twelve. And it was probably more shit then I remember back then


>Tfw bought a new pack of Soylent
>On nofap day 17
>Drink water alot

I'm ready...

soda is piss, water is bliss!

love too get winded getting out of bed

If anything new came, it'd probably be a mobile game.
Dont think they'd be willing to put alot of effort into the sequel ( ??? ) of a flop.

only gonna buy them saturday night. no point getting hype for EA, only gonna snack for MS

how fat are you?

>work almost 30 hours in the next 3 days
haha kill me lads



i'm actually a 110lbs manlet


are you going to eat it or will it all go to waste?

You've got a guaranteed bingo in that top row.

Post hand

Sorry for the spam, fellas.
I hope so, kek.

This is commitment right here, Todd would be proud

>eating all that genetically modified garbage

At least get some good chips

>nofap day 17
>Falling for the /fit/ meme


hahahahahHAHAHAHAH it's been too long since someone posted that


The last time Sup Forums called me alcoholic and normie because I dont eat shit or water watching something interesting

>Sorry for the spam, fellas.

Instead of apologizing, just stop spamming them in every fucking thread.

I've posted 'em three times, senpai.


I ran out of food two days ago so condiments I guess.

Americans have this weird complex about people who drink alcohol where everyone who does it more than once a week they're an addict. I think it comes from prohibition or God botherers

that's not the hand of a manlet

Well i stand corrected, still don't forget to drink some water user

I'm five foot five

eat healthy you fat fucks. Even your cum will taste better, if you're into that shit.


Yes I looove eating my own cum, can confirm eating fruit makes it taste better.

No wonder they call gay people "fruits"

like, 5-6 by 2-3 inches I guess

stop eating junk food that makes you full and start eating food that makes you gain weight

post pic

I haven't been to the store yet. I'm thinking of mixing a bag of white cheddar popcorn and a box of Crunch and Munch together. Might get a bag of Combos and some type of small chocolate candy to mix in with the popcorn.

More like "Are you ready for early-onset diabetes"?

Perhaps we're a more enlightened society as a result

>actually complying with the request of an autistic Sup Forums user
Come on user.

>more sugar

was a tradition to drink baha blast with some bros during E3. hell it served as a sort of start of summer feeling for us. Taco bell runs while amusing is gonna get real annoying.
any good replacement for it? the new 3 flavor one doesnt quite cut it.

>can confirm
Whooooooa now, right back to redd1t with you.

Still need to get some more food but I already started preparing!

Dude, just get a bunch of large baja blasts, ask for no ice, and like 3 taco twelve packs. 1 run, plenty of fatty liver disease to go around.

Which flavor of the pretzel pieces should I get? I love those things.

i definitely have experienced that, as an american. then i went and visited a friend in england to find out that they drink every day, for most of the day, have "strategical throwups" so they can drink more and go to work/school hungover every single day. at least thats how their college days go. how anybody learns anything in that country is astounding

what's with the clown horn?



>half your country is still stuck in their religious roots

How else would you suggest we go about life on this dismal little island?

Actually people who dring on a regular basis once a week would be a kind of alcoholoic.

sorry, i only breathe air bro

>white beer
great choice

How would they be an alcoholic? Unless you're getting the DTs or can't survive your week without a drink, does it matter?

>sea salt and vinegar


Wtf is this euro poor shit?

Well its because of the habit of drinking on a regular basis. Like the Weekend-beer or something. It wents pretty fast to "I need that beer now" because you use it as a treat for yourself and think you feel better with it. Of course its not like someone who has always some alcohol at hand everywhere so he can drink whenever he gets sober again, but its a start. It kinda weird me out how in so much countrys its totally normal or even encouraged to get drunk af every weekend or more.

Only complete fags dont like salt and vinegar, fucking tastelets get out

monster zero ultra (tm)

>shit taste
>dumb pedoposter

not surprised

>that much sugar


Eat elk meat and jalapenos

Get out of here troglodyte

It only weirds you out because of the historical hangups your country has against booze back to when your laws tried to ban it because they thought it was ruining society.

>not Miss Vickies

Oh shit son

based celery poster