Do you sell your games when you're finished with them?
Do you keep the games you like and toss the shit?
Or do you have a collection like pic related?
Do you sell your games when you're finished with them?
Do you keep the games you like and toss the shit?
Or do you have a collection like pic related?
It depends on the game, I sell it if it is one of those one and done games occassionally, but I usually try my hardest to keep hold of all my games because I regret selling my PS2 a while back.
Absolutely not. I still have every game I've ever bought. What if I want to play it again some day? I don't get rid of my books, movies, and music, so why would I sell my games? Never made sense to me. They're never worth very much anyway.
I collect everything.
I mean I keep my vidyas but I dont collect different versions as I do with CDs and Vinyls.
It saddens me I sold 85% of all my old stuff when I was bad off on drugs and not for very much... id of definitely still liked to have it now.
A snes
2 ps2
2 ps3s
2 xbox 360s
And a fuckton of games :'(
Shit kinda hurts thinking about it
I only buy games I know I'll keep on console. All the games I own on PS4 I'm keeping, but most of the shitty games I'll only play once I get on Steam for dirt cheap.
when I was in high school I sold half the video games I had already finished playing to Gamestop thinking I could use the money to buy a PS3 and some new games. I only ended up getting 30 bucks for all 20 games and 6 years later I still haven't gotten a PS3.
Haven't sold a single game or game related thing in my life apart from shit like steam badges and crates.
Granted I don't think trading in games at places like GS is very my country, and fuck all the effort of selling things on ebay, way to much hassle for some scrap cash.
I do this too, also my dad was a collector armyfag nutcase so he enforced me taking care of my shit
I've got all my NES, SNES, Sega, N64, PS1, Xbox OG, PS2, PS3, and X360 shit all in containers
Fuck I've even got my super scope in the original box, same with all power rangers zords up until zeo because I grew out of it. Plus comic books and a ton of other shit
My OCD gets the better of me
I keep everything but I also buy every single game used for like 5-10 bucks because I'm a cheapass.
There's really no point trading in something you can buy for $5.
I sold/lost a lot of my games from when I was younger. Went through a 'I'm done with video games' phase in high school. I definitely regret it.
when i actually got physical copies of games i would only if i had no emotional attachment to the game. otherwise i just couldnt becasue holding the game was holding a really great memory and i have issues parting with my past... which is why i have some hording tendencies.
Playing games is for faggots
I sell/trade in games I have finished with and know I won't want to play again.
Normally keep the games I have bought DLC for, hence buying DLC for them.
I don't like having material things that have no purpose.
atm I have a massive stack of console vidya collecting dust, most of it is in my backlog, including unopened brand new games
1 Question
What are the best genres or types of video games for a gamer who only plays video games for all ages and all audiences?
>including unopened brand new games
Why the fuck would you pay full retail price for a game you aren't going to play immediately. Are you retarded?
>What if I want to play it again some day
They aren't that many games, books, movies that one would want to play, watch, read again. Why not just keep those ones.
On top of that, they clutter up your life, accumilate dust, could be used and loved by someone else, decrease in value for you loosing you money, and you die eventually, so having a massive collection of shit is just a waste of time and money for you, and will become a burden on whoever has to clean that shit up after you die.
No, i once sold a lot of my PS1 and PS2 games and i still regret it
EA's sports games are actually pretty good when it comes to the gameplay itself. Any online functions are designed to extract as much money away from you as possible though. Also I would stay away from the first three annual games of a new console generation. They add all the features back that the old generation used to have slowly across several yearly releases.
I do the opposite to you user. I buy games on console, complete them and trade/sell them for near buying price after I complete them.
then if I really liked them and want to play them again I but them on steam a few years later for pennies on sale.
i do this with every bethesda game, complete it in a week or two then sell it.
My logic is that consoles are finite, they have a specific date when they are obsolete.
PC's are everlasting. Even if I lost my steam account I could still piratefag the games.
>Do you sell your games when you're finished with them?
Never. Only the worst kind of an untermensch would ever sell a game that his fingers have touched. You don't retreat, not one inch.
What did you censor?
pokemon cards
no I don't do that, just buy games that I wanted to play, after they are released but are quite cheap.
Like I have had doom 2016 for a few months, I bought it new for £10, still not played it.
I buy games and sell the shit I don't ever plan on touching again.
That's acceptable then. For a second I thought you were the human embodiment of everything wrong with this industry.
So I should get rid of my entire library of media because of entropy? And I should be a sour curmudgeon because I accept the inevitable heat death of the universe?
My library brings great joy into my life, user. I have plenty of room and I'm good financially and don't need to sell any of my possessions. I don't have a will, but I suppose after my wife and I are dead everything will go to our kids, and I'm sure they'll manage our estate just fine.
You need to find things to make you happy, user. You'll never be fulfilled in life if you hate everything and never let joy into your heart.
>They aren't that many games, books, movies that one would want to play, watch, read again
Sure there are. I read most of my books multiple times and even with movies they're nice to watch them again with friends who haven't seen them when they come over.