>final boss is a puzzle
Final boss is a puzzle
can someone verify the font they used for the numbers on the doors?
I switch doors
depends if im a muslim or not
You switch doors because there is a higher probability of you winning something
Obviously 50% chance so doesn't matter.
This puzzle came up in zero time dilemma last year, for once Sup Forums helped me with something
If the door positioning is like that in reality, I'm going to keep my pick of Door 1 because a car couldn't fit in a room that small behind Door 2.
google the monty hall problem
TW3: Hearts of Stone did this pretty cool
Only a weak man would switch doors.
You've got a 66% chance to have already selected a goat. Which means if you switch you're more likely to get the car.
This guy isn't thinking hard, he's thinking smart.
Don't take the bait.
There's always one person who pretends to be an idiot in these threads.
don't switch, its 50/50 either way
you have either picked the right door or you haven't
I always feel I sort of understand the Monty Hall problem but a part of me is still clueless on how it works.
It just feels so wrong.
>there are 1000 doors
>you pick door #500
>998 doors open, and you're left with only two choices: door #500 and door #254
Are you saying you wouldn't switch?
Are you saying you got the right door in a 1 in 1000 chance for the prize to be behind door #500?
>wanting a new car
I'll take the goat friend, thank you
go to bed Muhammad
>be in muslim country/india
>select goat
>sell it for more than a car
>get a car and money to spare
best part is you have 100% chance of succeeding and even if you somehow can't sell it you still get a full goat to bbq with friends for free.
What if the layout and positioning was actually pic related though?
but if the third situation happened wouldnt you have already lost?
>final boss dies with one hit
fable 2 sucked
>people still fail the monty hall "problem"
then you swtich because the side/back of door 2 is the only place to pass a car through
Sure, assuming that the host ALWAYS opens a dummy door before yours.
no I don't
66% chance of winning
Can I switch to the guaranteed goat door?
Goats are cool
The Monty Hall problem makes sense statistically, but it still doesn't feel real.
It feels almost like it's pointing out a flaw in how we read percentages.
>be college student
>studying artificial inteligence
>professor explain how in order to build an inteligence who can work with random effect, it has to calculate the probability
>use the monty hall problem as an example
>"anyone knows the monty hall problem?"
>"err... i do"
>"well explain the monty hall problem to the class then"
it was like being on Sup Forums BUT FOR REAL
>final boss is a bench
Switch is objectively superior with 2/3 chance.