Is this going to be the biggest flop of 2017?
Is this going to be the biggest flop of 2017?
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what even is it
They look like Battleborn characters
The fundamental idea is fine but it just looks completely uninteresting to play
Having a "cast of wacky and cuhrazy characters" is always a massive fucking red flag in this day and age
I didn't even know it existed until 3 days ago.
Probably not.
They are going to push really hard the next SR though.
Saints Row V.
Saint's Row 5 but with literally who characters
I'm with this guy. What the fuck is this exactly?
I've never even heard of it, this is the first time I've seen it and it already looks like a lost cause.
Probably. Looks fucking terrible.
will probably gonna wait till its f2p, like battleborn
Last 90 days of search intensity of Battleborn (biggest blunder i could think of) versus this thing
I want to know who actually signs off on stuff like this, are the developers this out of touch with the industry?
The guys behnd this are trying too hard to be Gearbox, and I don't know why
Literally what the fuck does Blunderborn have to do with this game? Are you under the impression that it's a MOBA or something?
It is literally a sequel to Saint's Row 4, a sandbox game.
I hope it fucking flops after what they did to SR. Also the game was created with diversity in mind according to the massive sjw devs.
To make matters worse Johnny gat is a gamestop pre-order exclusive
Fuck johnny gat.
I don't know what is the obsession with him.
>Literally what the fuck does Blunderborn have to do with this game?
They both have terrible design and AOM will probably crash equaly hard.
They didn't even try to cover up the fact that they ripped off the Iron Man/Tony Stark design on the left. What the fuck man.
haha kurwa
>le wacky characters with unique health and ablities killing wacky enimies
its not the same but the similarities are enough to warrant a comparision
Is there a word or name for these kind of character models? It seems like ever since Overwatch every dev thinks creating these weirdly cartoony characters would make them millions.
They look like Marvel characters too.
If it brings us any closer to finally getting a new good Saint's Row game with the money they make from this, I really not.
From looking at gameplay, it's another version of Saints Row 4 but instead of switching powers you switch characters. Hopefully Volition will let out all of their lol ramdom xD shit into this IP and then work on an actual Saints Row 3.
Whatever this is it looks like absolute shit.
Saints row died after 2. It's over.
You niggas serious? It's literally a parody of capeshit movies and specifically Marvel stuff (Agents of M.A.Y.H.E.M. = Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Granted, the character designs are awful regardless of that but if you can't see what they're at least trying to do you might have assburgers
TF2 clones.
>Battleborn (biggest blunder i could think of)
user, I don't mean to criticize your reading comprehension, but it seems pretty clear to me why he compared it to Battleborn.
Not everybody knows what Agents of SHIELD is you marvelcuck.
>It's literally a parody of capeshit movies
Well it's a shit parody.
New Saints Row?
He was a cool character who did whatever he wanted and was a total bro to the mc in the first 2 games, then they turned him into a walking meme
You retard, boi?
not only does it look like shit but it also looks boring as fuck. Like crackdown without the destruction physics and fun enemies to fight.
It will be this years battleborn
Fucking god damn it. I know the wacky Saints Row games sell well but they're completely alienating the one side of the fanbase that made the franchise popular in the first place. I've been playing through Saints Row 1 recently and I just wish there were more games like it out there. People call the series a GTA ripoff, but it's not that at all. It's different. The only game that gives me the same feeling is Saints Row 2.
At least they're not outright calling it a Saints Row. Maybe shouldn't have included Gat, though. Way to shit on him even more, Volition
TF2 is ten fucking years old, why would they start ripping it off now? And this isn't even a FPS. It's just a Saints Row spinoff.
Seems like it, except now they're separating it from the SR name, as they should've done before.
Is this a reference?
Wasn't SRIV originally DLC for SR3? I don't know why they did that because it's completely fucked any sort of consistency the series had.
>Iron Man
>Nick Fury
>Captain America
>Harley Quinn
This game looks shit.
I agree mang. I miss the campy gangbanger wigger setting. It also got serious when it needed to be (Carlos death). 3 and 4 was a little too much for me, it didn't help that the city was trash and customization was downgraded to hell.
>TF2 is ten fucking years old, why would they start ripping it off now?
Because despite TF2 being 10 years old, it doesn't look it thanks to the artstyle - so it's an artstyle that can withstand the test of time. Developers are just now realizing this so they're copying it. Sims 4 is the same way, too. Though I don't see why AoM is using for it, as i doubt it'll be a game that is still played in a decade since volition doesn't have a record of maintaining a project for years like most everyone else who's adapted this artstyle has done.
At least they're attractive. I'll give Volition that.
SR4 was made to be the final game in the SR series.
>tfw you actually really like all the Saints Row games and think Volition seem like really cool devs but you still aren't really feeling the hype for this
I think the most baffling design decision is despite having a big selection of playable characters there is no co-op. SR had it throughout the entire series and playing it with bros was the tightest shit.
>cosplay skins
Originally, then they just turned it into a whole stand-alone game.....with the same map.
good. Why does every game need to have online?
They tried to do the same thing with Saints Row The Third, but then made it look more in tune with the previous games closer to release
Actually, Gat out of Hell was made to be final game in the series and Jesus Christ it fucking sucks. I thought I'd never see worse activity than Stomp Mayhem, but was proven wrong.
They said themselves that SR4 was originally DLC called "Enter the Dominaxtrix"
Who is the target audience for this game? I don't understand.
It also has no co-op whatsoever.
well that's pretty shit
There's a ton of talented people at Volition, sure, but they're stuck making absolute shite. A lot of the original Saints Row devs are still there, for god's sake.
I'm not trying to say anything bad about the newer games, but I'm not sure how the franchise ended up like it did and how this spinoff came to be.
How far we came from this.
Non Europeans-Non Americans
They want the international audience. Of course it had to be some fucking poo in the loo. Pic related
>no saints row 3
>we wont ever get to kill dex in whatever city hes held up in
It's SRV but they realized that they couldn't take the game further after they turned it into a really shitty Crackdown clone
but instead of making it more like SR2 they're still going full lelrandum with their gimmick now being swap-able Dial H heroes that all look shit.
why do they insist on doubling down on the extreme futuristic wacky shit?
>switching characters
I'd really rather just make my own character.
Can I at least play as the same character all game instead of having to switch? If there's bosses or something that require switching, I'm not gonna enjoy it.
You get to kill him in a shitty phone game that got ditched
it would be difficult to flop harder than battleborn, but anything is possible
I refused to give that any acknowledgement.
They probably think it has more potential for interesting gameplay
I think that futuristic shit has potential too, but they could still make a more grounded experience instead of going full super powered Professor Genki wackadoo
that's where the game starts to suck a little
the better parts of SRIV where levels where your powers where limited and you had to actually drive and shoot
i honestly don't think we will ever witness a single flop as big as battleborn
It apparently takes place in the distant future on a timeline created by one of the endings from Gat out of Hell.
I ain't even mad about their newer games desu. While a tonal shift from SR2, SR3 as a game isn't nearly as awful as some claim and SR4 as fucking goofy and stupid and sometimes cringey as it was is by far the best of the bunch gameplay wise.
Saints Row 2 is still the king because it's strikes that magic balance in both gameplay and story: The atmosphere of gangbanging with serious and sometimes shocking moments somehow feel perfectly in harmony with the "Carsurfing with no pants on while your bro is lobbing grenades at the pursuing police" moments
Who knows? Maybe by creating Agents of Mayhem Volition will attempt to move all the lolsorandumb stuff that alinates the older SR fanbase to a new IP, making them free to do a new SR that harkens back to the first two.
Nah it looks like it will have a good release window now that Red Dead is not coming out this year.
>I'm not sure how the franchise ended up like it did
I have a feeling they didn't want to directly compete with the GTA series, so they opted for a more over the top action oriented game.
Pierce > Johnny Gat
nah the biggest flop will have way more funding and won't be an obvious disappointment like this game
Neo-Sup Forums has no idea who Volition is, lol.
volition is fucking tone deaf on what their fans want. Even on their official forum people have been asking for a true sequel to 2 for years. A return to Stillwater with a better engine,physics, and customization would be goat with the same tone as 1/2.
Nobody is really doing open world crime games anymore
i felt this way about gta5. Maybe i didn't play the game long enough but it kinda turned me off.
Mass effect andromeda was pretty fucking awful
That's the robot with the lions, right?
It probably sold enough to recoup most of its development costs, though
This game may not, given that there's barely any positive buzz or marketing about it
to add onto this gta is a once in a generation thing now. Sleeping dogs is rip, godfather is rip and Mafia 3 was hot garbage.
Battleborn. It was such a bad flop, that it persists time
Given how badly Volition has fucked up on all its online/co-op shit before, I think that's a good idea. Don't bother spending the time with developing it to do something it will suck at anyway.
Shut up Pierce
I wish they'd just refined 4 into a really really great superhero game.
>you still create your own character
>have lots of different power sets to choose from
>vehicle system is still in, in case you choose a power set that doesn't have a movement option like flying or teleportation
>go completely nuts on the appearance customization, including an extremely in-depth costume system
>start off as a complete nobody who gets powers through some accident or experiment or something depending on your power set
>story is affected by whether your actions are heroic or villainous, whether or not you kill, and whether or not you maintain a secret identity
>if you want, you may acquire a secret hideout like the Batcave or a more publicly known headquarters like the Watchtower
There are single player games where you have superpowers, but I don't think there's anything that really captures that iconic superhero experience like this would. Games like DCUO exist but they are shitty MMORPGs and suffer from all the drawbacks that genre brings.
Another real saints row game is never happening.
I unironically liked saint row 4 but this game seems like a flop.
I remember there being a game concept being passed around a few years ago (with some prototype working assets) that had a lot of the things you mentioned there, but it looks like to have disappeared completely
Okay, here's a list of basic things the game could do to not end up like Battleborn
1 - Rename it Saints Row - Agents of Mayhem. Like how Battleborn could have been named "Borderlands: Battleborn" and lost almost nothing besides having to tweak the plot a bit, and would have gotten brand recognition in return.
2 - Delay it to get co-op in. I'm sure they're recycling their Saints Row engines so its entirely possible.
3 - Add some fan service skins skins for the female characters like binikis and thongs because you're not going to sell this game on merits.
>trying to compete in the wacky stylised hero shooter genre after overwatch
>game about assembling a team of three
>no online co-op
and just like that any interest i might have had in the game vanished