Why does Sup Forums hate this little girl so much?

Why does Sup Forums hate this little girl so much?

I like her desu.

Fucking bitch would only buy for below market price.



Give her a break, she's just a little kid, not a fucking Warren Buffet.

That child is a destroyer of combos but I'd still give her the fuck

How many stores have you been to where, if a little girl walked up to the cash register with a toy, the guy would sell it to her for some stupid low price simply because she's a snotty little girl?

She's actually a solid buyer but starts with a tiny budget so you need to sell her cheap stuff at the sweet spot to break the piggy banks out.

Sounds lewd.



>recettear is a 10 year old game

She's a meme. The legit worst buyer is the nigger fairy.

I didn't believe you at first. I had to go google, now I feel like shit. Fuck you user

Holy macaroni!

Do you not realize this was actually a thing before large corporations? She's trying to buy something from a store owned by one person, a little girl at that. Have you ever been to a flea market or yard sale?

>people who play the game for 5 minutes and lose think Recettear is simply about paying back a debt

I'll give it to you for free *unzips dick*

The scam artist is the worst because she is basically a combo breaker.

I'm about to be run out on the street by this jew fairy. I'll pay her back later, when I'm not on the verge of being homeless.

Recette's shop isn't a flea market, it's a proper store, one that will be shut down if she doesn't make enough money. Recette can't afford to sell her wares for pennies to little girls.


>Recette's shop isn't a flea market
It's not Walmart either. She controls her own prices.

I just want to hug her and give her free shit.

Is this game worth getting? Ive been meaning to play it

Fuck off communist.

>she controls her own prices
No, the market does. She can either sell at market value and not make a dime, or sell above it to make some money. She can't sell below it and lose money just because a girl her age walked into the store broke.

Selling lots of stupid shit to stupid people and watching the numbers go up will satisfy you enormously.


she sure fucking can if it means a week later that little girl will be buying and selling at levels comparable to the rich girl in town

gotta plan for the future, even if it means taking a loss here and there early on

She's not a buyer though, and has ultra rare goods a late game shop would want to buy.

Its gets too hard tho

Its pretty fun once you get the hang of it.
First run I did I ended up loosing because I did not pay attention to limited time events and the types of customer

The game is built with the expectation of you failing once or twice.
If you pay off the debt without fail then you'll have finished the game before even having seen half the dungeons or unlocked 10% of the recipes.

You will also never meet Recette's father

The first week is the hardest because you can only sell cheap stuff
After that, selling at like 105% increases customers' budgets while also leveling you up, getting you more expensive stuff
By week 3 the debt is just some minor obstacle to your shekels.
Well you can keep doing all that stuff after the debt gets paid.


I didn't mean the debt. I'm sitting at 3M or so but I'm stuck on a boss battle. Can't remember which one but I think its the demon guy

I don't remember this.
Did I not reach the last dungeon or something?

More like, super tedious. You have to do a full dungeon run (possibly 15+ levels) to get an 1 out of 10 items with 20% drop chance - and that's only for one recipe.
This is one of those games where starting character is best of all.

You didn't train her right then. By the end of the game I got her up to like a 15% markup.

Yeah but expects you to pay 5x the market rate for them

It's been a few years so I don't remember exactly, but you gotta unlock endless mode to see the TRUTH
Louie sucks, Charme or Griff are #1

THIS is when she pissed me off. Can't afford it, fine. But don't you ever come into my store and order me around and tell me how to run my business, cunt.

I thought Sup Forums was this little girl.

Also why do all the girls show off their belly buttons?

I thought she was a robot.
Why wouldn't the fairy recognise her?

Yes, but if you wait 2 weeks it'll probably be on sale on Steam.

I paid off the debt first try without losing, it's not that hard. After that it just became too much of a grind to unlock all the dungeons. It's beaten as far as I'm concerned.

If I recall I think he just takes control of her from a distance

I have to disagree. Even though Charme has more DPS, Louie is much more easy to control and more durable. He also has wide swing. It takes alot of time to get used to Charme to not to die quickly, while with Louie you can just facetank stuff.

Because people suck at the game.

But Louie can't sprint

Because it's sexy.

How come Recette doesn't do it? Wouldn't she gain a larger customer-base?

Holy shit there is so much stuff i didn't see in this game what the hell?
I payed back the debt, cleared all the dungeons (or did they just repeat after a while?) got the biggest store.
I mean I really tried but I missed a bunch of npcs and story appearantly I mean what the hell how do I even?

She doesn't need to. By the end she has the guild master eating out of the palm of her hand.

can't tank stuff in crystal nightmare

What about the spear girl?
I recall her being much better/easier.

I had the same problem. Failed once, read a guide on the price points and customer levelling.

Blew threw the debt on the second try and lost interest because the dungeons open based on time rather than you actually clearing them

Thinking of maybe playing again, relying completely on dungeon crawling for items then if I go broke, fine I carry on

So when is that Terrotinkle game or whatever-it's-called getting released? I need more of this Chantelise/Recettear feeling.

I like to bump her into walls and listen to the moaning.
But spear hitbox was too awkward for me.

I like her, I was making everything at 1 for her, she's cute

I think we can all agree that Calliou is the worst adventurer.

I always liked Tielle the most. Her charged arrows obliterate enemies and it's easy to avoid taking damage because she's range. I used her to clear everything, including boss rush.

>still no drunk charme bringing recette home doujin

Maybe for dungeon crawling, but the best by far for boss rushes. Requires a big investment in ferromin, tho.

Am I the only one who found Recettear really goddamn hard

One bad day in the dungeon and you're fucked, better start over

When do I get a mage adventurer? I almost got my ass beat by that thief lady but managed to win.

But can you sell your body?

I paid off the debt without ever seriously doing dungeons. By the second week I realized they were just a huge waste of time.

That's why you have to play safe. Don't equip/invest too much in your hero and play easy heroes, like Louie.

If you didn't see crystal nightmare then you didn't unlock all the dungeons.

definitely, it's the best shopkeeper rpg game to exist.
we need more of this kind of game

You need to do some request for him. Get some items from a dungeon, if I remember right.

You missed out on so so much NPC dialogue if you skipped the dungeons.
Basically every character is unlocked via dungeons

Recette is Cute, Cute, CUTE! She is not for explicit actions, that's the slutty floating cocksleeve that hangs around her.

That's okay, I just liked the buying and selling. I don't want a VN.

Kill the rat king, aquire lizard on a stick, give to snooty 8 year old mage, receive adventurer card

Dungeons stop being useful pretty fast, compared to just using the guild. Only point of dungeons is to unlock more adventurer customers.

The game is also hard because the tutorial gives you bad advice. It says to sell at 130%, but that will not work in the early game. Instead you want to be at 103% and make as many sales as possible. Doing so gives merchant xp (bigger store) and levels up the customer, which gives them bigger wallets.

Also make sure you have a few of every item category lying around, in case there's a special order.

those first two bosses and ignorance of the selling exp mechanics really fucked me over at first, it gets ALOT easier after that though

Game was ruined for me once I found out that the localizators are Portlandia faggots. Censoring the word loli was only the beginning. Glad they crashed and burned after fucking up trails in the sky SC.

>DFW (dat feel when) Chantelise never gets any love

Best and cutest girl. Definitely the best for dungeon running too.

What? What did they do?

Gotta take advantage of random events, though I think you need to be like week 3 before they start appearing or something.
Price of something raises, buy it and sell it at at least 200%
Price of something drops, but lots of it so you can resell it when it normalizes
Certain item is popular, buy like 8 of it and sell it for a perfect chain worth lots of XP

Could be a bitch and save/reload every day until you get a good event. One event of "Housewives looking for precious metals" could let you sell 8 or 9 expensive treasures. Which could potentially clear the entire debt in one chunk of a day.

The one of them had some serious mental issues and was apparently caught with a knife in hand about to kill himself by the other. They did a phenomenal job on Reccetear but it feels like they kind of dropped off from there.

>TFW you get a random stampede of mothers looking for treasures and all you have is one broken statue

The original Recette

chantelise is even harder than recettear wasn't it

Not as bad as the Jewess.

I loved Recettear but theres so much fucking stuff that you have to look up in order to do well
For example I dont remember the game ever telling you that customers have a limited amount of money so I tried to sell them expensive stuff and wondered why are they not buying anything, how the fuck are you supposed to know the customers' budgets or am I stupid and missed something
Also Charme best adventurer, mainly because sprint makes the dungeons way less tedious

Would impregnate / 10
Looks like a good mother

The trick is to never haggle. You always want the customer to purchase right away. Whenever a customer wants to a buy something, there's a hidden "Just Pin" bonus value and the the goal is to hit that value. The closer your sell price is to the just pin number, the more merchant exp you get for the sale. 103% is the magic number that hits the just pin the most when the item is neither on sale or increased value

You need to lure her with cheap candy first

I liked that game more than Recettear. Easier to get more of the story than Recettear.

I've gone through the entire game selling everything for 103% except for red items and the game became a cinch. My merchant level and the customers wallet level increased super quick and it became a joke. You can have several million before the last deadline.

>At the start of the game she can't afford 155 for fucking walnut bread
>Later, fucking this

Is this a game about a cute girl running a store and making friends?
Do not want if it's just dungeon crawling

No, it's a game about fishing, abusing medical supplements, solving riddles, with a touch of dungeons and lore for the Recettear world.