I sincerely hate this game. It was just polished enough to make me stop playing new vegas...

I sincerely hate this game. It was just polished enough to make me stop playing new vegas, but too mainstream and easy to play more than 3 hours.

it's merely ok
really fun with mods
but it's not a Fallout game

>Using mainstream as an argument

I played it for 200 hours before coming to Sup Forums and realising it was shit

Thanks to 2010s in gaming it's perfectly valid now.

>really fun with mods
I completed it on PS4.
Now I'm waiting for a few years for the mods and patches to be complete then buy it bargain basement on steam too play it gain, with the DLC

you know damn well what I mean, it was made easier for the normies to like which in turn made it just like every other soulless mass-selling game

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Hating Games Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

No it isn't. Being popular is not a valid criticism.

I'm glad developers don't pander to you pathetic faggots

It's triple A mainstream trash for the average gamer. And none of them ever played Fallout 1 or 2.

>No it isn't. Being popular is not a valid criticism.
Being popular and being designed for mainstream aren't the same things.

Fuck of normalfag.

Haha Xd

It honestly feels more like an action-oriented spin off more than a main, numbered sequel. If it had been titled Fallout: Power Armor Assault, I would have been fine with it. But as it is, there's simply no real roleplaying. Every interaction feels predetermined and the story feels like one big, stupid SyFy original movie. There are inconsitencies everywhere and the little morality present in the game is the mostly naively black and white imaginable.

More than anything Bethesda desperately NEEDS better writing talent.

Being lowest common denominator pandering is a perfectly valid argument as to why a game is bad.

I just pirated it with all dlc. Mods still aren't at their full potential yet since there are still issues with the API. but there are some pretty substantial and interesting ones out now

I'd buy the game for like $20-25 with the season pass. fuck their $100 game though

Except it isn't bad, you fucking Sup Forumsirgin


If you're not retarded you'll be able to tell what he's trying to say. The game, like all Bethesda RPGs, constantly simplifies or flat out removes rpg elements to cater to a more casual audience.

New Vegas is the only good game in the whole franchise. 1 and 2 sucked ass when I played them on release and they still do.

In my opinion it's bad, and I'm pretty sure that most who played and enjoyed 2 till NV were horribly dissapointed by 4

Explain why it is a good thing
>inb4 hurrrr no u prove le negative

What mods make this game bearable?

Sincerely asking. Would love to enjoy it.

Because it's better to cater to people who like to have fun, rather than autistic creeps such as yourself.

I had fun with it, fuck you. That's all the reasoning I need.

>game for like $20-25
not even worth that imo.
it really is a step down from NV.
Only thing that they improved on was visuals and gunplay, everything else was terrible.

You're lucky you only played 3 hours.. When I got through the dare I name.. story.. I felt fooled and betrayed(because its not only shit with no real choices but the story makes no sense.. plotholes.. it even contradicts itself!?).

But I have to say. At least we got Vegas. Vegas literally gave me what I had been waiting for: Fallout III(not bethsy's)- seriously you liked beths F3 it np! But im an old dude who played F1-F2 when I was 13 and was waiting for the next one for very long.

Please don't defend FO4 even ironically.

That is when you mod it. Some masochists made a couple mods that combined can make the game pure suffering.

Simmer down there you flaming faggot.
It's not that we don't necessarily like you, we just don't like a bad game you happen to like.

You know what they really dropped the ball on Fallout 4? The weapon/armor mods.

The game was marketed heavily with the customization aspect of weapons and armor mods and legendary items to really make your character "your own".

What ended up happening was 3/4s of the mods on any weapon are shit, and the other 1/4 are just meta picks that completely outclass the other ones.

An example is once you get armor piercing auto receivers. There is quite literally no reason to not use these over the regular auto receivers, and most time they are in the same Gun Nut tier but cost just a little more.

It would've been nice if every mod really made the gun feel different instead of just having the best mod for that tier.

Like if auto armor pen receivers gave you a slower RPM and damage falloff in contrast to the regular auto receivers which just gave you wayy more RPM. That would be a good balancing mechanic. Or if a mod gave you the chance to critically strike outside of VATS but lowered the ammo capacity in the clip or some bullshit.

Its a fucking RPG game and they managed to make a meta game out of weapon mods instead of allowing you experiment whats best for your playlist.

There is nothing wrong with Fallout 4. It's a decent open world shooter with plenty of interesting areas to explore. If you want compelling dialogue or meaningless RPG mechanics then you are probably just autistic.

what pisses me off the most about FO4 is that it is less RPG than any game before it.
Even the end, you cant even make peace with everyone or kill everyone, you have to buddy up with someone and fuck the rest


It is a good game. Not a great one, not a bad one. Just a good one. 6 or 7/10.
Of course, for a massive franchise like Fallout 4, being just good is a failure.
At least it seems like someone gave Todd a good talking to and they didn't hype the game to oblivion and make absurd promisses. I wonder how that conversation went.
They introduced the game at E3, showed some gameplay stuff, talked about it and released it 3 months later. Simple and direct. I liked the way they did it.
I just wish the game was better.
It wasn't shit enough to hate and it wasn't good enough to love. It is actually rather uncomfortable.

>it's better
Yeah, to make money. That's great, but we're discussing the game itself, not it's marketing viability. As a game it has a lot cut out of it from earlier games, and what is added has the depth of a puddle.

>I had fun with it
Yeah, but you're an autistic creep

I hate this trope in TES games too. Its an mmo system trope
If you really liked the visuals of a steel sword, you cant use it because you gimp yourself, so late game everyone is running round with deadric weapons.
Same in MMO's for epic gear.

FO4 had the same, what happens if you wanted to use a pipe weapon through out the game because you liked the aesthetics.
You can't because it's not meta, you gimped yourself and get rekt by every enemy.

So what? No one wants another Morrowind, they want something that's fun. If that's your issue, then tough shit, but whining about what "should" be isn't going to make things better.


Might not be your style, but using mods that take it even further away from Fallout can be fun. Stuff like CROSS Cybernetics and Jetpacks, Start Me Up, some settlement and crafting stuff, the ton of great weapon mods. pretty much just making it a crazy action shooter.

alternatively you can go the survival sim overhaul route and make it gritty and hard as nails. there are quite a few options for stuff like that

yeah i feel you. but i have 900 hours in NV and have done nearly everything in every way. F4 is an entertaining change of pace, even if it may be for the wrong reasons

And you retards fall for anons shitty bait yet again.

also that's not even a NO U
u autistic

I mean I used the creation kits in every bethesda game to just make copies of my favorite looking set with the stats of the better gear and I encourage you to do the same

And Morrowind was far better received than Fallout 4. Who is still talking about Fallout 4 beyond people who criticize it? Pandering to Normies is pandering to people who stop caring almost immediately. Besides, you're whining about me discussing a game on a video game board. Not sure what point you're trying to make when it equates to
>I like the game so fuck you
All I said was "I think X is bad". I never said what that means I'll do as a result, only that I agree with OP in saying that X is bad.

>liking any FO after 2
Fucking normies

I let my friend who usually has pretty pleb taste play it at a LAN party. He pretty much ran it exactly as Bethesda intended, from the vault to sanctuary, to talking with codsbot, to the dog, to the little town to the south, to the museum, through to the top, into the power armor, into the deathclaw fight. And then he decided it was total shit, and wanted to play something else.

Honestly I was a little proud of him.

I enjoyed it.

Its a cheap-ass wannabee Minecraft with pseudo-Fallout paint allover it. Fallout 3 manages to be a better Fallout game (it is not, its bad) than F4.

Animations are fucked up.
Left-handed weapons.
Weapons missing that should not even remotely be missing (Assault Rifle).
Completely fucked up UI.
Completely fucked up Perks (Perk Tree hello). No skills or meaningfull use of stats.
Utter trash of melee/unarmed combat.
Armor system is mediocre at best. Armor designs are completely trash.
Item modding is half-assed.
No proper settlements/towns/cities.
Retarded storyline.
Not enough templates for meaningfull settlement construction.
Goddamn settlement construction.
Non-stop radiant quests.
Bulletsponge enemies.
Magic weapons/armor.
Retarded dialog wheel and converstions/responses.

No aspect ratio for 4:3, 5:4 etc.

And worst of all - a pain in the ass modding. WHICH FUCK THOUGHT TO MAKE ITS SO MISERABLE AND DEMEANING?

And the whole "wait for a year or so for creation kit to come out".

Fuck, Skyrim and Fallout 3 are better than this crap, and that is saying something.

Fucking newfags

It's a two hour rollercoaster of "look at this set piece" before they let you into the actual game which is bland, boring, and has any and all character growth removed. Perfect for people that play games for two hours before considering it 'done'.

Yeah, you enjoyed eating shit and building shithouses. You enjoyed making a fucktoy too.

>Being so angry about other people liking a good game
Sorry you have anger issues, you should probably see a therapist.

always thought that obsidian and bethesda should join forces when making fallout.

Like beth handles map,locations etc and obsidian handles story,quests etc.

>someone took your son, you saw who and immediately freaked and ran after them
>casually joined the minutemen and started doing medial shit killing/talking to people/mutants/robots
>building your own shit, just fucking around cause your son probably is alright

did you mean to say streamlined?

Bethesda knew how to make good quests once but that was over a decade ago

>always thought that obsidian and bethesda should join forces

Zenimax would never let this happen

>wanted to build settlements like this
>populate them
>end up only being able to have 100 items in the area
>30 npc's

I played it from the start on survival and installed mods that made survival not shit.

Stuff like equal damage for player v. npc, because the damage on survival is scaled in a stupid way. Some good weapon mods to spice up the weird as fuck aesthetic some of the vanilla shit has. There's one called "give me that bottle" or something that allows you to just carry empty bottles for storing water.

Really if you play/mod it into some kind of weird western STALKER game it's pretty good. I have no idea what vanilla/normal difficulty even feels like but I imagine it's shit. I'd rather get shot 4 times in a vault suit and die then have everyone be a fucking bullet sponge.

Also shooting people in their unarmored head with a .308 and having it explode into gibs every time feels so good.

If I recall, their main writer died right after Skyrim.

mods. yes i know mods shouldn't have to fix the game, but we've known what the deal is with bethesda/gamebryo games for over a decade now. if you're buying a modern TES or Fallout (yes even Sup Forums's holy child New Vegas) you're going to be modding it, you're buying it for mods as much if not more than you're buying it for the game itself

This isn't your debate class you nerd. It's the harsh reality that mainstream games are designed for shallow gameplay and to entertain literal niggers sitting on their couches.
>meme arrows

>Being popular is not a valid criticism.
I guess you don't understand the distribution and production industries.
Underage faggot.

I dont really care why you have played it. I dont really care if you enjoyed it.

My anger issues aside, Fallout 4 is not a good game. At all. In all objectivity of it.

>even Sup Forums's holy child New Vegas
I always play vanilla beth games on console first
I have completed NV once on console and twice on PC vanilla.
Every time I try to play skyrim on PC, heavily modded.
I get to whiterun and quit

Its a solid game famalama dingdong

You are legitimately a fool if you believe Fallout 4 is anything but a shitty cash grab. It's laziness made bare.

I unironically love this game since playing survival mode

You're a fool if you think anything anyone does isn't for cash, or sex, or both.

No, that just makes you a vapid cunt.

And your statement makes you either underage or a stunted manchild.
Grow up.

you're the exception, not the rule. ~300 of my NV hours and ~200 in skyrim are on xbox360


whoa there faggot hipster. Dont you have to go clean your fag hipster glasses while stroking your whispy mustache?

it was free for my PS4 but i picked COD modern warfare....

>arguing and telling someone to gow up on a Cantonese wooden sword fighting imageboard


This is utterly true and I'm now trying to get my money back from Steam. Probably won't get em, but just to make a point.

It's not even OK, it's built around a shitty outdated engine and is worse than every other game in the series in just about ever aspect.

>get to the point where i can make my own town (so the first 40 minutes)
>salvage like 10 fans and a couple other pieces of junk
>am now able to make a industrial water purifier that gives me like 15 pure water per ingame day
why the fuck did they think this was ok

I am not interested in discussing how realistic things are in an alternate universe post-apoc game w/ talking mutants and ghouls.

I'm not disagreeing with you. But "ok" is still more than fair. There are many, many much worse AAA games you could buy instead.

They fired their real talent after Morrowind.

You're a moron.

Every 1950s lawyer/army vet knows how to build cities and high tech purification and filtration systems, as well as laser turrets. You'd know that if you know anything about history

I found it fun as an action game of sorts, but the RPG aspects is extremely lackluster. Gets fairly repetitive after a while, but i still enjoyed the parts i played, but that's probably because i'm far too easy going with games i play.

You just have the mindset of an average and well-adjusted person. They don't care that it's "not Fallout" as much as they care that it's a fun game to play for a while. Which is perfectly fine anywhere but here.

>too mainstream and easy to play more than 3 hours.

Sounds like a retard who didn't play it on Survival Mode with self-imposed Ironman, as you should play literally every RPG.

>i-it's a good game, j-just not a good fallout game!

I think it mostly enjoyed wandering the streets in the city and building weapons and being able to get shit like a fan, and then using the screws on it to build new shit, it's neat, too bad the RPG aspect is not properly thought out. Hell i downloaded a mod that makes me see my full line of dialogue and some lines are literally the same exact thing on the same tree branch for choices, it's just lazy as fuck.

I think being able to mod weapons kinda made finding unique ones completely fucking moot though, since a unique weapon in fallout 4 just means a weapon with some legendary attribute, and it's much more favorable to just kill some random special enemy and praying for a good effect on your legendary, which takes away from feeling accomplished when you find a unique gun, unlike let's say fallout new vegas, where i found the Q-35 plasma gun, which is much better than the regular plasma gun even with mods.

it can be pretty fun as a "shoot and loot" type game like borderlands or something
the story is garbage, the dialogue system is laughable (somehow being even more shallow than the first mass effect), two of the four factions are completely retarded and the sheer number of times it shits on or disregards fallout lore is disgraceful
but if none of that stuff bothers you then it's fun


bad writing doesn't inherently make it a bad game. bad mechanics make it a mediocre game though

yeah it has a lot of new things that aren't found all at once in many games. how many games can you do town building, weapon and armor crafting, "dungeon crawling", and make character "builds all at once? not many. is it a Fallout game in design? not really. is it even an RPG? not really. does it implement mechanics that might be cool in a hypothetical Fallout RPG? I think so

I think they tried to do too much and build too much upwards without having a solid foundation built first. One can hope that they take what they've learned now and apply it more tactfully in the future, but who knows.

also yeah I fucking hated the """uniques""" in 4. why bother exploring a place to find a unique Sledgehammer or something named "Slammer" that has Bonus Limb Damage, when you can simply find a standard legendary sledgehammer with the same effect and just rename it to Slammer yourself? doesn't help that aside from like 2 or 3 uniques none of then even have unique models or appearances. really damn lame

Name a better open-world FPS aside from Far Cry 2.

what? I'm not really arguing for or against the game here. simply discussing it

also I love Far Cry 2. I wish its multiplayer was still active on any platform, some of the most fun multiplayer experiences I've ever had

i thought consoles had mods now?