If this is true it will be kojima's last troll move because nothing would be able to top it

Non-believers, your time is coming.


There is no Carol in HR...


Thing is I unironically believe this.

I remember Kojima at last E3.
"I will only be appearing on Geoff Keighleys youtube stream".

He did, wearing a "DS" shirt.

Its another tripfag spamms posts he read on the archive.


I know for a fact Low Roar is playing at E3

there is obviously something going on

How do you know for a fact? Proof.

Source cunt

all these people exist and they have been asking for their mail ALL WEEK

I’m Captain Basch!
I’m Captain Basch fon Rosenburg of Dalmasca!
Don’t Listen to Ondore’s Lies!

The game is like 20% finished, calm the fuck down

You people act like making a video game is easy as fuck, none of you fat basement dwelling neckbeard fucks dont know a single thing about making a video game

You ruselets are retarded. The true ruse is that there is another ending to MGSV, but Survive is real and they're putting it in there.

>this user acting like he knows what he is talking about

just go away know it all!

Who else is secretly rooting for Caramel and co just because of how fucking crazy that would be if it was true?

Why not just root for the ruse and not some gayass tripfag's ego?

My dad also works at nintendo

He was talking with me about their tour and how they're most recent performance after they are done touring in the EU will be at E3, supposedly full performance and all. Said itll be a big reveal

I thought he was the one who came up with it.

"Hey random guy, hello. After this tour we will go to E3. But shhhhh, its gonna be a big surprise, so dont spoil It!"

Well thats just what he told me, idk what to tell you

we talked about Hideo Kojima for a bit and how he met Kojima the first time and all that normal talk here and there. It was a really really small venue with like 20 people and they were there for some other band Low Roar opened for so I was really the only person talking to him.

The ruse is far more grandiose than people like Caramel and FIB and Python and NBGO believe.

The ruse is not something that only Kojima is part of.

The ruse is a multi-franchise, multi-medium conspiracy involving everybody from David Lynch to Hideo Kojima to Andrew Hussie.

The only succinct summarization is that all of your entertainment is LYING to you.

If something doesn't make sense in a story you've consumed recently... it may be because it wasn't supposed to yet.

Somebody please believe me. They're all in on it. They're all going to mindfuck us so hard we won't even know what's happening.


Only a few more days until Caramel kills himself.
Can't fucking wait

I don't believe you. David Lynch is one of those people who don't believe that videogames can be art anyway, I believe. I cant see him getting involved.

Show us all the signature script on the album, faggot. Don't cover shit up.

behead those that insult Caramel!

CnC Generals was fucking gold
A game like that couldn't be made in

>tfw sony's conference is at 2AM for me

Konami don't give a fuck about a bunch of nerds spamming their Twitter and Facebook. When the truth is revealed everyone will love Konami more than ever before for daring to along with an artist's vision. Their stocks and profits have done nothing but improve since Kojima was "fired". The controversy was spread using rumors and second hand sources. The truth will be spread using the biggest gaming event in the world.

will Joost get in trouble with Kojima for letting this leak?

David Lynch directed a commercial for the PS2, what are you talking about?

how did I cover shit up?

Its right fucking there

"all the best to you see you soon"

Just do it, faggot. Take another picture.

>tfw someday I won't get my daily dose of Caramel threads

can you at least learn to crop it


Who's Pepe?!?!

I know, but he's also said he doesn't care about his commercials and just does them for money.

That doesn't mean he doesn't think games can be art.

the date is right fucking there with the time fine, here is a picture of just the record then i dont know what you want


I'm just being difficult. In all honesty, I'm jelly of the album - I love the art.

Now, here's the real question you've yet to answer:

Why the fuck would they tell you they're going to E3? What even prompted them to tell you this?

fuck no. i want to believe canavero will succeed and usher in a new age in medicine. that's obviously not possible if his surgery is just viral marketing for yet another metal gear solid game, as these fools have convinced themselves.

I was disappointment they weren't able to play a full set because they opened for some other bs band neither of us cared about and said casually they are playing at E3 after the tour then again in the fall for another tour

It doesn't, but I'm pretty sure he said he doesn't thin games can be art at some point. And even if we assume he didn't, the guy just came out of retirement recently and he only did it because it was an opportunity to revisit and complete some of his work that was obviously very important to him. If we assume he's somehow involved in some conspiracy and it's related to Twin Peaks then that's stupid because he'd probably just tell Kojima or whoever's offering to fuck off and just let him do Twin Peaks his won way. He's alreayd had the show ruined by outside meddling before and he would hardly willingly let it happen again. If we assume this conspiracy has nthing to do with Twin Peaks, then he'd probably tell whoever's offering to fuck off again because he'd probably just rather go back to his painting rather than get involved in some publicity stunt for some videogame he has no involvement with or attachment to.

Plans change you know. When was the concert?

Stop giving tripfags attention, leddit.

First, if he was involved, it wouldn't be meddling, because, he'd be the one doing it.

Second, people always get stuck on this "it's a ruse for a video game" thing... it's not. Kojima is just the guy who was willing to base his entire work around the ruse.

The others have various levels of involvement. They're not "sacrificing" any more than they want to.

2 months ago

If it's true, just how much shit will the audience lose? What the fuck would Sup Forums even look like?

>First, if he was involved, it wouldn't be meddling, because, he'd be the one doing it.
So he's in charge of it? And he's also willing to to use this piece of work that's very dear to him as part of a publicity stunt?

Who cares about the audience. This website would implode on itself with the amount of "salt" and tripfag "i told you so"s.

Idgaf what happens either way, but I'm not looking forward to even more smug nigs like Caramel and FIB wasting more time here.

Silent Hills is real.

Remember this post.

There are like 300 posts like that.

can someone tell me how the head transplant fits in to all of this?

No. Nobody is "in charge" of it. You still don't get what this thing is about. All he has to do is put some imagery in his show to pay lip service to the ruse, that's the bare minimum. Like, say, that Konami logo in the casino scene?

But if he wanted to go into it more, how about a false ending to this season? Fits right in with the thematic underpinnings of the show. Air a handful of episodes after the "ending" to ACTUALLY close up the plot.

Utterly delusional. I hope the letdown at E3 finally convinces you this is all bullshit.

can't wait to see your disappointment in a few days

you wont be seeing it cause you dont even know who the fuck you're even talking to idiot. Holy shit you're sad

>You still don't get what this thing is about.
No, I don't because you didn't say what it's about. And given were talking about a guy who takes his work very seriously and he's come out of retirement just for this, I don't think he would want to be involved in such a way, even if it's very minor. It'd be like product placement, which, if I recall correctly he has also said he doesn't like.

>supporting tripfags

if it is I'll have no other choice but to finally succumb and buy a PS4

Gonna have the laugh of my life once rusecoons get btfo

>being so miserable you have to make up conspiracy theories to feel any purpose at all
>calling others sad
thanks for giving me a taste of your disappointment already

i wish kojima would just flat out die already.

he's like that faggot in elementary school who kept saying he had a rocket bike or some shit and that he was going to show everyone, that he'd bring it tomorrow, and when tomorrow came and people called him out he went 'LOL I TRICKED YOU!'

He's like a fucking child, expect children don't pretend that they can write a decent story

It's okay to support Quentin, even if he's no longer with us.

You're crazy if you think these people won't just move the goal post for the 4000th time. At this rate, their fucking field probably looks like the god damn moon with how many holes have been dug in it.

Nothing will happen at E3, but these nigs will try and find ONE minute gesture or phrase that "totally proves it all" and then say it happens at the next event. Just like they're been doing for the past 2 years.

I wan't to believe it, I really do. Since I still can't think of a reason why Konami would cancel Silent Hills after all the praise the demo received.

Clearly people want the game. Why would you not continue development?

it's not over until canavero decapitates a man. when he is proven to not be part of the ruse, ill let it go.


>Being so pathetic you want others to fail

pretty much this, until an innocent man is dead, nobody will be happy and will still hold hope.


>telling a retard his hopes are retarded means you want them to fail
oh boy, at your level of delusion it's gonna be very painful once reality hits you in the face, might as well kill yourself before that

Oh trust me, I argued with a feminist today, I know reality

So Kojima is a genius for doing gif related with a 3 year pause?

I never got the chance to play PT. What's the best way to experience the full thing second hand?

Never played a Metal Gear or Silent Hill game either, always been interested but haven't found the time yet

No death stranding? You gotta be kidding me!

I'm kind of confused. I have read some people talking like E3 begins tomorrow, but for what I know it's the day 12. Can someone clarify this?

if it tricks everyone, then yes.
Pretty sure MGS is going to have something new after the nukes are disarmed(maybe even a deadline) after the next update during e3.
DS is probably silent hills: Death stranding

Conferences start Saturday.

>Silent Hills get canceled
>Make a new game with all the stuff they wanted to do in Death Stranding
>Even a new IP in general

Ok, thats not exactly a crazy theory. Kinda makes sense really.

There's literally nothing impressive about this if it's true. I don't know why your dick is so rock hard at the thought of a publicly announced "just kidding".

>new ip
>he thinks kojima left konami!

I can't wait for Kojima to do nothing but speak autistically about movies just like he did back at Tribeca when all the "ruse theorists" said he was dropping a major announcement.

I remember that tranny FIB said his proof was that they would announce the Boss was trans.

These people are deluded.

LE ROOSE. God you're sad
