Why can't Obsidian fans do themselves the service of admitting that, at least, the soundtrack of F3 was much better than the soundtrack of New Vegas?
I mean, when they refuse to budge even on objectively correct, minor issues like those, they just make the rest of their points seem like blind fanboyism, regardless of how right they may be.
>in b4 "hurr durr erry song is about nukes" Not even close, there's songs about a large variety of topics, possibly more varied than NV with their "hurr cowboy shit".
Don’t try and reason with delusional Obsididrones
Alexander Stewart
Jack Gutierrez
Can you repeat the question?
Nathaniel Rodriguez
NV soundraclk is better except let's go sunning
Cameron King
why do you care? Fallout 3 is a bad fallout game. It also might be a bad game considering i put about 40 hours into it and was bored almost the entire time but thats pretty subjective. This is a bait thread and you are wasting time defending a bad game.
Hudson Baker
Soundtrack of nv was written by same composer. Also, f1-2 ost is > 3 or nv ost (I know nv use some ambient sounds from first 2 games)
Kayden Lewis
Why do Bethesda fan boys think spamming annoying FO3 threads every single fucking day will convince people the game is good?
Christopher Garcia
Op is right, the NV soundtrack is garbage. Also NV has good mechanics but that giant sandpit gets boring really fast, especially since ther retarded devs made it up like its this perfectly portioned kiddy ride "no you cant go that way! there is big mean deathclaws there!" literally no room to explore the game how you want, you have to do it obsidian's way
Nicholas Thomas
>the soundtrack of F3 was much better than the soundtrack of New Vegas
James Mitchell
>he doesn't know about the 4+ shortcuts that let you skip at least half the loop each The game is practically designed around your sequence breaking, considering you can kill Vulpes on the Strip and have Gabban replace him back in Nipton.
Cooper Wilson
No, the music was perfect in NV.
Just like the rest of the game.
Fallout 3 was shit.
Luis King
If I have to metagame to get out of the linear first four hours, it's pretty bad RPG design, just sayin.
John Jackson
There's 2 or 3 stealthboys around goodsprings, you can get past the deathclaws
Jack Reed
Camden Smith
>using a stealthboy, one you can get as soon as goodsprings, to sneak past deathclaws is metagaming
Daniel Scott
protip: a lot more than the soundtrack was better in F3 versus NV
Joseph Parker
>Wow happened to find two stealth items that will barely let me sprint full speed past the aritificial difficulty wall into the center of the map depite having no reason to go there right now >How convenient!
It's metagaming. It's no different from sneaking into the Enclave base to get the power armor early in Fallout 2.
Christian Rivera
>metagame It's deliberate design. If you actually explore instead of bitching about not being able to take the obvious routes, you can find Primm pass to completely skip over Nipton and Mojave Outpost. You can cut through Hidden Valley (just off of NCRCF) and come out in Scorpion Gulch, which leads to Helios One. Cazadores have no DT and low limb HP in their wings, letting you clear them out with the shitton of dynamite everyone in the starting zone carries.
Zachary Long
Kevin Butler
I would not say FO3 had the better soundtrack, it was bigger (come on everyone, there's only so many times you can hear about BIG IRON on someone's hip)
Luis Butler
I agree, but if obsidian fanboys cant agree to admit that NV was inferior in a field where it's clear they were overwhelmingly the worse of the two, they will never even pretend to agree about any of the other, much more subjective areas where one may claim F3 is better than NV.
Jeremiah Nguyen
Xavier Rogers
I mean, I actually agree with you OP. But you're still a faggot.
Ethan Morris
No one puts 40 hours into a game they find boring.
Aaron Collins
hello rebbit
Adrian Parker
name something other than your entirely personal preference for the music. please humor me.
Blake Adams
Who even listened to Galaxy New Radio. I only listened to the game's soundtrack. The Fallout 3 and New Vegas games are better than 99% of the shit being released today. Witcher 3 was a special jewel that breaks the mold of the poor state of modern games.
Christian Thomas
wow so original
Nolan Smith
Well I never played FO3 long enough to judge the soundtrack. I love how NV uses some of the original Fallout 1 and 2 tracks in its game OST, so it's a win for me.
Christopher Green
>Who even listened to Galaxy New Radio People who wanted to listen to a great soundtrack that ended up much better than the expansion/sequel's?
Matthew Ramirez
>Fallout 3 ...(is)... better than 99% of the shit being released today wrong. Maybe Ubishit but otherwise no.
Adrian Taylor
The fallout 3 soundtrack was mostly garbage, the radio music can be argued to be better in 3 but all the atmosphereic music in nv is fucking 10/10
Xavier Rodriguez
Every Fallout 3 song was just one mention of a word slightly relating to nuclear warfare. Half the time they were idioms. Fallout 4 was mostly the same, Wanderer was a good pick: just a big hit from the 60s. F3 should've been filled with those instead of "oh they said 'nuclear' once in an out of context way, let's use that song."
And this is coming from someone who loved F3 and didn't really like NV or 4. NV had better music overall. It just fit the theme better.
Benjamin Wood
its ability to trigger faggots like you
Aiden Lopez
>The Fallout 3 and New Vegas games are better than 99% of the shit being released today. Witcher 3 was a special jewel that breaks the mold of the poor state of modern games. Man the people who can stomach gamebryo games have....interesting tastes to say the least. >Witcher 3 >Breaking the mold AAA practices with ever so slightly better polish on them is breaking the mold apparently.
Colton Cox
>NV with their "hurr cowboy shit" How are Blue Moon, It's a Sin to Tell a Lie, Mad About the Boy, Something's Gotta Give etc. cowboy in any way?
Nathan Baker
Name a modern game better more fun than the Fallout franchise that has come out since 2015. I already said the Witcher breaks the mold so don't pull that out of your ass.
Carson Perez
The radio songs in fallout 3 are pretty good and some are even better than the ones in NV, but I like a lot of NV radio songs too. The ambient ost is also good and atmospheric that's why some of it was used in NV. When it comes to the battle music though, all i have to say is that while it's not awful, it doesn't fit the theme of the game. The battle music sounds like generic action game music, meanwhile NV battle music is a lot more fitting.
Ayden Jackson
i can't breathe at 50km/h with my head out of the car window how in the fuck does this guy live?
Aiden Kelly
It's snark, user. It's just that NV fans love to say how F3's soundrack is all about nuclear bombs, and there's plenty of songs that have nothing to do with it. Just like how NV has plenty of songs that have nothing to do with cowboys.
Jonathan Cruz
Why are we using a 2015+ game to disprove a game that came out in 2008.
Noah Long
I'm not arguing against the fallout franchise. I'm arguing against fallout 3.
and to stick to RPGs, I'll say Pillars, Divinity, Expeditions Conquistador, and upcoming Bannerlord
Elijah White
I've seen only one mention of Fallout 4 and how disgustingly lazy they were with just taking the same songs from Fallout 3. Fucking hell.
Evan Gutierrez
I can't say I remember ambient music in NV OR in F3. I found both to be pretty forgettable. Both had pretty great Main Menu themes though.
Jaxon Taylor
I only liked F3 soundtrack because of "Anything Goes" and that's it but god damn that shit was my jam. Also Fallout 3 felt like it let you explore the open world with more freedom. Once you leave the vault in 20 minute tutorial it's complete freedom from there. Meanwhile in NV you're basically forced by design to take this trail that acts as a 2 hour long tutorial, which while nicely and effectively introduces you to concepts such as the NCR, Legion, Reputation System and so on get really dull after multiple playthroughs.
There OP, I gave you TWO things Fallout 3 did a better then NV. Now go back playing your objectively worse overall game you faggot you.
Jason Garcia
Because no one actually cares about that turd
Leo Anderson
They should have taken all the songs from F3 AND added way more new ones. But no reason to remove the ones from before.
Grayson Hall
All right, I'll give you that ONE as well.
Hudson Bell
Having the freedom to do so is a good thing.
Michael Hughes
Ian Morales
Reminder, Fallout 3 got a Game of the Year edition and New Vegas got shit.
Nolan Peterson
He's not a little bitch.
Ian Ross
>Fallout 3 felt like it let you explore the open world with more freedom
PAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA Literally lots of small areas blocked off by knee high walls. Enjoy going through the exact same cut and paste metro system every fucking time you want to go anywhere new.
As for New Vegas forcing a route and getting dull on multiple playthroughs, absolute bullshit. First playthrough, fine I agree that there is a fairly linear path - though it is still better than the atrocious birthday parties in fallout 3 - but on your second or third playthrough you can easily beeline straight to new vegas
Xavier Peterson
Julian Gonzalez
This isn't a direct criticism of Fallout 3, but more Fallout as a franchise?
Why the fuck is a song from the 40s the "main song" of the franchise Maybe by the Ink Spots when the games exhibit characteristics akin to 1950s retro futurism? I don't mind the song itself, it just doesn't work with the direction they went with.
OP you are objectively wrong though. NV has an overall far better soundtrack; 3 has like 4 songs which are good, and only because they are catchy and not because they suit the setting.
Camden Powell
>awards >actually meaning anything
Luis Morgan
Jason Moore
Wow, nice to see representatives of both sides being fucking retarded right next to each other.
Nolan Lee
its also not fun, its either do that or eat garbage, in oblivion, morrowind and even f3 i can go from start to anywhere i want to, i have like 2 options in nv take the route to bison/novac or go straight vegas, woohoo.
Justin Williams
I thought they added like 2 or 3 new ones? I know Atom Atom Baby was new, as was The Wanderer.
For me it raises a few eyebrows that those songs were featured on the most popular NV radio mod Conelrad,
Christian Williams
>get stealthboy >get magazine or something >sneeki breeki >try not to tactically shit yourself when the stealth gauge goes "CAUTION" >get to new vegas
feels good man
Levi Flores
posted in the wrong thread
Wyatt Brooks
>NV has an overall far better soundtrack; 3 has like 4 songs which are good And NV has one good song and 2 or 3 ok ones that are massively overrated.
Ian Baker
unironically I feel like fallout 4 had the best selection of time period music
Josiah Long
I'm agreeing with you, I don't know how many they added exactly, but it was way too little. I'm just saying the original songs are the shit and it's good they weren't taken out, but there's no excuse for what they did.
That's because it's the F3 soundtrack with something like 3 new songs.
John Jenkins
Levi Edwards
it wasnt. new vegas' soundtrack had thematic relevance to the overarching narrative of the game, fallout 3's had no thought into it other than creating the futuristic 50s ambiance + upswing, happy music to contrast the desolation of DC. fallout 3's soundtrack is good but new vegas' is better
Luke Hall
>Literally lots of small areas blocked off by knee high walls. And every single mountain that you think you can easily climb over has an invisible wall >but on your second or third playthrough you can easily beeline straight to new vegas No not really. Deathclaws will fuck you up unless you have a high Sneak percentage and even then they still have a good chance of catching you. You can go through Black Mountain but Super Mutants will leave a toll on you as well as some high level animals.
The game really wants you to take that initial Nipton/Novac/Boulder City route.
Andrew Sanchez
What are they then? If you dare say my boy "Big Iron" is shit then you can fuck off out this thread right now.
Regardless, NV's soundtrack was more befitting of it's setting, and therefore better. The thread should end with that.
Liam Jenkins
>literally no room to explore the game how you want, you have to do it obsidian's way And it's a much better game for it.
Carson Lee
Brandon Lee
i really liked the soundtrack in nv, it meshed well with the gameworld
Bentley Stewart
Fallout 4 > Fallout 3
John Long
>thematic relevance Cowboy shit with a couple ok songs that, as a collection, can't measure up to F3's selection.
Joseph White
Jose Martin
Jacob Ross
The NV soundtrack used tracks from FO3 and added new ones. I don't know what you are trying to argue
Jason Hernandez
This, and its boring dogshit, while nv has an overall better experience with perks and weapon options ii just hate shadowing my previous character every fucking time i make a new one
Listen kid. And you clearly are compared to me seeing your post. I dont whine and bitch about F3. You like it good for you. I didnt. period
Seriously its just personal opinions in the end. Theere is no right side. There is no "because I like something better it must be better" Its subjective in the end. Why you looking for an absolute?
You found it better? Thats how you feel. I dont? Thats how I feel. I didnt like the soundtrack/music. Didnt like the game I didnt like the smell of it.
One thing we have in common? We both like the Fallout IP.
Wish you well - no sarcasm.
Isaiah Garcia
>youtube.com/watch?v=9lrWx7-PiUM >This shit is from a studio musician album intended to be generic background music for TV shows and stuff
to be honest every time I turn on the radio it gets on my nerves after 10 minutes and it fucks right off in both games I didn't even know people actually cared about those songs aside from the usual LE JOHHNY GUITAR SPURS JINGLE JANGLE memes
Henry Nelson
>i just hate shadowing my previous character every fucking time i make a new one So that's why instead you'll go and shadow Liam Neeson all over again instead?
Nathaniel Hill
I hope you tipped your top hat after that epic post
Luke Jackson
the vast majority of the songs in new vegas' soundtrack are not about cowboys. there are a couple, maybe 3, but most of them are just country without being about cowboys. and those are so obviously tied to the themes of the game youd have to be an absolute idiot to not notice it
David Gutierrez
This is why the soundtrack is better for me at least.
Not all the music in NV was written in the 50s, and why would it; the war didn't occur in 2077 so you had over a century to churn out music which has the 50s vibe to it. The music should fit the setting regardless of whether or not it actually existed during that time. Big band orchestra didn't exist during the middle ages, but if it works with the setting, then let it slide.
The other thing that NV does with its soundtrack is that it created in house music. Granted it's existing songs reworded to suit Fallout, but it shows the world is alive and kicking to the point where people are writing songs about their lives and surroundings.
Aiden Gutierrez
Why are so many retards suddenly acting like having a linear storyline is bad? Was it all the trashy open world games from this/last gen?
Andrew Edwards
>Tips cowboy hat
>Rides off into another thread
Evan Campbell
then dont dumbass
Michael Wright
Why can't open world game devs not just... set you loose after the intro, and just set plot hooks in varied places across the game world so you'll eventually stumble upon the main plot, regardless of where you chose to explore? Is that so hard?
Ayden Rivera
Fallout 4 did alot of changes that put me of it, but if they gave you the ability to implement your own radio station with your own songs I would've got it in a heart beat. Nigga, New Vegas is one of my favorite games of all times and I think 3 with it's absolute horrendous writing and RPGbutnot mechanics, but now you're just acting retarded on purpose. With 3 you can literally do the main mission from the get go with nothing really stopping while in New Vegas the game really tries to steer you into the same route over and over unless you try to bypass it in very few and specific ways.
Alexander Taylor
This made me laugh more than I would have liked. Fuck you for making me experience more joy than is acceptable.
Nolan Wilson
>country songs Cowboy shit, even if not directly about cowboys, the western-themed songs fall into that category.
Aaron Lewis
Isn't that literally every Bethesda game? The intro more or less sets you off on your journey anyway.
Charles Jackson
A free game to the Bethfan that can defend the growing up section of Fallout 3