Fire Emblem Heroes

What team has been your most consistent winner in the tempest trials?

The only team I've built up.
Unless Kagero happens on a shitty map.

Bullying Veronica!

>main team always crumbles towards the end
>switch to mediocre cavalry team and steamroll everything

Not using a dancer is painful.

And Xander is useless against Veronica

Reinhardt, Lucina, Julia and Olivia can beat top Lunatic reliably without having to use my 2nd team. Unfortunately my speed is admittedly shit so my score suffers.

Doesn't matter though, I did the math and at my current rate I should get the 80k reward. Respect to anyone who gets to 99,999.


This mode needs fixing so fucking bad.

What are some good skills for Celica and Bride Cordelia?

Both have +spd -def/res natures.

No bullying Veronica!

Roy, Camus, Olivia, and Nino/Bride Caeda/Celica always clutch it out for me. Although Eliwood, Reinhardt, Hone Calvary, and Lissa take me to the final trial. They never can beat it though.