Last chances

Did you fill out your report cards?

Tell me your dumb dream game that wont be announced

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does squenix have a show this year?

>Tfw it's a forgone conclusion that Nintendo will have the best showing

Only 30 minute presentation plus hours of gameplay livestream is the best combination.

Seems like it


Drinking for anyone interested



shit guess I got to remake my report card then

>pokemon Stars

Migth as well update that to another game

Make it less shit this time. Fucking God awful layout with too much wasted space. Look at the 2015 report card for reference.

I meant just my own report, I didn't make the template (but I agree)

>Tell me your dumb dream game that wont be announced
jokes on you I already got it

should be backwards? cuz on easy level you will drink more and on revenganze mode you have 1% of drink

You drink all the tiers below also when you choose a higher tier

ie. Hard mode means you drink from 6 panels, Revengence has all 8.


>having any hype at all for Ubisoft and EA

Rate me.
I'll probably be judged, but I'm a casual gamer
although I am casual, I actually play video games (unlike Sup Forums who just pretend they are hardcore competitive gamers with high-expectations, for some reason.)

EA is purely because of Star Wars which I actually care about. Ubisoft is only because of the sheer possibility they announce something I can play of hardware I own. Believe me, my "hype" for them is a technicality.


cod and dudebro are Sony things, they've been for a while. It's like how everyone still thinks Dew and Doritos are Microsoft partners even though they've been with Playstation for years now

We already have confirmation we won't see a new mainline Halo game or H3A at e3

you're right, but I still think MS is more likely to show off CoD than Sony.
I made it before I knew this info

>you're right, but I still think MS is more likely to show off CoD than Sony.
they can't, activision has a deal with sony. It's why even Destiny a game made by a former MS division was never shown on the xbox


join for maximum shitposting during the conferences.


Are you me?


No, but you have good taste


>No, but you have good taste


reposting mine since i took a pip off nintendo. you just put out a new console, your conference should be more than 30 min

What? You dont want the superior Jet Set Radio game to get an HD rerelease?

The last time CoD was shown at a microsoft conference was in like 2012 or 13

well I'll edit it for next time then.

tfw got out of touch with video games so dont know what to expect

Mind if i take your card user?

I dream guys, I dream

You are actually right there that it's a forgone conclusion that Nintendo wins. But not because they will have the best games shown, but because everyone knows Ninty retards will claim Nintendo won no matter what Nintendo showed or didn't show, and no matter what anyone else showed.

Nintendo wins every year by default because their retarded fanbase would claim a victory even if the entire show was 3 hours of Shiggy on the toilet taking a dump.

I dont care. It's just dumb speculation.

Then i'll take it. Thanks!

I don't think I'm dreaming that big except for "The Ruse"


Now now people don't get angry. I just don't.

trying too hard

Why is there no bethesda in this card

it's so shit

Rate me friends

What stream will I be able to watch E3?

Every year is the same
>What I wanted
>What I expected

bumping this

Overall, it's looking like it might be pretty cool desu