TFW your whole team is afk during team deathmatch

>TFW your whole team is afk during team deathmatch

me behind the camera

No condoms allowed boys this is a real party.

None of those girls are even remotely attractive

Reminder Piper Perri is literally a midget

Reminder Piper Perri is a literal retard

u mad white boi?

Neither are monkies.

Goddamn why do they only pick ugly blondes to get blacked?

>no matter what board I go to, there are BLACKED posters
I think Sup Forumsshits are not so secretly really into being interracially cucked.

>Somehow you end up as the only member on your team during Team Deathmatch
>This actually makes things easier as you don't have to make up for people with negative k/ds

I envied BLACKED actors but I wouldn't even touch that deformation in the pic if they paid me millions.

Reminder Piper Perri killed her child

Suit yourself

they're the only ones lacking the self-respect to go through with it.

>those huge lips
>that wide as fuck nose

>not liking fat lips


>watching ebony porn
>Dad walks in

Huge lips are good for sucking dick though.

Nose... yeah, I got nothing. Bit she's cute overall though, stop being edgy

>maybe the guys obsessed with black dicks and interracial sex are the real cucks
Well no fucking shit user

I'll take what I can get

I wouldn't just burn a cross at her front door. I'd burn her ON the cross!

nigga u gay

Ugly bitch, they can have her

That woman needs to get herself some fashion sense.


Nigga that's gay

full video where


Thread is shit

check it or your mom's dying tonight

oy fuck you

>tfw dick twitched

Wasn't it some guy that was acting all macho on some interview and saying how he's going to go "fuck some bitches"?

stop bullying my pornfu Sup Forums!

she's cute and she has pretty braces!

5 frieza minutes does not equal a real 5. Therefore I am safe

Is that MC Ride?

Damn. Nice 5.