Is this true?

is this true?

Other urls found in this thread:


Handcrafted will always be better.

This picture just showed me that Zelda actualy has a better LOD than other open world games, yet people always shit on Zelda for its LOD.

because it's not muh realism

what am I even looking at?

Point to a spot in the map and tell me why it's not a "point of interest".

The bottom makes no fucking sense, most of those areas are loading screens away and it's actually pretty emtpy, except for the fact that XENO1 is not really open world and that place is crafted just for the stuff you need to do, but it's really full of mon sters to fight.

You're looking at a picture poorly explaining that Breath of the Wild's open world is an excellent example of level design whereas other open worlds are just big.

Those clouds in the top right

Whether or not something is a point of interest wasn't the argument being posed.

If you look closely, you'll also notice that the one showing Breath of the Wild has it's camera pointed more upward showing more of the world while the rest are pointed more towards the ground, showing less

None of those are procedurally generated though.

That's actually covering a big area with a frozen lake, and a big bunker with pic related.

Huh, cool. How about bottom left?

Terrorist encampment actually on the top of the cliffs.

That LOD though.

Does it have any purpose or just sits there being neat?
Because it's ok for it to be either, nice POVs are always good.

Of course you're going to have different amounts of interesting areas if you cherrypick specific areas to take pictures of. Don't get me wrong, I like BOTW, but you can't deny that it has as much featureless grassland and forest as any of these other games.

Also, what the fuck do you mean Far Cry 4's map is procedurally generated?

For the most part yea.
It's why open worlds are pretty shitty in general.
Also I'm pretty sure that none of those games are procedurally generated.

Is the problem with procedurally generated worlds the lack of content? I see the point in handcrafted details, however I don't thinks it's a big problem if done correctly

>top down map artwork
>saying anything about level design

Reminds me of pic related except it's the only interesting thing in the whole whole area, and the rest is just generic snow mountains.

You can see the entire map if you stand at the correct spot.


What does this mean?

That's 100% Mechonis' shoulder.

level of detail, in reference to the modeling of things in the distance.

I never noticed that.
And it also makes sense since they call it part of a "Weapon to kill all life".

BOTW was partially procedurally generated, they just obsessively fleshed out the map by hand.
This is a measure of quality, not the means of development.

>Also I'm pretty sure that none of those games are procedurally generated.
Partially all of them are, except Xenoblade and maybe Zelda, haven't played it.


Where do you find any location in BotW that somehow says "generic"? I couldn't find one single area that didn't look like the person who designed it exactly knew what he wanted it to look like, even if it was an empty, rather pointless location.

>BOTW was partially procedurally generated
>devs make a note about how they designed the map based on where the tester went or not


It has a purpose storywise and you can also slide it

They started with an empty map at the very beginning, is what I read. How you interpret that is your business.


they said all teh main locations and overal look of the world were already in place, things like Koroks, Shrines, Big Fairies, etc etc etc were placed on feedback


The texture and model of things that are rendered from far away, the LOD texture is different at a distance than it is upclose as the texture/model blends or pops-in to a higher detail one when you start to get close.

It's a shitposting thread.

A game world doesnt have to be littered with a set amount of shit per sq/km.

Ubisoft games have heaps of shit to do and their maps are generic and forgettable.

Xenoblade has shitloads of space but loads to do, but the world is more interesting because of its less realistic terrain, making it fun to explore, especially finding secret areas. X in particular works well as an open world game because the mechanics and story are tied to exploration.

I think Wild Hunt is more realistic but the godlike tech behind the world makes nearly every scene screenshot-able, moving through that world is a treat.

Zelda has a lot of empty space but having all the major location in view most of the time is a godlike design choice, it has a real sense of adventure and you can see progression just from the horizon.

Also MGS5 was open world for no fucking reason. Big open ended missions are great, but there was no need to make it one big map, waste of time and budget.

All of them are, though. Except Xenoblade.

Yeah I noticed after looking up the images in the archive. Jesus fuck what is it with the sudden increase autists like cody, XV-kun, and caramel shitting up the game's threads.

W3 and BotW have different open world design styles. BotW is more like a TES game in that it's much more free form and every area is open from the start and there are in-world massive landmarks. W3 has just as much if not more quest / gameplay content but it has narrative pacing for discovering new areas and the world design in general is not nearly as fantastical as a TES or BotW so you don't get as many views of far off massive structures and things of that nature but there is still just as much to explore and find in W3.


Makna Forest has more points of interest than BotW altogether.


Only the tree and Eryth Sea (city in the sky) are behind a loading screen. The rest you can reach without one I'm pretty sure.

>cherrypicking: the image

What are you even saying? Yes Xenoblade has loading screens. It still has an eternal megaton of interesting things in it though.

>nintykiddies are just figuring out what theme park open worlds are
>they absolutely adore them

holy loooooooooooooooooool

Oh I didn't see those icons on the bottom right. So the image is praising BotW and XB, but chastising the others for procedural generation. Sort your image better user.

But muh natural wheat

Why is it that Monolith Soft of all fucking companies is the king of open world RPGs? Can you name ONE (1) company that makes a better open world?

>but there is still just as much to explore and find in W3.
God, no. Even the new DLC area everyone praised is pure, geneic trash. The only interesting locations are out of bounds and there is basically nothing of substance to find but generic (yes, even "dungeons" in Witcher are geneic, linear holes) caves with NPCs in front of them telling you they lost a friend inside.

holy shit, way to drop that in the middle of a random thread

Fuck no.



is this a meme or are people actually surprised by this

>even so accomodating as to pick two pictures of Witcher 3
>still less interesting world

>youtube capture

yeah you didnt play it.

why has nobody ever posted this in a vidya eastereggs/deepest lore thread?
actually blew my mind

>what are differing styles

Obviously W3 was going for a more realistic down to earth style. Having grand structures all over the horizon kinda goes against that. Fucking autist.

Nintodllers are subhuman. Shocking I know.

How does it matter whether I played it?

Fuck yes.

>he saves others screenshots to lie on an anonymous imageboard



>Having grand structures all over the horizon
I didn't know Goron bowling and shrines were grand structures

This. It's a realistic art style, that's why CDPR chose to put grass in the air, trees on rocks, glitches after 50 patches and no points of interest at all with the sea of Skellige being emptier than Wind Waker and with not one single specific sea creature or enemy to spice things up, even though it's a medieval fantasy game.

There's literally nothing to see nor explore in tw3. Plus tw3 isn't even open-world. It has one large area (velen + novigrad). Then it has 2 main additional much smaller areas. Then it has a bunch more bite-sized areas. They're all separate from one another. Velen + novigrad is only comparable to some non-open-world game's levels, it's in no way bigger and it should be at least several times bigger. Fact is, it's not open-world, just big.

I suppose the point you're making is that hand crafted is better. True as that may be, this picture very poorly represents that argument.

>Skellige being emptier than Wind Waker and with not one single specific sea creature or enemy to spice things up, even though it's a medieval fantasy game.
I thought I'm the only one who was bothered by this. I at least expected mermaids or something. Such a disappointment of a game.

Horizon has distant points of objects in other areas, what you posted is a tiny part of the map.
If you want over to the BotW mountain volcano, turned around so every other part of the map was behind you, and took a screenshot, that would be the equivalent.

>medieval fantasy game
Medieval fantasy low-magic setting. If magic is supposed to be a rare thing, there obviously can't be mystic reindeer and fire demons everywhere.

Because what you see in the Zelda or Xenoblade picture isn't much cooler than that Ubisoft tower, right?

It's a good picture, just not very idiot-proof.

Post a better Horizon picture then.

No one is saying anything about magic.

The only magic in the witcher world are the sorceresses/mages and a few of the post conjuction monsters which might not even be magic anyways but evolutionary traits.

The monsters in the Witcher world are trans-dimensional beings.

The post hes replying to is talking about magic.

I can only say, that the bottom one (Xenoblade) isn't an open-world game in the sense how people imagine
it is actually divided in different areas, who are open world
the game is only perfect, in making the Illusion, that it is open world

and I guess they still used some kind of procedural software in Brreath of the Wild.

tell me something new

>Xenoblade isn't open world
I agree. Witcher 3 isn't really open world either, though. Only Velen is really huge (Skellige is 80% empty sea and empty mountains). They're both multi-region. So it's still fair.

literally everything in that picture is handcrafted thought, even if the protagonist face was scanned

>The only magic in the witcher world are the sorceresses/mages and a few of the post conjuction monsters
Which is what I meant by "low magic". It's more or less our medieval world with a few supernatural things, not a supernatural world which just happens to resemble our medieval world in some ways.

>Witcher 3 fields
>handcrafted or any actual concept

do you even 3d model?

TW3 is the GOAT. Go back to your kid's game.

wtf I hate the witcher now?

Even The Witcher devs praised BOTW. Eat shit cuck.

And? They can't enjoy a kids game too?

W3 is clearly the better game. Only an autist would argue differently

You mean like fucking sirens, drowners and harpies!?!?! That were fucking everywhere?

God damn, you guys really didn't play the fucking game did you?

Actually BOTW is clearly the better game. Only autistic gay paedophiles would argue differently.

is there a gta clone where all of the houses have procedurally generated interiors yet? what's the point of a criminal simulator if you can't do home invasions?

Introversion was trying that with their initial try for Subversion, and ended up with toilets in stairwells "because there was enough space". Not saying it can't be done, but that it'll be a while before there are easy but sensible rules which games can use.

>tfw minecraft's world generation algorithm was changed in favor of "most boring worlds ever" setting
>no more crazy mountain and cave systems
Minecraft used to be interesting, then Notch just had to ruin it

>just now

Yes, exactly, those are everywhere, not specific sea creatures. You don't have to cast off to sea to see those and they won't make traversing the sea any more exciting.

Use the few brain cells you actually have..

Do you even have an argument?
